After thinking for a moment, he added, "Maybe you will improve tomorrow."

Samwell shook his head sadly, "No way!"

He held back tears and said, "I will never make progress. I am a coward. I don't have the courage to pick up a sword, let alone fight with knights..."

There are too many heroic cowards in this world, and most people would rather deny the facts than face the truth.

It takes an odd amount of courage to admit to being a coward like Samwell Tarly.

Jon changed the topic to a topic that would not hurt the fat man's self-esteem: "By the way, why does your father, Lord Randyll, treat you like this?"

"Maybe he's afraid that I'll run back to the corner and snatch the inheritance from my brother Dickon! I've obviously explained it to him a long time ago..." Samwell said with a slightly resentful tone.

"From the moment you were sent to the Great Wall by the Tully family, you had nothing to do with them. Remember, you are now a knight under Lord Domeric..."

Samwell chuckled and said to him, "I thought so too."

Ser Darion finished his story and began to sing again.

The singing voice is loud and beautiful, and you can tell that he has a good foundation, but his accent has a bit of a southern accent.

"Is he a knight in the north?" Samwell asked uncertainly.

"Well, no, he is from the South. He was originally... uh, a bard. Well, he may not be very professional, but he is not bad at all. He can be regarded as a bard who has not yet graduated." Jon thought.

"Then how do you become a knight under Lord Domeric?" Samwell asked curiously.

"It's a bit tragic to say that he slept with the daughter of Count Rowan of Golden Tree City.

The girl was two years older than him, and Dallion swore that she helped him climb into the bedroom window. However, under the stern eyes of his father, Lord Rowan, the girl alleged that she had been raped.

So, poor Dallion was treated as a prisoner and sent to the Wall to serve as a night watchman.

When he went out to suppress the savages outside the fortress, he made a lot of contributions, and then he was accepted as a knight by Lord Domeric..."

Jon rubbed his chin as he explained.

"That's really a blessing in disguise." Samwell sighed, thinking that the Hand of the King was so eclectic in employing people that even such a prisoner could be under his command.

"That's enough chatting. I'm going to ask for an audience with Lord Renly." Jon shrugged, wrapped his cloak tightly and prepared to leave.

Even though Renly Baratheon still refused to meet him today, Jon had already regarded this move as a routine.

Even if you can't see Renly, you can still get some information from the people around him.

Samwell stood up staggeringly, "I'll go with you."

"What?" Jon shrugged.

"It's safer to be with you." Samwell looked sad. "Otherwise my father would force me to fight with others, and I would be the one who got beaten in the end..."

Looking at the pitiful look of the fat man, Jon couldn't help but say: "Sam, do you know why Lord Domeric sent you as my deputy on the mission?"

"Lord Domeric asked me to come here just to apply eye drops to Lord Renly.

The eldest son of his general Randyll Tarly turned out to be an envoy of a hostile force. What did Lord Renly, who was known for his wisdom, think?

The reason why my father tried every means to drive me away is probably for this reason..."

After hearing this, Jon couldn't help but smile and said, "Then why don't you run away?"

"Compared to being a night watchman on the Great Wall, getting beaten here is nothing. And I can see that my father, Lord Randyll, did not kill me, and the knights of the Tully family did not dare to really hurt me... "

Samwell Tarly may be fat, clumsy, and timid, but he is not stupid.


The weather is nice today.

Under the sun, the tips of countless steel spears shone red, as if they were weeping blood.

Almost all the nobles in the South responded to Renly Baratheon's call.

The golden rose of Highgarden can be seen everywhere, embroidered on the right breasts of soldiers and servants, fluttering on the green silk banners decorating lances and wooden spears, and engraved on the shields of House Tyrell.

Jon also saw the fox-flower banner of House Florent, the two green and red apple banners of House Fossoway, the oak-leaf banner of House Oakheart, the goose banner of House Crane, and Mullen Road. The House of Er's flag depicting a swarm of black and orange butterflies.

And the walking hunter's flag of House Tully, where Samwell belongs...

On the other side of the Mander River, the lords and nobles of the Stormlands also raised their own flags - they were Renly's direct vassals and swore allegiance to House Baratheon and Storm's End.

In addition to the shield emblem he recognized, there were also a dozen unusually unfamiliar emblems.

Presumably they were lesser nobles loyal to a certain lord, or mercenary knights and free riders.

These people have gathered around Renly Baratheon to be on the side of the victor in the Game of Thrones...well, the victor they think they are.

Lord Renly's own banner flew high above them all.

A banner with a golden background and embroidered with the black crowned stag of House Baratheon, tall, prancing and proud.

Jon Wright came to the front of the camp as usual, loudly announced his identity and purpose, and asked to see Lord Renly.

