The ice sword is enchanted to shatter anything it touches, including the steel swords used by the Night's Watch.

The White Walkers move so lightly on the snow that there are almost no traces of the path they take, and they move extremely fast.

Their language is unintelligible, and some maesters in the Citadel suspect that the White Walkers may speak an ancient tongue.

The specific origin of the "White Walkers" is unknown. They are mysterious and dangerous. They are regarded by the Night's Watch as an evil force that threatens Westeros. However, it is said that there have been no sighting reports of White Walkers in Castle Black for thousands of years...

According to legend, there is a cold winter that lasts for a generation.

In that long dark age called the Long Night:

The White Walkers first came to earth about 8000 years before Aegon's Conquest.

Eventually, the White Walkers were repulsed by the Night's Watch, and the Great Wall was built to ward off the White Walkers.

Later, a Night Watch Commander "Night King" married a White Walker woman, causing the White Walkers to return.

But when the "Night King" was defeated, the White Walkers disappeared...

South of the Wall, the "White Walkers" gradually became pure mythology used to scare children.

In some stories, White Walkers ride the carcasses of animals, including bears, direwolves, mammoths, and horses.

Some stories even mention "ice spiders" as big as hounds following the White Walkers.

"They follow you like a shadow, lying around day and night. They don't show up when the ancient sun shines, but they are not far away. The shadows are always there. Maybe you can't see them temporarily, but they are always under your feet." Savages once described it this way White Walkers.

The old nurse in Winterfell once said that the wildlings beyond the wall would mate with the White Walkers and breed horrible offspring that were half human and half ghost...


But Domeric wasn't too worried.

Because the "White Walker" is afraid of fire, he has a powerful weapon like "wildfire" in his hand, and the Alchemist Guild in King's Landing is still making these things continuously.

Coupled with dragonglass and Valyrian steel that can restrain the "White Walkers", the White Walkers are nothing to fear.

The only thing I'm a little worried about is the number of them...

"Lord Domeric, Lord Tyrion of the Lannister family wants to see you."

Sandor Clegane's hoarse voice came from outside the tent, interrupting Domeric's musings.

The newly crowned Baron Sandor did his duty conscientiously and consciously acted as Domeric's bodyguard.

Domeric understood that the "little devil" came to say goodbye.

The knights of the Lannister family have brought Edmure Tully to the exchange location not far from the camp.

According to the agreement, Domeric should also send Tyrion there.

"Sir, thank you for your care during this time."

Tyrion Lannister wore brand new clothes, covered with the iconic golden and red cloak of the Lannister family. He bent down his short body, clasped his chest with his right hand, and performed a standard knightly salute.

"Lord Tyrion, we look forward to seeing you again." Domeric said meaningfully.

"Yes, soon."

Tyrion smiled slightly and then left, escorted by a group of knights.

Domeric watched the figure of the "little devil" fade away and murmured to himself:

"I hope this move was not in vain!"


Edmure Tully felt like he was sleepwalking.

He thought that Lannister's men would send him back to Riverrun, but instead they came to this camp.

Edmure had been imprisoned since his defeat at Riverrun.

He originally lived in a comfortable tower, but later his "inmate" - his great nephew Robb Stark - tried to escape, causing him to be implicated in the dungeons of the Golden Tooth City.

Being locked up in a dungeon for a long time, without access to sunlight, and the bumps along the way, made Edmure dizzy.

The maids responsible for taking care of him spoke meaningless words of comfort.

One of them removed the remaining clothing from Edmure.

But it couldn't be described as clothing, it was just rags that smelled disgusting.

Another bathed him, washing away the sticky filth from his head and face.

They scrubbed him with soap and rinsed his hair with warm water.

After Edmure was cleaned, the white-haired and elderly Maester Wayman came to take care of him.

Maester Wayman is a maester of Riverrun who has served his father, Lord Hoster, for most of his life.

Seeing him, Edmure felt like meeting a relative.

Maester Wayman made Edmure lie face down on the mattress, then smeared the red and swollen wounds on his body with ointment, and prepared a dose of poppy milk for Edmure, with a little honey added to make it easier to swallow.

"Get some sleep, kid. When you wake up, you'll find it was all just a nightmare."

Edmure originally wanted to ask his father about Lord Hoster's situation and the situation at Riverrun...

And what does the Riverlands look like now?

But he was too tired and ached all over.

Edmure finally drank the poppy milk and fell asleep.

In his sleep, Edmure dreamed of the scene when he was defeated by the "Kingslayer" under Riverrun.

Fragments of the battle flashed in his mind piecemeal.

Flags of various colors flying in the air, steel walls made of swords, guns, swords and halberds, cracked oak shields, rows of spears, and huge axes splitting heads...

He smelled blood, feces, and charred flesh, and the air was filled with acrid smoke.

The soldiers were groaning and whimpering all around, often screaming in pain.

Edmure seemed to see those dull eyes again, the outstretched hand, and the blood stains reflected on the armor...

Fear coursed through his body like an icy torrent.

Edmure couldn't help but wet the bed.

I'm scared?

You must not let your father know.

He is the heir to the mighty City of Riverrun.

But the pain was so severe that he was so weak that he didn't have the strength to moan. He could only close his eyes and lie in the filth he excreted and wait.

When Edmure woke up again, it was already dark.

There are clothes for him beside the bed.

The trout coat of arms of House Tully was sewn on the velvet tunic, and he also had breeches, boots, a well-made sword belt, and a new blue cloak.

Not long after, a pretty maid came in carrying a tray filled with cheese, bread, olives, and a jug of wine.

"My lord, please use it."

This maid is called Linda, and she is Edmure's personal maid in Riverrun.

"Linda, what happened, where are the others?"

Linda glanced at Edmure blankly, hesitated to speak, and finally exited the tent.

Edmure suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He had escaped from the Lannister and met Maester Wayman, so why did no nobles from the Riverlands come to see him...


Edmure was lost in thought.

He had just finished eating the bread and cheese when someone opened the tent.

Edmure turned around nervously, wiping the food remnants from his hands until he could see the person clearly.


Edmure was reassured.

Although something unpredictable happened, his uncle could still come here to see him, which meant that things were not that bad!

"I didn't disturb your rest, did I?"

Brynden reached out his hand to support Edmure and let him stand up.

"No, what happened during this time?"

Edmure asked, "Is my father okay now? I remember that when I went out to fight in the city, he was already very ill..."

"Your father,"

"Blackfish" Brynden looked into his nephew's eyes quietly and felt a little apologetic:

"I will tell you something after you have regained your strength..."

Chapter 244 War meeting, bathing

Golden Tooth City.

The winding ancient riverbed in the valley looks like the traces of a giant python crawling.

There are also many mountains here, and the view is very limited.

But compared to the steep peaks of the "Mingyue Mountains" and "Giant's Spear" in the valley.

The nearby mountains are relatively gentle and low, and there are many farmlands for growing crops on the vast slopes.

The army led by "Kingslayer" Jaime Lannister defeated the armies of the princes of the Riverlands in the valley outside Golden Teeth City.

This battle kicked off the War of the Five Kings.


A camp was set up on a low hill in the valley about twenty miles away from Golden Tooth City.

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