The knights, armed with shields and wooden swords, swarmed forward and continuously attacked the huge and burly body of the "Hound Dog".

"Hound" Sandor roared wildly, swinging the huge wooden sword into a circle, "Get out of here!"

Each wooden sword was chopped off...

A knight thought that the "Hound Dog" was exhausted, so he rushed up with his sword, trying to sneak attack on his back.

Without waiting for the knight to swing his wooden sword.

"Hound Dog" turned around, laughed wildly and kicked him away, causing a mouthful of broken teeth mixed with blood to fall to the ground.

In the eyes of everyone horrified.

The "Hound's" steel fist hit the other knight's oaken shield hard, causing sawdust to fly.

"Hound Dog" laughed wildly, looking like a madman.

He screamed and rushed into the group of knights, and suddenly there was another wave of wailing...

Domeric enjoyed Wilfield's service while watching the battle on the battlefield.

During his childhood, Sandor "The Hound" Clegane lived in the shadow of his brother Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane. When he was six or seven years old, Sandor was pushed into a brazier by his brother, causing injuries to his face. Left with incurable burns…

On the day Gregor "The Mountain" inherited the family, Sandor decisively left the Clegane family and became loyal to his master, the Lannister family...

After becoming loyal to Lannister, "Hound" Sandor has been serving as Joffrey Baratheon's bodyguard. Later, he took the blame for Joffrey in Daemon City and was hunted down by King Robert.

Domeric took advantage of the rainy night to catch him before Barristan, who was in charge of the pursuit, and has been secretly imprisoned ever since.

That was until Gregor the Mountain sacked the Riverlands, and Domeric released him to deal with his brother.

Although "The Hound" Sandor was ultimately defeated by the "Magic Mountain" and was seriously injured, he still delayed the progress of the "Magic Mountain" in plundering the Riverlands, and he could be regarded as completing the task entrusted to him by Domiley...

On the competition ground, the battle is coming to an end.

Sandor "The Hound" stands proudly against the crowd, and there is no single enemy on the field.

And Domeric's side has also come to an end.

Wilfield went from exhaling slightly to gasping heavily.

In the end, he made a whimpering sound of "woo woo woo"...

"Is it that exaggerated?" Domeric said with a teasing tone.

"If I had a dick, I would definitely let you try that itchy and numb feeling..."

Wilfield said angrily.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault. I'll be gentler to you next time. By the way, the competition on the field is over. You can distribute the bounty to the 'Hound Dog' for me..."

Wilfield, who was just about to take a break, was helpless.

It seems that being Domeric's lover is not an easy task.

It’s really “she has to do everything she needs to do, and she has to do everything she has to do”!

Domeric patted her butt: "Go!"

"As you command, my lord." Wilfield looked resentful.


"Ser Sandor Clegane, here are the wreaths and bounty you won from this tourney."

Wilfield walked onto the fighting field with a graceful figure.

All the knights know that she is the eldest granddaughter of the Manderly family of White Harbor, and they also know that she has a close relationship with Lord Domeric, the "Hand of the King".

The knights stepped forward to salute.

Sandor "The Hound" is no exception.

It's just that he took the bounty and threw the flower crown symbolizing the "championship" on the ground.

"This person is really rude!" Wilfield couldn't help but click her tongue.

Wilfield was well educated in aristocratic etiquette.

Let her maintain a polite and aristocratic posture even when she feels offended.

She came to distribute the bounty on behalf of Domeric, so naturally she couldn't help but encourage "Hound Dog" Sandor.

Wilfield cleared her throat and announced loudly: "Sir Sandor, the Prime Minister asked me to announce your victory. Your bravery and heroism are really shocking. You are a model for all knights..."

"Little sister, stop flattering me..."

Wilfield's words were rudely interrupted, and "The Hound" Sandor laughed contemptuously:

"Don't open your mouth, sir, and shut up, sir. I'm not a knight, and I look down on them and their bullshit oaths. The people in the arena are all knights, and you've seen how useless they are!"

As he spoke, Sandor the Hound spat at her feet to show his disdain.

