The most important fortress in the Western Region.

It guards a highway from the Riverlands through the mountains to the Western Territory. It is the bridgehead of the Western Territory against all foreign enemies.

on the city head.

Tywin Lannister still wears the iconic golden armor and the extremely thick golden and red cloak, which is almost dragging to the ground.

He held his head high, pressed his sword with his left hand, raised his head and took a deep breath in the wind.

There seemed to be a smell of war in the wind.

Nothing can be seen or heard yet.

The atmosphere is already very tense!

"Domeric Bolton's army is already halfway there, less than two hundred miles away from Golden Teeth City."

Jaime Lannister behind him said softly.

After a long time, Duke Tywin turned around and said:

"Did you let Edmure Tully go?"

"Yes, Father. I have sent someone to send him out of the Golden Teeth City in exchange for Tyrion. By this time, he should have arrived at the Hand of the King's camp..."

Tywin frowned, not too angry because of his son's decision.

He received news that Brynden "Blackfish" Tully had succeeded him as Duke of Riverrun and Governor of the Trident.

Edmure Tully has no use value anymore...

However, he doesn't really want to redeem his second son, the "little devil" Tyrion Lannister.

Tywin thought more than once:

If Tyrion can die in the hands of his enemies, it will be a gift from the gods to the Lannister family...

Chapter 243 White Walker, Poor Edmure

North of the Great Wall of Despair.

The land of eternal winter.

The sky in the distance is an endless black void.

The sky is always a turbid black, like the gloomiest dusk.

The black thing was rolling continuously, but it was not clear whether it was cloud or fog.

There is no day or night here, no time.

The forest was a forest that had lost all vitality tens of thousands of years ago and was covered in ice and snow.

Only the body and thicker branches of the towering trees remain.

There were threads of spider web-like things hanging on the trees, but they couldn't be spider webs.

No spider can survive here.

The ground was covered with thick ice and snow.

The corpses of unknown creatures would occasionally crawl out of the ground, only to be swallowed up by the heavy snow.

The cold wind carried a damp and cold breath, and a stench hit my face every now and then.

This is the land of eternal winter, a paradise for corpses and "other ghosts".

A figure has been walking in the forest for who knows how long.

It was tall and gaunt, with skin as pale as milk and cold blue eyes like blue stars.

It couldn't remember where it came from, it only remembered that a long time ago, someone called him "Brandon".

Brandon has a deep nostalgia for his name, but he doesn't know where this feeling comes from.

It's so familiar, but I can't remember it!

The dim skylight fell on the ground and Brandon's body in patches.

It just wants to get out of this forest, but it doesn't know why it wants to get out.

This is instinct!

Brandon could always feel a trace of strange energy flowing into its body from this dead land.

This energy makes it comfortable and more powerful, but it is too little.

It is like a helpless traveler in the boundless desert, waiting for the drop of water that will fall without knowing when.

There is no time here, and Brandon keeps wandering.

It doesn't know how long it has been wandering, and it doesn't know how long it will continue to wander.

The forest seemed to have no end.

Gradually, Brandon became extremely horny.

It carries a rusty sword and rides on a dead horse.

The dead horse's body was covered with a layer of white frost, like frozen sweat, and its dead black intestines were dragging down from its split belly...

Brandon wandered aimlessly in the ice and snow forest and had forgotten where he found the horse.

It carefully avoided some places, and its intuition told it that there were powerful and evil similar people there.

Brandon is very smart. When faced with the same kind as himself, he will always come up with some ways to defeat them cleverly.

Because they carry an energy that makes Brandon hungry.

"I'm hungry."

Brandon thought...


Domeric was awakened by the sunlight coming in from outside the tent.

He frowned and closed his eyes.

It took three seconds to adapt and realize that today was already the morning of the fourth day of the Western Expedition to Golden Tooth City.

The current location of this army is exactly on the river road between Riverrun City and Golden Teeth City.

Domeric subconsciously wanted to get up, but when he reached out to touch, he came across a soft body.

He was startled for a moment, then looked again.

It turned out that Wilfield was fast asleep next to him and hadn't even woken up yet.

Domeric sighed quietly, feeling that his legs were still shaking slightly, and his lower back was aching...

Wilfield last night was too much!

Fortunately, he was gifted, his physique was surprisingly good, and his recovery speed was fast enough.

Otherwise, I might not be able to get up today.

Domeric was turning over to get up when he felt a warmth pressing against his back, and white jade-like arms wrapped around his neck.

Wilfield opened her eyes and looked at him, "Domi, you bullied me last night!"

Wilfield pouted and said, like a resentful little wife.

"Stop making trouble," Domeric said calmly, "it's time to get up."

Wilfield glanced at Domeric, hugged him and started acting coquettishly, speaking softly.

Domeric also admired this woman a little.

Wilfield's character seems to be able to switch at any time. She can be cute or sweet. Sometimes she pretends to be old, sometimes she pretends to be young. She is difficult to deal with.

"You asked for it yourself," Domeric stroked his forehead helplessly.

"That's me trying to show off," Wilfield let go of her hand with a smile and lay in his arms.

Domeric had no choice but to hold her...


The two of them got tired of each other for a long time.

Domeric then got up, washed, had breakfast, and then inspected the military camp.

The army did not continue marching today, but camped in place.

It wasn't that Domeric couldn't walk anymore.

Instead, they have to wait for siege equipment and a large amount of supplies from behind. After all, a war involves all aspects...

By the time Domeric returned to the tent, Wilfield had already finished washing and was lying on the bedside reading a large book.

Wilfield is a woman who likes reading very much, which is what Domeric particularly likes about her.

Because such a woman will have her own independent thinking and opinions when looking at things...

"Domi, you're back!"

Wilfield brought him a cup of black tea and helped him take off his heavy armor.

"What are you looking at?"

"This is a book that tells the story north of the Wall. It was written by a ranger named Redwine. It tells the story of his journey from the Shadow Tower to Desolate Point on the Frozen Coast. These are the complete records. In the book, you see, he also drew a map...

It mentioned that thousands of years ago, Brandon Stark, the former King of the North... was fighting giants!

They even had trade relations with the Children of the Forest, and the White Walkers... In this book, the 'White Walkers' are described as cold dead things that hate all life. "

Wilfield carefully turned the page with one finger and said in a slightly nervous tone: "Domi, do you know about the White Walkers?"

"White ghosts?"

Domeric tried to answer, but the words were stuck in his throat.

The White Walkers are an intelligent race of humanoids living north of the Great Wall.

They are skilled in swordsmanship and wield ice swords that emit a strange blue light and look like they are made of thin crystal shards.

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