The priest of the nearby monastery explained to Brienne the Beauty that he met Sandor who was dying in the woods, and then buried the dead "Hound" there, put his dog-head helmet on the grave, and put Sandor The bad-tempered war horse "Stranger" was brought to the monastery.

However, the priest's words may not be credible, and some people suspect that Sandor himself may have joined the monastery on the Silent Island after being rescued...

This is the life Sandor "The Hound" Clegane was supposed to have.

However, the appearance of Domilik undoubtedly changed what was about to happen.

After a long time, Domeric spoke:

"Lord Sandor, are you willing to serve me?"

"My lord, am I not serving you?" Sandor raised his eyes.

"What I'm saying is, will you become my vassal?"

"You want to make me a knight?"

"No, no, I know you hate knights, so I want to grant you the title of Baron." Domeric waved his hand:

"When I was in King's Landing, I asked you to kill Gregor Clegane the Mountain and the plundering team he led for me. I promised that after that, you would gain freedom, honor, title, and even a life. A small fiefdom.

Although you did not complete the task, I am still willing to fulfill my promise... So, are you willing to become my vassal? "

"Why not? You are a strong man. If you think I am worthy of wearing a sword, I am willing to wield the sword for you!"

"Lord Sandor, I hope you can do more than just wield a sword."

"I will be very happy to do other things, my lord." Sandor Clegane said calmly: "To tell you the truth, my skills in baking apples and boiling beef are as good as others, and I have roasted many ducks on the bonfire. I hope you enjoy the oily roast duck, with its charred skin and bloody bones..."

These words made Domeric smile.

"I would like to try it if I have the chance. By the way, I believe in the Old Gods, but your family believes in the Seven Gods..."

"That's not a problem for me because I never believed in gods!

If there are gods in this world, they only create sheep so that wolves will not starve, and weak people to fool the strong..."

"You're right..."


"Okay, Lord Sandor, now it's time for you to kneel down and swear allegiance to me."

"As you wish."

Sandor knelt down on one knee, placed his sword across Domeric's feet, and recited an oath.

Then Domeric announced loudly:

"In the name of Domeric Bolton of House Bolton, I, Duke of Harrenhal, am Hand of the King and Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms.

Sandor Clegane of the Clegane family is hereby officially granted the title of baron, and will be given fiefs, taxes and real estate..."

"Sir, I would like to ask, where is my fiefdom?"

"I have not decided yet……"


The night is low and the stars and moon are like knives.

Bonfires burned everywhere around the tent, like tiny orange stars scattered across the hills and fields.

Summer is over and now it’s autumn.

It was very cold sitting outside in the evening, but the good thing was that there were no mosquitoes at all.

The surroundings are very quiet, not even the chirping of insects in summer...

The only sound was that of running water from the river not far away.

Domeric held Wilfield's soft and smooth granary in his hand and was staring at the deep night in a daze.

A place of your own, a woman of your own.

It was a dream a long time ago, but now, that little wish is nothing to Domeric.

He can even grant anyone's wish with a raise of his hand.

But Domeric's heart at this moment cannot calm down or relax, and he is still thinking about the crisis that may come at any time...

The lions in the West, the squid monsters in the Iron Islands, the White Walkers north of the Great Wall, Stannis on Dragonstone, Renly at Bitterbridge in the Reach, Daenerys on the other side of the Narrow Sea...

Now there is another Dorne.

Domeric has learned from Varys's intelligence system in King's Landing, the "Little Bird", that Tywin is preparing to marry Jaime Lannister, the "Kingslayer", and Princess Arianne of Dorne.

In the plot, Lannister used Princess Myrcella Baratheon to win over Dorne, but later because of "Red Viper" Oberon's "death seeking", the two families turned against each other again...

This time.

Domeric didn't know what Tywin had promised Dorne, just the head of Gregor Clegane "The Mountain"?

And how will Prince Doran, the ruler of Dorne, respond?

