He was astonishingly strong, but impatient and never used to defense.

As long as you find a way to find his flaws, he will open up and let others exploit him.

Ser Hale swung his sword sharply, and Jon deflected a blow to his head with such force that his arm ached.

He hit Sir Hale in the ribs with a side chop, and the other party let out a groan, and then slashed the armor on Jon's shoulder with his backhand.

The armor clanged, and pain shot into his neck, but Sir Hale also temporarily lost his center of gravity.

So Jon swiped his left leg hard, causing him to fall to the ground with a curse.

Jon ducked behind him, and with a powerful swing, he struck Ser Hale's helmet like a bell until he was dizzy.

"I lost!" Sir Hale on the ground couldn't help shouting.

Jon smiled proudly under his mask.

Lord Randyll looked around the audience with disgust, and finally focused on Jon: "How can you, a brat, protect him for the rest of his life? That's it for today."

He turned back and gave his son Samwell a fierce look, "If you don't return to the Great Wall, I'll have you beat up every day until you have teeth on the ground!"

After speaking, Earl Randyll walked away.

This farce is over.

"Master Sam, you should listen to your father." Sir Hale Hunter stood up and persuaded him, and then left.

When everyone in the Tully family left.

Jon couldn't help but groan in pain, his shoulders covered with armor and leather ached in pain. He put away his sword and tried to take off his helmet, but as soon as he raised his hand, he grimaced in pain.

"Let me help you." Samwell's thick fingers untied the belt around his throat and gently held up the helmet.

"Is it badly hurt?"

"It's okay." Jon touched his shoulder and frowned, "What about you?"

There was a clot of blood on Samwell's hairline, where Sir Hale had slashed his helmet just now. "It's okay, I'm used to it now!"

These days, Lord Randyll of the Tully family comes to trouble his eldest son Samwell at every turn, either insulting him or finding various reasons to beat him up.

On the one hand, Samwell, who hated joining the Night's Watch, broke his original agreement and fled back.

Second, he actually pledged his allegiance to Domeric Bolton, the Hand of the King, and acted as an envoy to the North... This made Earl Landau lose face among the River Storm coalition, and some even doubted his loyalty.

"Let's go back."

"Yes." Samwell Tarly nodded.

Then they returned to their camp.

Although Renly Baratheon has always refused to meet Jon and his party, he did not treat them harshly.

The tents allocated were wide and large, and there was no shortage of food and wine.

Jon Wright and Samwell were in the tent, eating roast lamb, drinking wine, and talking about the past.

Soon, a somewhat tipsy Jon was talking about Winterfell.

"Sam, you know, sometimes I dream about going back." He said, "I dream about walking in an empty hall, my voice is reflected on the walls, but no one is answering, so I speed up my steps, Opening doors, calling other people's names. I don't know who I'm looking for. Mostly it's my father, Lord Eddard, but sometimes it's Robb, sometimes it's my little sister Arya, or maybe My uncle..."

"Did you find anyone in your dream?" Samwell asked.

Jon shook his head.

"Not once. The castle is always empty." He had never told anyone about this dream, and he didn't understand why he opened his heart to Samwell alone at this moment, but it felt good to say it.

"Do you dream about Jiao Ling?" he asked suddenly.

"No." Samwell pursed his lips, "I hate it there."



Lying in the endless rolling wilderness of the North, Catelyn dreamed of Bran jumping alive in front of her, Arya and Sansa holding her hands, and baby Rickon nibbling on her granary.

Her Robb picked up a wooden sword and started sparring with people.

And when everything fell silent, Ned lay on her bed, smiling softly in the dark night.

How sweet, sweet things never last long.

Dawn arrives mercilessly, and the sun pierces down like a dagger.

Lady Catelyn woke up aching, lonely and tired, and just wanted to cry.

She fumbled for her clothes, and her fingers couldn't help but slide down her belly. It had been a long time since Ned had filled in the blanks in her dream!

Caitlin couldn't help but think that she really wanted someone to comfort her, that she was really tired of trying to be strong.

If I could go back to that innocent and timid little girl and enjoy the love of my father and husband, just once, really... for a day... for an hour... that would be fine!

One day, she promised herself in her dream, one day she would let herself no longer be strong...

