Duke Tywin drank the wine in one gulp, his face expressionless: "That was not an escape, it was a strategic retreat."

"Is there any difference?" James grinned.

Tywin looked at his son with his light green and gold eyes, and finally sighed: "Yes, if we continue to fight, we may not lose.

I originally thought that the Hand of the King was just a brat, and he only relied on a secret weapon to blow up the walls of Harrenhal.

And the coalition forces under his command are nothing more than a patchwork of ragtag groups.

Yes, I originally hoped that they would collapse in front of the Lannister Iron Legion...

But, Jaime, you are also present at the decisive battle at the 'Stack of the Knees'. What do you think of Domeric Bolton's command? "

"Proper command, clear hierarchy, orderly, bringing out the advantages of the three armies of the Northern Territory, Valley, and Riverlands..."

There was a clear light like a sword hidden in James's eyes.

With the arrogant character of the "regicide", belittling his opponent would be an insult to him.

"Yes," Duke Tywin said with lowered eyes, "Looking at the opponent's formation, I know we can't win. Even if we continue to fight, even if we don't lose, we will still suffer heavy losses!"

"So we lost."

"Yes, we were defeated, but we almost escaped completely!"

Lord Tywin admitted, "Considering that kid Bolton's age, his use of troops was more terrifying than expected!"

"My lords, now is not the time to lament how powerful your opponent is."

Ser Davon Lannister said straightforwardly: "The most urgent matter now is, what should we do next?"

"How else can we go? We have already experienced two major defeats. Countless soldiers were either killed, captured or escaped...

Now that the Hand of the King can even march into the Golden Teeth City with great arrogance, who can stop them? "

His father, Stafford Lannister, said helplessly.

At this time.

Lord Tywin Lannister stood up abruptly, his tone filled with self-reproach: "If I had not been defeated at Harrenhal, maybe the outcome would not be like this!"

The Battle of Harrenhal was simply like a turning point in this war!

Since James led his army eastward along the River Road, he defeated 4000 river troops stationed at the mouth of the valley in one fell swoop. Earl Vance of Rest City died in battle, and Earl Piper of Pink City escaped back to Riverrun.

The Lannisters are off to a perfect start!

Then there was the famous "Battle of Riverrun" in the continent, which almost wiped out tens of thousands of river troops in one fell swoop, and captured a large number of river nobles and the heir to Riverrun, Edmure Tully.

Then Robb Stark, the "Young Wolf Lord" in the north, failed to attack at night and fell into the trap of the Lannister. He lost his troops and even himself was captured.

Finally, when Tywin went north to the Green Fork River, he defeated 14000 northern infantry under the command of Roose Bolton along the Green Fork River.

At this point, he almost thought that he had won the favor of the gods!

Unexpectedly, in the "Battle of Harrenhal", the balance of victory completely tipped towards the opponent.

Tywin clenched his hands into fists and said unwillingly:

"At first, I thought Stannis, the Baratheon, was more dangerous than all the others combined.

But not before meeting him.

Just a brat from the Bolton family has caused us to lose our troops and our vitality..."

Chapter 225 New allies, a little more chaotic

"Father, don't worry, at least Rhaegar Targaryen has not returned from the dead."

James sipped his wine and smiled calmly.

"James, I hope you can provide some useful advice. This joke is not funny at all."

Duke Tywin said grimly, "Right now, Domeric Bolton has the support of the nobles from the North, the Vale, and the Riverlands, and his total military strength has exceeded ours.

But we don’t need to worry too much!

Because the king Bolton kid serves is my good grandson Joffrey Baratheon.

Although he controls King's Landing, Stannis Baratheon, who is on Dragonstone in the east, and Renly Baratheon, who has the support of Highgarden and Storm's End in the south, is also ready to go... …”

"Father, I have to remind you that Domeric Bolton has never been loyal to Little Joe, he just used the child as a puppet!" James said with a sullen face.

"I know there is no puppet as good as my grandson in the world!

Do you think the Lu brothers will give up the throne easily?

What would they think of the Hand of the King who supported His Majesty Joffrey? "

"Brothers Stannis and Renly have good relations with Duke Eddard and the North. They are not enemies with Domeric Bolton..." James thought for a moment.

“We may not have been enemies before, but we will be now.

Believe me, in Game of Thrones, enemies and friends are constantly transforming each other.

That brat Bolton will not succumb to those two people! "


"But we can't sit still and wait for death. The Western Region needs new allies!"

Tywin said every word.

"New allies?"