"Domi, what's wrong? I see you are frowning deeply."

Wilfield held his free hand and was trimming his nails.

Domeric sighed quietly, "Nothing."

Wilfield asked in a low voice: "That 'Hound' Sandor Clegane, you just made him a baron, are you planning to reuse him?"

"That's right!"

Wilfield asked again: "The Clegane family is a vassal of Lannister, and this 'Hound' has a really weird personality. He doesn't even want others to call him 'Sir'. Why do you trust him so much?"

Wilfield was obviously upset about being called "little sister" during the day.

Domeric looked into her eyes and said in a leisurely tone:

"You know, this Sandor Clegane who 'doesn't want to be a knight' is the most chivalrous person in Westeros!"

Wilfield muttered quietly: "Why do you say that?"

Domeric recalled the monastery priest's evaluation of Sandor the "Hound Dog" in the plot:

"Sandor 'The Hound' was a suffering and tormented soul, a sinner who mocked the gods as well as men.

He served loyally, but felt no pride in it.

He fought hard, but there was no joy in victory.

He drank like water in an attempt to drown out his feelings.

He has no love and does not love himself. What drives him is hatred.

Although he committed many sins, he never sought forgiveness.

Others dream of love, wealth and glory,

And this man, Sandor Clegane, dreamed of killing his brother. He expected to see his brother's blood stained on his sword. This sad and angry creature lived for this..."

Domeric just finished speaking.

Wilfield couldn't help but laugh and said:

"Domi, why do I feel like you know him very well? With all due respect, are you familiar with him?"

"Not familiar at all." Domeric replied honestly.

However, I have the advantage of being a time traveler!

There are people with names in the Game of Thrones world, and Domeric can mostly know the other person's personality, weaknesses, and the main direction of future experiences.

In less than a year, Domilik has perfectly avoided all minefields and walked an almost perfect path...

And those minefields, such as his brother "Ramus", Duke Eddard, King Robert, "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish, Lysa Tully...

If it weren't for the time traveler's foresight, even if Domeric had escaped Ramsay's poisoning, he would have been tricked to death by Duke Eddard in King's Landing...


Wilfield lay lazily in the man's arms.

She actually really enjoyed having this kind of in-depth chat with Domeric, provided that the other person wouldn't constantly make her do something hesitant and difficult to say.

"Domi, I sometimes wonder, you have achieved such a status at such a young age. How did you do it?"

Domeric smiled and pinched her cheek:

"It's simple, because I have never lost!"

"What do you mean?" Wilfield blinked.

"In the continent of Westeros... war is the fastest way to improve your prestige, status and strength!

You see, more than ten years ago, King Robert could even become king through a war, that is, war.

In all the wars I've fought, I've never lost!

So those who are old enough to be my father and grandfather have to surrender to me..."

Wilfield was thoughtful.

Develop territory from the Lonely Mountain Ridge, establish the 'iron trade', capture slaves on a large scale, then defeat the Karstark family, conquer the mountain clans, take in the refugees, and conquer the wild people outside the Great Wall... to capture King's Landing, travel to the valley, and liberate the Eagle's Nest City The Siege of Harrenhal, the Battle of Harrenhal, the Bent Knee Pillar, and the rescue of Riverrun...

Like this man said, he never loses!

this moment.

A special feeling suddenly arose in Wilfield's heart, and she seemed to admire and believe in Domeric...

Sure enough, women are all strong-willed!

Wilfield hugged Domeric's neck and exhaled softly: "I don't know why, just being with you and talking to you makes me feel very comfortable."

"Me too." Domeric smiled.

"Then are you going to conquer the Western Region next?"

Domeric thought for a moment, shook his head and said:

"Conquering the West is not easy, but it is not difficult to make Tywin surrender. From the 'War of the Usurpers', we can see the style of this Lion of the West... Duke Tywin is confident now because we did not hurt him. As long as we capture the gold mines in Golden Teeth City..."


Golden Tooth City.

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