In the dark night, there were sounds of roaring mountains and tsunami in all directions, and it was impossible to see how many people and horses were coming...

The war finally tore open the bloody curtain.


Under the Golden Teeth City.


The sound of shouts came from the castle tower.

Just when Duke Tywin led a large group of troops and fought fiercely with the Three Realms Allied Forces.

However, "Little Devil" Tyrion appeared here with his newly recruited 30-man guard.

Tywin sent him as the vanguard, Tyrion would not die in vain.

He led his guards halfway back to Golden Teeth City, just to occupy the thick city gate in front of him.

Then the army waiting for the "Hand of the King" Domeric Bolton will be able to capture the Golden Teeth City in one fell swoop without any effort.

The gate to the Western Territory will be opened to the Allied Forces of the Three Territories!

As a result, Lord Tywin had no choice but to flee back to Casterly Rock. If he had not died in the night attack...

Of course, the premise is to occupy this city gate!

"We are not the enemy! I am Tyrion Lannister, the second son of Lord Tywin. Let Lord Lefford speak out..."

Tyrion stood outside the city and shouted.

His reputation played a big role, and soon, guards surrounded a bloated nobleman and walked to the top of the city.

"Little devil, is that you?"

The city head was waving a torch, Earl Lefford asked from the city head more than 30 feet high.

The people in the city also waved their torches, and Tyrion said: "Earl Lefford, it's me!"

"Didn't you follow Lord Tywin out of the city to attack the camp? Why are you here?"

"We won a great victory. My father asked me to escort an important hostage back..."

"Do you have a warrant from Lord Tywin?"

"Of course, it's in my hand."

"Put it in the hanging basket, hang it up and let me take a look first..."

"Earl Lefford, don't you believe me?"

Tyrion's tone was extremely cold, "I am Lord Tywin's second son! Will I joke with you about this urgent military situation? If you are still so short-sighted, what will happen to me when my brother Jaime inherits Casterly Rock? Cut you!"

"This..." Earl Lefford hesitated for a moment.

Although most of the lords of the West like to make fun of the "little devil" for his dwarf stature, no one can deny that he is a shrewd and smart man and would not make fun of such a thing!

"Open the city gate and lower the drawbridge!"

The gate of Golden Tooth City slowly opened.

The drawbridge is being lowered.

With a "bang" sound, it landed on the bank of the dry moat.

Tyrion was riding on his horse, making the final mobilization towards his newly recruited guards:

"Remember my previous instructions, as long as you can complete this task, each of you will receive a knighthood. I swear on the honor of Lannister!"

"Yes! My lord."

Bronn gave a dangerous smile.

It doesn't matter who he works for, as long as the benefits are sufficient, he will never spare his life.

So, Tyrion led a group of people and rushed into the city.

Duke Tywin took away most of the army. There were not many soldiers guarding the city, and most of them were sleeping...

Golden Teeth City is now an undefended castle!

Lord Lefford stood near the city gate, still waiting to see Tywin's order with a confused look on his face.

Tyrion took a glance and saw that there were only two knights and a dozen soldiers surrounding Earl Lefford. In addition, there were more than a dozen night watch soldiers at the top of the city. Together, there were only more than 30 people.

Still more than their side, but defenseless.

Of course, Tyrion would not be stupid enough to use his 30-man guard against the entire defenders of Golden Teeth City. He only needed to capture the thief first!

Earl Lefford is the lord of Golden Tooth City, so most of the soldiers left behind in Golden Tooth City will not disobey his orders.

Therefore, he only needs to capture Earl Lefford.

"Earl Lefford, we have won a great victory. I am really exhausted. Come here quickly and I will show you Lord Tywin's warrant..."

Earl Lefford did not doubt his presence and trotted over surrounded by guards.

"Now!" Tyrion shouted.

Suddenly, everyone sprang into action.

Bronn, the new captain of the guard, was the first to take action. The ugly sword in his hand was swung directly at the soldier closest to him.

The tavern boy rushed into the crowd with a sword in hand.

He had an ugly pig face, and a head of rust-colored hair protruding from under his conical helmet.

The cook held a spiked bolas in both hands and a short knife between his teeth.

The bard froze in place, carrying his wooden harp and holding a short sword in his hand, his face as pale as milk.

"Hey, singer, stop peeing your pants."

cried Tyrion, following behind with a double-edged axe.

The weapon felt strange and unfamiliar in my hand.

Its handle is very short, its blade is extremely heavy, and there is a scary spike at the front end.

Just think of it as chopping firewood.

Tyrion thought silently, as if he remembered something again, wood does not bleed.

Although the "little devil" seemed calm, he was more nervous than anyone on the field. He spat...

There was no herald, no flag, no trumpet blowing, no drum rumbling in this battle.

There is only the "clang" sound of swords and battle axes clashing!

Bronn rushed into the enemy formation like a tornado, slashing left and right, knocking over his opponents like chopping vegetables.

The tavern boy's sword sliced ​​open the face of a soldier, who was wearing armor but no helmet.

Tyrion held the ax in both hands and swung it out, hitting a knight's knee with a solid "clang" sound.

The knight screamed and fell to the ground, and Tyrion almost lost his weapon.

He finally pulled out the ax in time and stumbled out of the way...

Tyrion failed in his first battle and actually wounded a knight with a sneak attack!

Caught off guard, five soldiers on Earl Lefford's side died instantly, and a knight was injured in the leg and could no longer fight...

The situation is great!

Tyrion grew braver as he fought, and then struck a soldier behind the knee. The heavy ax blade split flesh and bone as if it were nothing more than rotten wood.

Bleeding wood, Tyrion thought absently.

Suddenly, another soldier attacked him.

Tyrion ducked away from his sword and swung his axe, and the man quickly backed away...

Bronn on the side just walked up behind him and stabbed his sword from the back of his neck.

Tyrion suddenly saw a snow-white sword edge piercing the soldier's throat. He opened his mouth to scream in pain, but only blood gushes out.

By the time he fell to the ground, Bronn had found a new opponent.

The bard suddenly screamed and covered his head with his wooden harp. The dagger in his hand had been knocked away by a soldier.

Upon seeing this, Tyrion quickly stood up to support him, jumped up and swung his ax, hitting the soldier's neck just in time.

Immediately blood splattered and he died on the spot!

Just as he struggled to pull out the axe, he heard the groan from the poet buried under the body.

"Someone save me," gasped the bard, "Gods in heaven have mercy on me, I'm going to bleed to death."

"That's not your blood," Tyrion mocked.

The bard's hands stretched out from under the corpse and dug into the mud like a five-legged spider.

Tyrion stretched out his heel and pressed hard on the grasping fingers, hearing a satisfying click.

"Close your eyes and pretend you're dead."

He suggested: "Don't really die. The reason why I took you with me is so that you can write a hymn for me, which is better than Lord Tywin's 'The Rains of Camestre'..."

Tyrion then draws his axe, turns and walks away...

After that, the situation on the battlefield became chaotic.

The entire city gate area was filled with shouts and screams, the air was filled with blood, and the world was in chaos.

There is also a knight beside Earl Lefford. He is wearing a golden and red cloak and holding a two-handed giant sword.

Shout: "Long live the Golden Tooth City!"

Then launched a charge!

Bronn and the tavern boy who was good at wielding a sword rushed out from left to right, shouting vague slogans.

The cook followed, brandishing the spiked bolas.

"Long live the Charcoal Tavern! Long live the Charcoal Tavern!" he also shouted.

Now everyone knew that he was the cook of the Charcoal Tavern.

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