Fortunately, her son-in-law Domeric supported her thoughtfully and stabilized her mother-in-law's figure.

Mrs. Caitlin is only in her 30s now, and she still has a sexy charm. She has maroon hair, blue eyes, slender fingers, and a tall and plump figure...

"Domi, it's so late, I shouldn't have disturbed you."

Lady Catelyn knew that her son-in-law, as the "Hand of the King", was busy with official duties. Although he was in Riverrun, he single-handedly decided all matters in the four realms.

He was very busy, but he had to solve the confusion in his heart.

"Speak freely, ma'am."

Seeing Mrs. Caitlin's hesitant expression, Domeric was a little curious about what she wanted to ask him.

"Domi, tell me honestly!"

Mrs. Catelyn raised her head, her maroon hair parted from both sides, her eyes were solemn:

"Did you really imprison King Joffrey?"

Although she had imagined countless conversations in her mind before this, Lady Catelyn became uneasy when she actually questioned the son-in-law.

She is just a woman of noble status, and the only person loyal to her is an old knight, Sir Desmond.

The son-in-law, Domeric Bolton, is different. He is the Hand of the King, the Prime Minister, and the Duke of Harrenhal. As long as he waves his hand, countless lords and knights will fight for him.

"Madam, what kind of person do you think I am?" Domeric did not answer this question directly.

He couldn't help stroking his forehead. It turned out that Lady Catelyn had called him over in the middle of the night for this purpose.

"Integrity, bravery, strength, and a true knight."

Lady Catelyn replied that this was what Ned once said.

However, in Caitlin's heart, Domeric is also a considerate gentleman who pleases women, which is why she insisted on marrying Sansa to him in the first place.

"Thanks for your trust!"

Domeric raised his eyebrows and formed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth: "But this matter is a long story, let me tell you slowly."

As he spoke, he held his mother-in-law's slender waist and asked Mrs. Caitlin to sit down on a large bench:

"The reason why I imprisoned Joffrey Baratheon is very simple... He is not King Robert's biological son, Prince Tommen, Princess Myrcella, none of them!"

Domeric explained the matter between Cersei and the "Kingslayer" and revealed the secret behind this "War of Five Kings"...

"This? Gods above me, there is such an incredible and ridiculous thing!" Caitlin was speechless for a moment.

She was stunned, and the cold air rushed towards Tianling Gai.

Is Cersei really that crazy?

"By the gods, I swear this is true, ma'am."

Domeric sighed quietly and continued:

"Duke Eddard discovered this fact when he was in King's Landing, but before he could tell King Robert, the Lannister launched a coup and put him under house arrest..."

Perhaps even King Robert himself didn't know that his queen was so ridiculous!

Catelyn thought, otherwise Cersei would have moved her head, and Joffrey the King Slayer and the other princes and princesses would also be dead.

Catelyn couldn't help but ask, "Domy, since you have learned about Cersei's crime and Joffrey is not the king, why don't you make this fact public?"

"Make it public?" Domeric felt a little weak, pressed his forehead and sighed softly:

"Lord Stannis, Duke of Dragonstone, wrote this matter in a letter and informed all the lords of the Seven Kingdoms, but does anyone believe it?

Everyone regarded it as a joke, thinking it was a lie concocted by Stannis for his own inheritance... In the end, it just became a joke after dinner in the tavern.

And ma’am, you don’t even know about it! "

"I may have followed Robb south and missed the letter Lord Stannis sent to Winterfell..." Lady Catelyn explained.

"Duke Stannis first discovered this matter, and then told old Duke Arryn. Old Duke Arryn had collected conclusive evidence. Cersei poisoned him, lest he expose her scandal..."

Domeric did not explain that the culprit who poisoned the old Lord Arryn was Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish.

Because then it would be too complicated.

Anyway, "Littlefinger" is dead, he just needs to put all the blame on Lannister.

"That's what happened when my sister Lysa accused the queen of murdering her husband in a secret message sent to Winterfell!"

Caitlin begins to understand, and she tries to piece together the fragments of memories from her past that carry the truth.

The image of the proud, cold, and beautiful Queen Cersei Lannister clearly came to mind.

Yes... In the short time she spent with Robert Baratheon in Winterfell, she knew that the king didn't give Joffrey much warmth.

If he had known that the boy was not his son, Robert would have killed him and his mother without hesitation, and no one could blame him for this.

Although illegitimate children are commonplace, this act is not tolerated by the old and new gods...

Ned must have understood this fact, as did old Lord Arryn before him.

No wonder the queen wanted to kill them all!

It all makes sense.

Lady Catelyn said solemnly: "Since Joffrey is not the heir of King Robert, but a Lannister... not the real king!