Jaime was a little confused. Ever since he was accused of "killing King Robert and Lord Eddard", Lannister's reputation had long been ruined. Apart from the Iron Islands, which had an equally bad reputation, he really couldn't think of anyone else. Which force will ally with them?

"Two months ago, I sent Ser Adam Malbrandt to the Iron Islands, but the news has not been returned yet. We cannot place all our hopes on the Iron Islands. We must also unite new allies, such as Dorne... …”


This was the last thing Jaime Lannister expected.

He raised his glass and said while drinking, "Are you sure Dorne will ally with us?"

So far, among the Seven Kingdoms, Dorne has not been involved in the war. Although Prince Doran Martell has summoned his nobles, that is all.

However, what happened to Princess Elia back then made his hatred of the Lannister family known to everyone.

Most people expected him to join Renly Baratheon.

Is his father planning to persuade him to give up this idea?

The only puzzling thing is what my father gave in exchange for Dorne's covenant.

Prince Doran and his brother Prince Oberon are emotional people, and they are still mourning for their sister Elia and her children...

"Those who are in politics will never let their personal feelings affect their politics...and Dorne will not turn to Renly, because Dorne and the Reach have been feuding for thousands of years..."

"Indeed," James admitted, "but is this reason enough for a proud and arrogant person to forget the tragedy of his sister's tragic death?"

"Why forget?"

Duke Tywin's expression remained cold: "I have made a promise to hand over the murderer of his sister, Princess Elia, to live or die, as he pleases."

In the Seven Kingdoms, everyone knows that the person who killed Princess Elia and her son was "The Mountain" Gregor Clegane.

It was widely rumored that he first killed the infant prince, leaving his hands covered with the child's blood and brains, and then raped and killed Princess Ilia.

"Are you going to use Ser Gregor's head in exchange for Dorne's forgiveness?" Jaime asked.

Sir Davon, who had been silent for a long time, finally found an opening in the conversation between father and son. He said in a deep voice:

"Ser Gregor of the Mountain was seriously injured in the decisive battle at the Bent Knee Pillar. An iron arrow hit his neck and penetrated through the other side of the gorget. He was still breathing, but he could not move. , not far from death.”

After speaking, Sir Davon sighed, "What a tenacious vitality!"

Duke Tywin said in a cold tone: "So, he is already dying, and it is quite cost-effective to exchange this mad dog's head for 5 Dornish soldiers."

"But what if Prince Doran not only demands that the murderer be brought to justice, but also the Lannister family?"

Tywin shook his head, "The leader of the rebellion is Robert Baratheon. In the final analysis, all wars started because of him.

At that time, Prince Oberon of the 'Red Viper' even prepared to raise troops to support Prince Viserys, the second son of the 'Mad King', to overthrow the Baratheon dynasty.

Speaking of which, your sister Cersei did Robert a favor by killing him...

But it's not enough to appease their self-esteem by paying with the blood of Sir Gregor the Mountain!

We also need a token of sincerity, a token to ensure that it is not betrayed, such as a marriage——"

Tywin's voice was much louder, and he stared at his son with light green and gold eyes:

"Jaime, are you willing to marry Princess Arianne Martell, the daughter of Prince Doran of Dorne?"

"I heard that Princess Arianne behaves in a dissolute manner, likes to manipulate others with her body, and has many male pets..."

Sir Davon said bluntly.

His father, Stafford Lannister, gave him a hard look.

Jaime was silent, when he and Cersei were little.

The Princess of Dorne, now the mother of Prince Doran and Prince Oberyn, was close friends with his mother, Joanna Lannister.

In order to achieve a marriage alliance with the Lannister family, the Princess of Dorne arranged for Elia and Oberyn to visit Casterly Rock, hoping to marry Cersei and Jaime.

Unfortunately, on their way to Casterly Rock, their mother Joanna died in childbirth giving birth to Tyrion.

After the wife who supported the marriage passed away, Duke Tywin rejected the proposal of a marriage between the Princesses of Dorne and expressed his intention to marry Cersei to Prince Rhaegar. He also suggested that Tyrion should marry Elia instead of Jaime...

This proposal was regarded as an insult by the Dornish princess, and the two families became at odds from then on.

Now, the situation in the West has deteriorated, and his father, Duke Tywin, has set his sights on Dorne again...

James slowly sipped the wine that was as red as blood in the glass.

When he finished the wine, he put the glass aside thoughtfully.

"I have a choice!"

This sentence is not a rhetorical question, but a statement.

Lord Tywin nodded slightly.


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