Samwell on the side said timidly: "No, I'll go too."

His father, Earl Landau, immediately cast a stern look, "Idiot, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!"


That night, Renly Baratheon immediately separated his forces.

He left the huge infantry legion at Bitterbridge to protect his queen, vehicles, baggage, livestock, and the bulky siege machines, and then led his elite knights and free knights to march eastward at starry night.

Jon, Samwell and his party were forced to follow behind so that they could "watch" Renly Baratheon's victory with their own eyes.



In the morning of autumn, the temperature is still a little low, but the bright sunshine can already make people feel a bit warm.

Sitting on the swing in the courtyard, stroking the ropes made of ivy.

Sansa was silent with her thoughts.

People in the north have been accustomed to the tepid sun for a long time. After coming to the south, many people are not used to it. They feel that the big ball of light in the sky is too dazzling and it is hotter.

Sansa is an exception!

She likes the sun and likes to bathe in the bright sunshine. It makes her feel extra warm and familiar, and her mood will become very good.

It would be better if Lord Domeric could be by his side at this moment.

Sansa bit her lip subconsciously.

She knew that Lord Domeric, as the "Hand of the King", was busy with official duties.

As a lady and a qualified fiancée, Sansa did not want to take up his precious time because of her willfulness.

"What are you thinking, Sansa?"

Arya suddenly appeared from beside her, like a ghost that suddenly appeared, her footsteps making no sound like a cat.

Sansa was used to this.

"I didn't think about anything." The girl raised her hand and tucked a few strands of hair hanging by her face behind her ears, "It's just a daze."

Arya giggled twice and said, "Shall we catch the cat together?"

I don't know what happened these days, but my sister has become more and more confident.

Sansa smiled and didn't answer, continuing to think about her own thoughts.

Arya glanced at her quietly and saw that the expression on her face was calm and unchanged, so she stopped talking and sat quietly with her to bask in the sun.

Sansa's mind is far more mature than her sister's.

She was thinking about the women around Domeric. In addition to the mysterious personal guard Miss Benita, what Sansa was even more concerned about was Miss Wilfield Manderly of the Manderly family in White Harbor.

Even before she got engaged to Lord Domeric, there were vague rumors that Miss Wellfield and Lord Domeric were in love...

In fact, Lord Domeric's attitude towards Miss Wellfield is obviously different from ordinary people.

Even a love brain like Sansa can see the clues over time.

Just like Florian and Qiongqi in the ballad, some unethical romances also occur between noble men and women.

Sansa knew something about this too.

It's just that she has lived in Winterfell since she was a child, and the words and deeds of her father, Duke Eddard, and her mother, Lady Catelyn, have prevented Sansa from being exposed to those unbelievable and unsightly things...

"Sansa, let's take a bath together!" Arya then suggested.

"It's daytime now," Sansa said reluctantly.

"You can only see clearly during the day... You will know later that I have grown up..."


Lord Horst's study.

Domilik finished the backlog of official business for several days in less than half a morning.

After all, the pace of this era is very slow. No matter how busy you are, can you be as busy as the [-] and [-] in the previous life?

It was nothing like the busy schedule Sansa and Lady Catelyn had imagined.

Domeric just used the excuse of being busy with official duties to give himself some time to think alone.

Wilfield is coordinating grain and grass logistics in Maiden Town, Benita is collecting intelligence for him in Golden Tooth City, and his vassals and capable men are all performing their duties in various places.

Only the Stark family in Riverrun were left.

Under the careful care of Assistant Maester Myriel Lannister, Robb Stark recovered well and was able to get out of bed and walk, but he refused to communicate with anyone.

Domeric has been thinking about how to arrange him?

If Robb died in the Golden Teeth, it would undoubtedly be the best situation. The North and the Riverlands would fight Tywin to the death with even greater hatred.

But he survived!

There was no way Domeric was going to let Robb die.

Put aside the emotional bonds of Sansa, Arya, and Lady Catelyn.

If he really does such a thing, the Three Realms Alliance will immediately fall apart, and Domeric himself will fall into a place of eternal destruction, his reputation will be ruined, and he may be even worse than the "Kingslayer".