According to the law, the Iron Throne belongs to Lord Stannis, and we should serve him! "

Domeric spread his hands helplessly, with a look of disgust on his face: "But, the Seven Kingdoms are denying Stannis!

He was not a suitable candidate for the king. The old man denied it when he died...

The Dornish people deny him, the people on the Wall deny him, the Stormlands nobles deny him, and even his brother Renly Baratheon denies him...

No one wants Stannis to be king, what a pity! "

Lady Catelyn frowned, but seemed not to give up. She tried to change her suggestion:

"If Stannis is not fit to be king, Domi, you should call the Great Council as Hand of the King -

This country hasn't had one in hundreds of years.

Let everyone in the world know that Joffrey is not the real king!

Then, all the lords from the seven kingdoms were summoned to jointly decide who would be their ruler... This way, the dispute ends..."

Domeric couldn't hold back his smile, Lady Catelyn had always been so innocent.

Compared to Cersei, who was the same age as her, she looked as innocent as a little girl.

But this is also a good thing. If Lady Catelyn is as cunning and cruel as Cersei, I am afraid Domeric will not be able to sleep in the middle of the night!

"Tell me, madam, will the lords of the North vote for who will be the wolf? Is the Stark family elected King of the North because of their vote?"

Lady Catelyn was silent now.

Although she is not an out-and-out Northerner, she is a noblewoman who has received an orthodox education after all, and she also understands the bloody and cruel history of the Northern Territory.

Although the Stark family is known as the "King of the North for 8000 Years", in fact, it was fought out from many competitors.

In that barbaric era, the Bolton family, where son-in-law Domeric belonged, ruled all the land east of the White Blade River in the name of the "Red King", as well as the "Swamp King" who guarded the neck of the northern border.

And between the Stark family and the "Swamp King" of Neck, there is also the Tomb King, and other kingdoms...

Rumor has it that the King of the Barrow Tomb is the serious "Lord of the North", and it was the Stark family who rebelled against the "King of the Barrow Tomb" and became the King of the North.

"Madam, do you know that there are still people in the kingdom who call King Robert the 'Usurper'?" Domeric continued, his tone not as calm as at first, and there was something hidden in his eyes.

"...I know that." Lady Catelyn replied weakly, her tone becoming weaker and weaker.

"Yes, King Robert is neither the son of 'Mad King' Aerys II nor the brother of Prince Rhaegar, but he became the king! So..."

Domeric narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, like a knife blade under the bright sun:

"The truth is actually very simple: from ancient times to the present, the truth lies only on the edge of the sword!"

Lady Catelyn had nothing to say now. She couldn't help but wonder if she was too naive. She had been taught these "Games of Thrones" since she was a child...but after marrying Ned, she slowly forgot these...these nobles way of survival.

She became dizzy again, hallucinations appeared in front of her eyes, and her body began to sway.

Domeric hugged Caitlin and touched her forehead with the back of his hand. He felt she had a low fever and her weakness seemed a bit like low blood sugar.

"Madam, it's already late at night, let me take you back to the bedroom." Domeric said warmly in his ear.

"Domi, thank you." An abnormal blush appeared on Caitlin's face, and her body and mind were in a strange state at the same time. .


Domeric left the bedroom and went to Duke Hoster's study. He opened the latest letter on the oak table.

Among them are letters from King's Landing's "Intelligence Chief" Varys, and letters from Count Roose, the cheap dad of the Dreadfort.

There are also letters from Ser Jorah of Lonely Mountain, letters from Duke "Blackfish" Brynden of Golden Tooth City, letters from "Little Devil" Tyrion...

and Jon Wright's letters from Bitterbridge.

It has been several months since Domeric sent Jon and Samwell as ambassadors to Renly Baratheon.

I wonder what is the current trend of the coalition forces in the Reach and Stormlands?

Chapter 272: Fat people are not stupid, cooperation

The Reach.

Bitter Bridge.

Jon Wright and Samwell were staying in a warm tent.

Some people gathered around the stove and drank scalded wine, while others sat on the benches near the oak table, and everyone laughed together.

Ser Darion was telling stories vividly. This budding bard was good at imitating various sounds.

Listening to him tell stories is like being there. He imitates the king at one moment and turns into a swineherd at another.

When he imitates a tavern maid or a castle princess, his high-pitched falsetto voice often makes everyone burst into tears with laughter. When he pretends to be a eunuch, he looks like an exaggerated version of Varys the "Eight-Clawed Spider".

Everyone cheered his story...

"Thank you for yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't have just broken the skin on my head." Samwell carefully touched the wound on his head and screamed in pain.

Jon patted Samwell's broad shoulder, "You're welcome. We are friends."

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