Being called a little sister, Wilfield was immediately furious. She was not small at all, especially a certain part.

Wilfield seemed to remember.

Although the "hunting dog" in front of me is qualified to be knighted, he has always refused to become a knight. What a weirdo!

"Sandor, my lord, why don't you want to be a knight?"

"Because I would rather be a dog than a knight. A hunting dog will die for people, but it will never lie to people, and it will definitely look at people from the beginning to the end. And what is the use of those knights? Wearing golden armor all day long, bent on winning the favor of the lady ?

I tell you, the only use of a knight is to be killed by me.

I started killing people when I was 12 years old, and I have killed countless people under my sword.

No matter the wealthy family with a long history, the fat knight in velvet, the arrogant noble knight..."

Wilfield couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Who the hell is this!

Chapter 242 Advantages of time travellers, gifts from the gods

Allied forces camp.

Half of the trench surrounding the camp has been dug.

The forest was full of peasants and laborers, who were cutting branches from the birch trees and cutting them into sharp stakes, traps, and sentinels.

The horses were lined up, the grooms leading the horses slept under the animals, and goats, sheep and dogs roamed freely among them.

Countless tents, like mushrooms that grow after the rain, are neatly arranged in rows and in good order.

Smoke rises from countless cooking fires...

The thick canvas lord's tent was carpeted.

Wilfield lit an incense stick to add fragrance to the dusty air.

"More?" Domeric asked.

"I have no objection, sir, this is truly the best of red wines! The golden wine of Qingting Island."

"Hound" Sandor's hoarse voice sounded.

He had a big, aquiline nose, and his hair was dark and slender. He deliberately grew his hair long and combed it to one side. There was no hair on that half of his face because of the burns.

Domeric smiled and refilled his glass.

"Hound Dog" drank it all in one gulp, "Sir, are you just here to drink with me?"

"Lord Sandor, I have good news to tell you."

"My lord, please speak." Sandor took another sip, put down the wine glass, and the wine spilled on the front of the black brocade coat.

"Your brother 'The Mountain' Gregor Clegane was seriously injured on the battlefield at the Bent Knee Pillar, and then died in the Golden Tooth City. It is said that his head was sent to Dorne by Lord Tywin..."

Domeric tilted his head slightly, his eyes flickering, as if he was observing the "Hound Dog"'s expression.


Sandor was stunned for a few seconds, then put the wine glass to his mouth again, "This is indeed good news."

Sandor's tone was calm, but his trembling hands betrayed his heart.

Domeric did not continue speaking. He was giving the "hound" time to digest the news...

For a moment, the entire tent was extremely silent.

Wilfield sat not far away and looked at this curiously.

Domeric silently played with the wine glass in his hand.


In the plot, in the "Battle of the Blackwater" between Stannis and the "Little Devil" Tyrion.

"The Hound" Sandor fought extremely bravely, but because of his fear of fire, he refused Tyrion's order to return to the burning battlefield and escaped from the battle.

Not long after escaping from King's Landing, Sandor was captured by the anti-Lannister organization "Brotherhood Without Banners" while wandering in the Riverlands.

The "Brotherhood Without Banners" executed a trial on him, and Sandor chose trial by combat and defeated his opponent to escape.

However, he lost most of his belongings and only kept his weapons, armor and a war horse named "Stranger".

Shortly after leaving, Sandor returned to take back his golden dragon, and happened to encounter Arya Stark who was trying to escape from the "Brotherhood Without Banners".

Sandor chose to kidnap her in exchange for ransom.

Sandor's desire for ransom failed when he learned that the Lannisters were surrounding Riverrun and that the Eyrie was out of reach.

He had to take Arya to wander from village to village in the Riverlands, and life was relatively difficult.

When they arrived at the Crossroads Inn, they met two of Gregor's men and their attendants.

Sandor was wounded in the battle.

Although Arya tended to his wound, it soon became infected.

Arya takes out her sewing needle and wants to give him "mercy", but ultimately doesn't do it.

Sandor Clegane, the "Hound", was eventually left to die under a tree by the Trident...


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