It has to be said that from King's Landing to borrowing Duke Ed's political legacy to become the "Hand of the King", to persuading the Valley to send troops to command the three-border coalition forces...

Domeric has been relying on the reputation of the Stark family invisibly.

Therefore, murdering Robb is no different from destroying one's reputation...

"It depends on what the gods want."

Domeric didn't dwell on the issue.

He stepped onto the stone balcony, which was shaped like a triangle like the prow of a giant ship.

Domeric placed a hand on the rough stone railing.

Feeling the tranquility around him, he was not a lively person to begin with.

In fact, if he was truly free and undisturbed, he would never want it.

In a sense, enjoying loneliness is itself a strong mentality.

Loneliness is the normal state of life. After the bustle, after the hustle and bustle, after the satisfaction, there is always a feeling of silence.

Strong people are actually more likely to be lonely, which is determined at the spiritual level.

So in order to relieve this loneliness, the strong want more and want more satisfaction.

Just like a hunter, the emptier you are, the more you want to hunt, the more lonely you are, the more you like to chase.

Throughout the history of Westeros, countless heroes have plunged into the whirlpool of power, fighting and chasing in bloody struggles, just to satisfy this loneliness...

Domeric thought that he could take advantage of this lonely time to practice swordsmanship and archery.

He hasn't fought with anyone for a long time, his swordsmanship has become a lot rusty, and his combat power index has dropped from "272" to "250"...

Chapter 274: Already prepared, one more task

Renly Baratheon's camp was carefully constructed on a low, rocky moor that ran north to south, a green meadow dotted with gray and white mushrooms and freshly cut tree stumps.

Across the drizzle-soaked fields, Renly, accompanied by Loras, the Knight of Flowers, headed for the coast.

Looking from a distance, there were already two figures on horses waiting quietly.

Before the actual battle, Renly Baratheon and his brother Stannis had a negotiation.

"Jon, what are they doing?" Samwell asked.

"The Lu brothers' final negotiations have nothing to do with us."

Jon Wright shrugged and looked behind him.

The huge Storm's End stands tall in the sky, completely blocking the sea behind it.

According to legend, Storm's End Castle was built by Duron, the first "Storm King" in ancient times. He won the love of the beautiful "goddess" Yine, who was the result of the love of the sea god and the wind goddess.

On their wedding night, Yi Ni dedicated her chastity to a mortal, and from then on she had to endure birth, old age, illness and death like a mortal.

The God of the Sea and the Goddess of the Wind were extremely angry at their daughter's decision and vented their anger on the castle of Duren, causing strong winds and huge waves.

That night, the city was destroyed and people died!

The unyielding "Storm King" Duren declared war on the gods for his beloved wife.

The castle was rebuilt six times, each time getting taller and stronger.

The last construction was aided by the Children of the Forest, and the boulders are filled with their magic.

Although the angry gods threw storms at the castle again and again, it still stood tall, and Duren, hated by the gods, and the beautiful Yinyi lived happily together until they finally died in the dust.

Strong winds and huge waves still blow from the Narrow Sea from time to time.

Storm's End endured storms day after day, and as the ages and centuries passed by, the castle remained motionless.


The big tent in the center of the camp.

In the towering green silk tent, Renly's generals and nobles were waiting for news of the negotiations.

Soon, Renly returned to camp with the "Knight of Flowers".

The young "King" looked very resplendent in a green velvet coat and a satin cloak trimmed with squirrel skin.

A crown decorated with golden roses was placed on his head, with a jasper stag on his forehead, and his long black hair spread beneath the crown.

"My brother is still the same, and I don't want to hurt him at all. I originally planned to give him Storm's End... as a gift between brothers. Just as Robert gave it to me, I now give it to Stan. Nice, but he actually refused..."

Renly sighed and turned slightly, "What am I going to do with this old man? He ignores the castle and politeness. He just wants to bleed..."

“Your Majesty, given Lord Stannis’s character, this is no surprise!

But no matter, knights from all over the South are coming with you, well-equipped, well-trained, and numerous.

With the ragtag group of men under Stannis' command?

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