There was no movement in the camp, just when he thought Lord Renly continued to refuse to see him.

"Viscount Jon!" The old knight Ser Coren opened the tent door and strode out, "King Renly summons you!"

Jon was stunned for a moment.

Fat Samwell on the side was also stunned for a moment.

"Ser Coren, what did you say?" Jon asked uncertainly.

"I say," the old knight puffed his beard and glared, and had to repeat himself: "His Majesty Renly has summoned you!"


The space inside the tent was extremely wide, far larger than imagined from the outside, and comparable to the hall of an ordinary castle.

In the center was a high platform, and Jon could see the "King" sitting on the high seat at a glance.

Renly Baratheon wore a green velvet coat under the Crown of the Stag, with Baratheon's coat of arms painted on the chest with golden silk threads representing the colors of Highgarden.

The girl who sat in the high seat with him was also wearing the clothes of Highgarden. She was his young "queen" Margaery Tyrell, the daughter of Lord Mace Tyrell.

The girl was younger than Robb, very beautiful, with gentle eyes like an elk, and long brown curly hair falling lazily on her shoulders.

Her smile is both shy and sweet.

Jon had to admit that Margaery Tyrell's beauty was truly stunning.

No less than Lord Domeric’s fiancée—his half-sister Sansa Stark.

Jon understood that it was because of her marriage to Renly that all the nobles in the south united around the Duke of Storm's End.

Old Ser Collen brought Jon and Samwell to the position at Renly's feet.

"Forgive me for disturbing you, Your Majesty," the old knight knelt down on one leg, "I am honored to bring you Viscount Jon Wright, who is the envoy of Lord Domeric, Hand of the King and Prime Minister..."

Renly pretended to be surprised, "Viscount Jon? Welcome, welcome!"

His tone sounded like Jon and others had just arrived here today, instead of being left out for more than a month.

What to pretend to be?We have obviously been here for more than a month.

Samwell couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Jon remained silent, with no expression on his face.

Why did the Duke of Storm's End and Governor of the Stormlands choose this time to receive him?

"Viscount Jon," Renly said with a smile on his lips, "The Hand of the King sent you here, why?"

"Lord Renly..." Jon said.

"It's Your Majesty!"

Brienne the Fair, the Rainbow Guard, interrupted sharply and corrected him: "And you shall kneel before the king and speak."

Jon has naturally met the famous "Beauty" Brienne, and also knows that she became Renly's "Rainbow Guard" because she defeated "Knight of Flowers" Loras in the tourney.

She was dressed like a knight, with a brand new rainbow cape hanging on her back.

However, no clothes could hide her mediocre appearance.

Huge hands covered with spots, a round and flat face, and protruding teeth.

Her body shape also looked extremely ugly, with wide hips, thick thighs, bulging, thick shoulders, but no breasts at all.

"The gap between your lordship and your majesty is much smaller than you think, Lady Brienne."

Jon said without being humble, "Lord Renly wears a crown, and so does His Majesty Joffrey of King's Landing. In my opinion, instead of arguing about etiquette and titles here, we should talk about many more pressing topics first..."

After hearing this, many of Renly's nobles were ready to take action.

He himself just smiled and said, "Well said, Viscount Jon, we have plenty of time to discuss the issue of 'Your Majesty'. Tell me, what did Domeric Bolton want to talk to me about when he sent you here?"

"Lord Domeric hopes that you will give up the throne and claim to the Iron Throne, and then continue to serve King Joffrey and make great contributions to the stability of the entire kingdom...

You can still retain your position as Duke of Storm's End and Governor of the Stormlands, and gain a distinguished status on the Council..."

Jon tossed out the rhetoric given to him in Domeric's letter.

"Hahaha..." Renly couldn't help laughing: "If it's like what the Hand of the King said, then what are we gathering here for? Even if I agree, I have to ask everyone here Will the adults agree?"

Renly cast his eyes on the nobles sitting down.


From Samwell's introduction, Jon already knew something about these southern nobles.

The man with a strong and muscular figure and the Golden Tree family crest extending on his white coat is Count Matus Rowan of Golden Tree City.

Below him sat the Countess of Oakheart, slender and petite.

And on her left is an old acquaintance, Randyll Tarly, with his sword "Broken Heart" on his back...

"His Majesty Renly is the only king of the Seven Kingdoms!"

Count Matus Rowan declared loudly.

"Compared to the brat born to Lannister, His Majesty Renly is the most suitable candidate for the Iron Throne."

Countess Oakheart murmured.

"Your Majesty, he is disrespectful to you. Please allow me to chop off his head as an apology!"

Lord Randyll Tarly snapped.

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