If a lord failed to win a battle, his castle and territory would be burned to the ground.

If the Riverlands had an incompetent and mediocre monarch, we would all be at the mercy of the Lannisters!

Over the past thousands of years, how many families in Westeros have disappeared in the long river of history, just because of a cowardly and incompetent prince..."

"Edmure is not a coward!"

Lady Catelyn couldn't help but feel aggrieved for her brother, "He just lacks combat experience! He is too young!"

"Madam, I didn't mean to offend you!"

Lord Janos Bracken bowed slightly, then twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a contemptuous tone:

"Young? Is Master Domilek young?

If it had been Lord Domeric who led us to fight against the 'Kingslayer' Lannister army, we wouldn't have suffered a series of disastrous defeats!

Then what happens next will not happen!

Madam, do you know?

Gregor Clegane the Mountain burned my fields and slaughtered my people. My wife and daughter were also killed after being insulted in the attack.

Shili City is now only a charred ruin..."

Speaking of the painful experience, Lord Janos Bracken spoke hoarsely and said with a ferocious face:

"All this is because of a cowardly and incompetent prince!"

This cry, filled with incomparable determination, resounded throughout the halls of Riverrun.

All the nobles were silent!

Count Tytos's face was even more ashen.

Half of the riverlands were ignited by the flames of the Lannister war. Houses and castles were burned to ruins, fields were trampled and burned, and only the charred remains of the houses were left. Burnt or slaughtered livestock carcasses were scattered everywhere. Covered with crows vying for carrion... the corpses of old people, children, and women can be seen everywhere.

Lady Catelyn felt that what he said was so chilling that she was a little frightened, and she almost fell off her seat for a moment.

"Ma'am, be careful."

A long and strong hand hugged her waist and helped her back to her seat.

Lady Catelyn couldn't help but look back at her son-in-law.


He is really young.

Lord Tywin Lannister became Hand of the King and Hand of the King at the age of 20.

And Domeric Bolton in front of him did this!

He is more majestic than his father, Count Luce!

Even better than Ned.

Lady Catelyn inadvertently recalled the scene of him and her daughter Sansa, with an abnormal blush on her face.

What the hell happened to her!

Why compare your daughter’s fiancé to your own husband?

Lady Catelyn shook her head and sighed quietly, but she had to admit that Lord Janos Bracken was right.

If his brother Edmure had half the talent of his son-in-law Domeric, the situation in the Riverlands wouldn't be so tragic.

"Lord Janos Bracken, please watch your words!"

Domeric exuded the power of a superior, and his slightly deep voice sounded:

"Sir Edmure is not a coward, and whether a lord is worthy of allegiance is not judged solely by military ability. As a noble, we use war to practice and understand the meaning of our lives, and defend with iron and blood Beautiful things, instead of using the suffering of women and children to condemn your own prince!"

"Sorry, my lord!" Lord Janos Bracken could only bow and retreat.

However, the ending did not get any better.

To Lady Catelyn's surprise and dismay:

The words of Lord Janos Bracken of Stonehedge seemed to have caused everyone to think deeply. Most of the nobles in the Riverlands sided with their uncle "Blackfish" Brynden. Even the North, The nobles of the valley also felt that a reliable ally was more worthy of support.

The heir to Riverrun has changed from his younger brother to his uncle.

Lady Catelyn didn't know whether she was happy or worried for a moment.

Her son-in-law, Domeric Bolton, the highest-ranking Hand of the King present, scolded Lord Janos Bracken for his rudeness, but seemed to agree with him:

"My lords!"

Domeric then shouted loudly, his voice echoing through the room.

"It is true that Ser Edmure is a good lord, but the crisis in the Riverlands has never disappeared, and the sword of Lannister's crisis still hangs above our heads.

There's no guarantee that Tywin will make a comeback.

To resist the Lannisters in the West, we need a great lord like Lord Brynden who can command the military and coordinate the resources of the Riverlands! "

Domeric took out the parchment that had already been stamped with the king's seal and Joffrey's signature.

The content above was originally blank, but now it has been filled with dense text.

Just last night, Domeric was getting ready to sleep.

"Blackfish" Brynden Tully suddenly visited, and the two had an in-depth conversation about the situation in the Seven Kingdoms.

Then a political deal was struck.

"Blackfish" Brynden Tully expressed his willingness to lead Riverrun and the nobles of the Riverlands, and absolute compliance with the new regime in King's Landing!

In exchange for the support of Domeric, and the King's Landing regime he represents, for Brynden's succession as Duke of Riverrun!

Domeric couldn't tell whether this "Black Fish" came to power at this time, out of public interest in protecting Riverrun, or whether he was taking advantage of the situation?

But it happens to be in his interest.

The two hit it off immediately and each got what they wanted!

Of course, the transactions behind these cannot be explained openly.

Domeric came right out and made a fuss about Joffrey:

"As early as when we were in King's Landing, we received the news that Ser Edmure Tully was defeated and captured. His Majesty Joffrey was extremely anxious, but the Riverlands could not be left without an owner for a day, so before the expedition, His Majesty gave me a According to the will..."

After saying that, Domeric walked to "Blackfish" Brynden, took out the parchment, and announced loudly:

"In the name of Joffrey I of House Baratheon, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, and Warden of the Realm, I, Domeric Bolton of House Bolton , as the Hand of his King, hereby declares:

Brynden Tully, the younger brother of Lord Hoster Tully, is officially appointed to succeed him as Duke of Riverrun and Governor of the Trident! "

Lord Janos Bracken of Stonehedge was the first to stand up.

"Long live the Lord of Riverrun!"

He declared loudly, then drew his sword and knelt on the ground.

At this time, other nobles from the Riverlands also stood up one after another, drew their swords, and knelt down.

Lady Catelyn was momentarily confused.

Uncle Brynden really became the Duke of Riverrun!

But should she object now?

Countless nobles from the Riverlands chanted the name of the new Duke of Riverrun, paid tribute to "Blackfish" Brynden Tully, and swore loyalty...

Other nobles from the north and the valley also shouted and cheered, and their voices resounded in the hall that originally belonged to her father.

"Long live the Lord of Riverrun!"

"Long live the Lord of Riverrun!"

"Long live the Lord of Riverrun!"





Lannister trumpets sounded.

Jaime "Kingslayer" Lannister galloped past, surrounded by hundreds of knights, the sun shining on the tips of his spears, and the red and gold banner of House Lannister flying overhead.

As James led his army back to Golden Teeth City.

It was announced that the last rearguard force of the Lannister army had returned to the West...

Golden Tooth City is a fortress in the Western Region.

It guards a highway from the Riverlands through the mountains to the Westerlands.

Normally, if you want to attack the Western Region, you must first capture Golden Teeth City.

It is worth mentioning that the gold mines produced in the Golden Teeth City helped the Lannister family establish their status as the richest family in Westeros.

half year ago.

Jaime Lannister led his army to defeat the armies of the Riverlands nobles in the "Battle of the Golden Tooth".

The "War of Five Kings" begins...

Now, after going full circle, he is back here again.


Golden Tooth City.

In the spacious and airy castle hall, the only sound was the crackling of firewood in the stove.

There were only a few people in the entire hall.

Tywin, Jaime, and Stave, Davon and their sons.

Lord Tywin was sitting on the large oak table, drinking from a jeweled cup.

"Father, I never understand why we run away?" James asked.

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