Oberon patted several women on his body and motioned for them to leave.

"Ellaria, pay."

"Lord Jaime of Casterly Rock has already paid." One of the girls answered timidly.

"Lannister money stinks, we don't care about it!" Oberon insisted...

Until all the girls left, only Oberon and his mistress Ellaria were left in the dark bedroom.


"Are we really here to help the Lannister?" Ellaria asked curiously, leaning naked in the man's arms.

Oberon smiled deeply and evilly, "I have no interest in helping Tywin Lannister deal with his enemies!"

"Then what's the reason why we have more than 2 Dornish soldiers and mobilized troops to come here?" Ellaria asked in surprise.

"Red Viper" smiled and did not answer the question directly.

"An old monk once said that my birth was a great mercy of the gods. Do you know what this means?"

"I don't know." Ellaria shook her head helplessly.

Oberon touched his chin and narrowed his eyes: "Hmph, if the gods want to play tricks on the world, they should make me the eldest son and Doran the third son.

You also know that I am bloodthirsty.

In that case, the Lannister would have to deal with me, not my sickly, cautious, aging brother..."


An ancient stone arch bridge is located over the Mander River, with a castle nearby.

Bitter Bridge was originally called Shiqiao.

During the reign of Maegor I Targaryen, the royal family was determined to ban the religious orders of the Church of the Seven Gods - "Sons of Warriors" and "Assembly of the Poor".

Of course, the religious militias will not sit still. More than [-] soldiers of the "Poor People's Assembly" led by "Lumberjack" Walter marched towards King's Landing along the Avenue of Roses, intending to overthrow the cruel and untrustworthy king.

The two sides met at the stone bridge, and the "Poor People's Gathering" was brutally massacred. The corpses blocked the Mande River, and the blood dyed the river more than [-] miles upstream and downstream red.

After the bloody World War I, the stone bridge was also renamed Bitter Bridge.

It is said that when walking on the bridge, you can still hear the ghosts of the massacred people wailing in your ears...

At this moment, the sound of the turbid Mandeb River shining in the sun became clear, and human speech, the clash of gold and iron, and the neighing of horses could be distinguished.

Thousands of campfires filled the air with pale mist, and neatly arranged horses stretched for miles.

In order to make the long pole to carry the flag, an entire forest was cut down and denuded.

The tents of lords and knights are spread out like silken mushrooms...

Nearly [-] River Storm Alliance troops!

"Incredible... so many troops."

Even though I have been here for a long time.

Jon Wright was still speechless at the army in front of him.

A few months ago, Jon was ordered to lead a team of dozens of people all the way south to serve as an envoy to Renly Baratheon, who was stationed in Bitterbridge. However, so far, he has not seen the Duke of Storm's End. The face of the Governor of the Stormlands.

So, Jon continued to come to this camp as usual.

On both sides of the camp entrance:

A set of forest-green full-body armor stood like a sentinel. It was engraved with gold ornaments and had two huge golden antlers on the helmet. This was the armor of Renly Baratheon.

"I come to visit Lord Renly Baratheon as the messenger of Lord Domeric Bolton, Hand of the King and Hand of the King."

Jon Light announced loudly.

"King Renly is the officially crowned and anointed King of the Seven Kingdoms, your lord!"

corrected an old knight with a gray beard.

He is Ser Coren of Bluepool, and has the bluebird on his coat.

Jon did not dwell on the title, "Ser Coren, I want to see Lord Renly!"

"Your Majesty does not want to see you. Viscount Jon, please come back." Sir Coren responded, remaining polite.

He raised an iron fist, and his soldiers gathered from both sides and blocked the camp door firmly.

Jon was rejected again!

This is not unexpected.

Does this mean that Renly Baratheon has not yet decided whether to regard Lord Domeric as an ally or an enemy?

Therefore, he chose to refuse to meet him.

There is nothing wrong with this.

Jon's mission is to keep an eye on the movements of the River Storm coalition so that he can use the messenger crow to send a message to Lord Domeric in a timely manner.

