Are these people reliable?

Can you complete your plan?

May the sons of bitches bless you!


It is night that attacks the enemy camp.

In order to boost morale, Tyrion ordered the slaughter of a wounded war horse to reward his guards.

Bronn, the new captain of the guard, cut open the horse's belly with a skinning knife, and heat immediately came out of the horse's carcass.

He uses both hands and operates skillfully, without wasting a single blade.

"I can finally eat meat again today."

Bronn cut off a thin slice of bloody meat from the horse's carcass, held it up in the air to look at it carefully, and said, "My lord, would you like a bite first?"

"No," Tyrion told him, "I have no interest in horsemeat, especially not my own horse."

"It's all meat anyway," Bronn shrugged. "Compared to beef and pork, the Dothraki love horse meat more."

"Do you think I look like a Dothraki?" Tyrion didn't bother to pay attention to him.

It is absolutely true that the Dothraki eat horse meat.

They also left the deformed children to fend for themselves, leaving them to be eaten by the wild dogs following KaLS.

But this kind of custom really doesn't appeal to him very much.

"This mare was a 23rd name day gift from my brother Jaime." Tyrion sighed quietly.

"Then if you can say thank you to us next time you see him..."

The bartender smiled, showing his yellow teeth, and then swallowed a piece of raw horse meat in two mouthfuls.

"This horse meat is pretty good," the groom continued.

“It’s even better when fried with onions,” the chef suggested.

Tyrion said nothing, silently praying that these bastards would be of some use...

Soon, pale mist floated over from the night, like long white fingers on the river.

People and horses stumbled around in the cold night, and a group of people were busy fastening their saddles and checking their weapons and equipment...

When Tyrion found his squire Podrick, the child was snoring softly.

Tyrion raised his leg and kicked him hard.

"Hurry and bring me the new horse that Lord Lefford has prepared for me," he said, "and move quickly."

"Where are my clothes?" Tyrion then shouted to Elaya.

"Just that one, no, it's that leather jacket, damn, yes, bring me my boots as well."

By the time he got dressed, Alayaya had already taken his armor.

This armor is really inconspicuous.

Tyrion originally had a good set of heavy armor, specially crafted to fit his deformed body, but it was a pity that it was now kept in Casterly Rock, thousands of miles away from him.

He had no choice but to make do with Earl Lefford's baggage vehicles:

The mail and hood, the gorget of a fallen knight, disc knee pads, iron gloves and pointed steel boots were all in ordinary styles, all of which were out of shape and quite ill-fitting.

To deal with Tyrion's disproportionately large head.

Earl Lefford "thoughtfully" found a large bucket-shaped helmet with a foot-long triangular spike on the top.

Alayaya buckled the straps for him gently.

"If I die, remember to cry for me," Tyrion told the prostitute.

"You are dead, how do you know?" Alayaya couldn't help but want to laugh, but felt that such a solemn occasion was obviously not suitable.

"I just know." Tyrion said stubbornly.

"I believe you will return safely, my giant." Alayaya put on the giant helmet for him and connected it to the gorget.

Tyrion buckled his belt and hung up his dagger and dagger, which were heavy.

At this time Podrick brought his new mount, which was a strong brown horse with armor as thick as himself.

It seems that although this Earl Lefford is mean-spirited, he is quite reliable in his work.

Tyrion was able to mount the horse with the help of Elaya, and Pod handed over his large ironwood and steel-edged shield, and then a battle axe.

Ailayaya took a step back and looked him up and down.

"My lord, you look mighty."

"Maybe you're thinking, I look like a dwarf in funny armor."

Tyrion said sourly, "But I thank you for your kindness."

He turned his head and ordered to his attendant: "Podrick, you must protect her for me during my absence!"

"As you command, my lord." The boy nodded.

Bronn, captain of the guard, came running out of the fog, fully armed and mounted on a horse, wearing a battered half-helmet.

"Sir, it's time to set off."

Tyrion's 30-man guard jumped onto the breathless war horse, and the remaining 500 or so people served as infantry, sparsely following behind.

The sky is deep and dotted with a few stars.

Tyrion wonders if this will be the last time he sees the stars...

I wonder if thinking about this kind of thing is a sign of cowardice?

Brother James, does he think about death every time before he goes into battle?

Chapter 259 Ambush!The undefended Golden Teeth City

The cold moonlight casts down, making one's soul shudder.

The team of "Little Devil" Tyrion Lannister was at the front.

A ragtag group of people cheered, some cursed and taunted each other in a low voice, many of them were obviously drunk...

Less than three miles behind, there was a large group of troops from the Western Region.

Five hundred heavy cavalry surrounded Duke Tywin, and the lords of the West who were loyal to Lannister each led their own soldiers, spearmen lined up in columns, and behind them were infantry armed with shields, swords and axes...

Less than five miles away from the enemy camp.

Tyrion summons a Lannister knight whom Lord Tywin has given him as his deputy to make up for his lack of experience in leading an army for the first time.

"Later, you will lead the reserve team of more than 500 people to launch an attack on the enemy camp..."

"My lord, then you..."

"You just carry out the military orders! Lord Tywin gave me another important task..."

"As you command." The knight accepted the order and left without doubting his presence.

What a fool!

Tyrion scratched his head and thought to himself: If he hadn't been so stupid, he wouldn't have been sent by Lord Tywin to accompany him to death!

Taking advantage of the darkness, a group of more than 500 people shouted and rushed towards the enemy camp.


Duke Tywin in the rear was riding on his horse, watching the movements of the enemy camp.

He never thought of using a simple night attack to defeat the three realms coalition forces.

The chance of such success is really slim. Putting aside the undefeated "Hand of the King", "Blackfish" Brynden and "Bronze Yohn" are not ordinary people. They are extremely shrewd in war. .

So Lord Tywin chose another way.

Let Tyrion lead a reserve team of more than 500 people to launch a suicide attack from the front to attract the enemy's attention.

And he himself led the large Lannister troops to the rear of the enemy camp and took advantage of the chaos to launch a surprise attack...

In the dead of night, a fire was already burning at the other end of the coalition camp.

Apparently, Tyrion had launched the raid as agreed.

The gate of the camp in front of them was dark, and even the soldiers guarding it were attracted by Tyrion's suicide attack.

Tywin sneered and slowly raised the golden sword in his hand.

A group of cavalry galloped forward and dragged the Juma away from the camp gate.

The camp gate also slowly opened in the dark with a dull sound.

"Lannister lions, kill!"

Duke Tywin shouted loudly and took the lead in riding his horse towards the camp, making the journey smooth.


It was different from what he expected!


It was so quiet!

If I hadn't seen someone walking around the camp not long ago, I would have almost thought it was an empty camp.

"Lord Tywin, we are ambushed! Hurry..."

One of the lords obviously realized that something was wrong and didn't have time to say anything else.

A crossbow arrow shot through the air and pierced his chest, and the bright red blood instantly soaked a large piece of armor.

How is this going?

Lord Tywin Lannister was suddenly in chaos!

Under the cover of night, groups of heavily armed coalition soldiers rushed out of the tents in advance.

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