After leaving the bedroom door, the maid was making oatmeal.

"Madam," Caitlin said when she came out, "there is freshly slaughtered high-quality lamb in the kitchen. How about I add some meat to your breakfast?"

"Oats and bread should be enough...I don't want to eat anything too greasy lately."

"As you wish, ma'am."

"I made a pot of tea with the black tea sent by Lord Domeric," the maid then asked, "Ma'am, would you like a cup?"

"Okay." Lady Catelyn held the tea cup with her palms and breathed, waiting for the tea to cool down.

She suddenly thought of her son-in-law Domeric Bolton...

Chapter 271 Madam, what kind of person am I?

Three days ago, in front of the city gate of Riverrun...

"Sister, do you still remember the scene when we played in the godswood?

And Lysa and Littlefinger were so carefree at that time! "

Edmure Tully, who was about to go to the other side of the Narrow Sea, looked at the dignified and elegant Lady Catelyn and couldn't help but sigh.

"of course I remember."

A pale smile appeared on Lady Catelyn's cheeks as she recalled the past.

To be honest, my brother Edmure has grown up and is no longer the follower behind his sister.

He is about to go to the Free City to complete the task entrusted to him by the "Hand of the King".

Caitlin kissed his forehead and could only pray that nothing bad happened to her brother along the way.

Even with all the comfort, parting still makes people sad...

Reminds me of the scene of parting with my brother Edmure.

Lady Catelyn swallowed her porridge reluctantly, put the bowl aside, and made her way to the sept.

The sept of Riverrun is a seven-sided sandstone building built by his father, Lord Hoster, in the beloved garden of his mother, Minissa.

Inside the temple, on the seven high walls are the forms of the seven gods.

"Our God is unique, but He has seven states, just as our church is a building with seven high walls."

This was what Brother Omid taught her when she was a little girl.

Lady Catelyn spent a long time here, from morning to night, seemingly unaware of the passage of time.

During this time, Sansa and Arya wanted to accompany their mother for a walk in the gardens, but Lady Catelyn refused by praying to the Seven Gods.

The night was so silent that not even the sound of crickets could be heard.

The swaying light dances on the wall.

The smoke from the torch made Lady Catelyn's eyes hurt.

When she raised her eyes to stare at the Virgin again, she saw her mother's face, as gentle as ever in her memory.

Lady Minissa Tully died in childbirth, giving birth to Lord Hoster's next son.

The child left with her, and a part of her father, Lord Hoster, went with her.

She was always so calm, Caitlin thought, thinking of her mother's soft arms and warm smile.

How different our lives would be if she were still alive!How many changes will there be?

She wondered if Mrs. Minisa understood the state of mind of her eldest daughter, the woman kneeling in front of her...

Her father, Lord Horst, and her husband, Ned, are dead. Her son, Robb, doesn't want her, but falls into the arms of a Lannister woman. Bran and Rickon are still thousands of miles away in Winterfell, and Edmure is also overseas. ...At this time, Lady Catelyn realized that she had nothing to rely on.

Lady Catelyn's head began to spin. The entire sanctuary was spinning around her, and the shadows around her were shaking and rotating.

She only had a bowl of oatmeal all day and no other food.

This is not wise!

Lady Catelyn argued that it was all because she had no appetite, but she knew that everything was tasteless in a world without Ned.

The torch behind him suddenly burst out with a burst of light!

Dimly, lost and exhausted, Caitlin threw herself into the arms of the gods.

She knelt before the blacksmith, who repaired things that were broken, and asked him to give her son Robb good health.

Kneeling before the maiden, she begged her to grant her courage to Arya and Sansa.

In front of the warrior, she prayed to him to make Edmure strong and protect him safely across the Narrow Sea.

Finally, she comes to the Father, who is always shown holding a scale.

She prayed to Heavenly Father to give her son-in-law Domeric the strength to pursue justice and the wisdom to know justice.

"Guide him, wise Father," she prayed. "Don't let Domi get lost in the darkness of power."

After a long time, footsteps sounded behind him and there was a knocking on the door.

"Madam, your maid came to see me." Domeric asked politely, "I don't know why?"

Caitlin stood up stiffly, her knees hurting, and she almost lost her balance.

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