Just as Jon was walking back, a knight from the north came over on horseback.

"By the gods!" he shouted loudly on his horse, "Jon, go and see, Lord Randyll of the Tully family is looking for trouble with his son again!"


In a spacious square.

Samwell was forced to put on armor at Lord Randyll Tarly's command.

Because his waist was too thick, the attendants had to take apart the entire breastplate, put it on the front and back for him, and tied it with leather ropes on both sides.

In order to help him put on the helmet, the mask cannot be kept.

Samwell's gauntlets and leggings were strapped so tightly to his limbs that he could barely move.

When fully armed, Samwell looked like an overcooked sausage, ready to burst at any moment.

"I hope you are not as useless as you seem. Since you have the courage to run back from the Great Wall, you must be ready to face me..."

Lord Randyll ordered, "Sir Hale, try to see how much my son has grown."

"Sam, don't blame me. This is your father's order."

Hale Hunter is a knight serving Randyll Tarly.

He has an honest face, fluffy brown hair, hazel eyes, and a small scar on his left ear. He is tall and strong, and he hits people hard.


When Jon and the northern knight came here, this was what they saw.

"Now the fat man is going to be in bad luck." The Northern Knight murmured, and things turned out just as he expected.

The fight ended in less than a minute.

Samwell fell to the ground, blood flowing from his shattered helmet and stubby fingers, his whole body shaking.

"I surrender," the fat man screamed, "stop fighting, I surrender, don't hit me."

Several knights of the Tully family burst into laughter.

Even so, Lord Landau refused to give up.

"Sam, get up," he cried, "and pick up the sword."

Seeing that the fat man was still lying on the ground, Earl Randyll signaled to Sir Hale, "Hit him with the sword spine until he gets up."

Ser Hale struck him hard on the upturned cheek.

The force was so fierce that even though he was using the spine of the sword, the leather armor still broke.

Samwell howled in agony.

Jon took a step forward, and a knight from the Tully family stopped him, "This is a family matter of the Tully family, please don't interfere!"

"Get up quickly." Earl Landau said again.

Samwell struggled to get up, but unexpectedly slipped again and fell heavily to the ground.

"It seems that my son has made progress." Earl Landau said coldly, "Hit him again."

Ser Hale raised his sword and prepared to continue...

At this time, Jon shook off the hand of the knight of the Tully family and interrupted the farce, "Lord Randyll, that's enough!"

"Are the Stark bastards out to fight against injustice?" Lord Randyll said in his sharp and cold voice, "But this is our Tully family matter."

"You are wrong, Lord Randyll!" Jon squatted down next to the fat man and checked his injuries.

Although Samwell looked miserable, he was not seriously injured.

Jon then stood up, stared at Lord Randyll with his eyes, and announced loudly:

"Samwell is now a knight under Lord Domeric. It was Lord Domeric who summoned him from the Night's Watch in the name of Hand of the King. He no longer has anything to do with your Tully family... You If you continue to hurt Samwell, you will be disrespectful to the Hand of the King and the Prime Minister!"

Lord Randyll's onyx eyes stared intently at Jon Wright.

He smiled and said: "Sam is my son, why should I hurt him? I just let my subordinates practice sword skills with him... Don't you think so?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" A group of knights from the Tully family echoed.

"In that case," Jon drew out his sword, "Why don't you come with me? I just want to see how powerful the knights of the Tully family are!"

He put down his mask, drew his sword, held his breath, and prepared to fight.

The entire square suddenly fell silent.

Jon could feel the murderous look in Lord Randyll's eyes.

"Ser Hale Hunter, what are you waiting for?" Jon shouted in a terrifyingly loud voice.

Then he struck out quickly, and Sir Hale almost didn't have time to raise his sword to block.

Jon kept attacking, forcing the older knight to retreat step by step.

Know your enemy!

Lord Domeric once taught him this.

Jon had also seen Ser Hale Hunt fight.

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