If Lord Cod, Onion Knight and Wandering Mercenaries get together, I can guarantee that at least half of the battles will run towards us as soon as the battle starts. "

Count Matus Rowan of Golden Tree City assured him, patting his chest.

"Count Matus is right!"

Lord Randyll Tarly stroked his short gray beard and said, "My scouts told me that Stannis's cavalry is less than four hundred. Those free riders wearing leather armor are simply unable to withstand the impact of heavy armor and spears." one strike.

No matter how battle-hardened and invincible Stannis thinks he is, the fact is before us: as soon as our vanguard attacks, all his troops will be destroyed! "

"indeed so!"


The lords and nobles all agreed.

There is no doubt about victory!

The gap in military strength between the two sides is too great. How can the barren Dragonstone Island compete with the elites of the two realms?

"My lords!" Renly stopped the cheers, "But there is one thing that concerns me.

There is a woman beside Stannis. She is dressed in fiery red, and her face is hidden in a red hood.

It seems to be a red-robed witch from Asshai! "

Renly knew that the Red Robe Church had many branches and deep roots, but it had always been active in the Free Trade Cities and the far east, and had never set foot in the Seven Kingdoms. "My lords, does anyone know about this Red Robe Witch?"

Without waiting for the lords and nobles to reply.

Renly put away his smile and looked at Jon Wright with cold eyes:

"Viscount Jon, I heard that this red-robed witch once served under the Hand of the King. Is this true?"

The corners of Jon's mouth twitched, and finally he nodded:

"Ms. Melisandre did follow Lord Domeric for a while, but she never gained his trust. Lord Domeric was never interested in her church and the red god she believed in!"

"So it is!"

Renly nodded slightly, "I heard that the red-robed witch easily cured the malaria of Lord Gales of Rosby City in King's Landing, and then burned one of the bishops of the Church of the Seven to death during the banquet, and finally saved his life from a serious injury. The dying Sandor Clegane the Hound...

With all these things, he doesn’t look like an ordinary mortal…”

No wonder Renly knew these things.

It was Melisandre who had previously promoted the miracles of R'hllor, the Red God of Light, in order to gain Domeric's trust. She acted extremely openly, coupled with the deliberate propaganda of Count Gales...

Nowadays, these facts are well known to everyone!

It can be seen that Renly is extremely wary of the red witch who appears next to Stannis.

"Your Majesty, it is said that the red-robed witch comes from Asshai, which is the farthest and most forbidding city in the known world. According to legend, the wizards in the legend perform evil forbidden rituals and can have sex with demons, or in the dead of night. Performing horrific sorcery.”

"What if this red-robed witch casts weird murderous magic on us?"

"Your Majesty, we have to be on guard!"

The lords and nobles of the Southern Territory were discussing...

"My lords, don't worry, I have already prepared."

Renly had a calculating smile on his face and clapped his hands.

"Knight of Flowers" Loras immediately brought a gold plate inlaid with pearls, which contained seven or eight stones of different shapes.

"Your Majesty, what is this?" Count Matus Rowan asked curiously.

"These are 'magic interference stones' produced in Asshai, which are valuable. I asked Duke Mace Tyrell to buy them from the Free City State at a high price. I have restraint on any power related to magic and witchcraft. effect……"

"Everyone, let's take a piece!"

Renly was very generous, and these men were his great generals, so there was no need to be stingy.

Besides, he didn't pay for these stones, so it's hard to feel distressed.

"Ser Loras, take a piece too."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The nobles picked up the "Magic Interference Stone" and started groping for it.

Even the extremely wealthy Tyrell family in Highgarden considers them very expensive, so these stones are indeed extremely precious.

"This way, we don't have to worry about the magic and witchcraft of the red witch!"

Renly nodded with satisfaction: "Then, let's deploy the military plan next."

"Lord Matus, you command the center force. Count Landau, you command the left wing. I will personally command the right wing. Lord Ismond, I will leave the reserve force to you."

"Your Majesty, I will not let you down." Lord Randyll Tarly and Lord Ismond of Greenstone Castle responded one after another.

Count Matus spoke again: "Who commands the forward?"

"My lord," cried Ser Jon Fossoway of House Green Apple, "I claim this honor." "

"Crushing a long shield wall can't be done with a handsome face. I was a pioneer officer when you were a baby." A nobleman questioned.

Shouting instantly filled the entire camp, and people of all kinds rushed to announce their requests.

Renly raised a hand, "Now, my lords. I would gladly make you all Vanguards if I could, but the greatest honor belongs to the greatest knight. The vanguard will be led by Loras. ·Commanded by Ser Tyrell."

"Your Majesty, I am extremely grateful at this moment."

The "Knight of Flowers" knelt down on one knee in front of the king, "Bless me, I will hold your banner high and let the stag and the rose fight side by side."

"Okay, tomorrow morning will be a morning that Stannis will never forget!" Renly said cheerfully.

"Disband now, everyone. The king also needs to rest before going to war."

Everyone left.

"Ser Loras, please stay."

Renly showed a strange smile, and his tone was slightly ambiguous: "I want to ask you to pray for me. I haven't prayed for a long time, and I'm afraid I have forgotten how to say it."

Loras understood immediately: "As you command, Your Majesty!"


"Lord Domeric, there is a letter from Bitterbridge." Maester Wayman of Riverrun knocked on the door of Duke Hoster's study.

Bitter Bridge?

It seems that Renly Baratheon's coalition forces in the Reach and Stormlands have made new moves.

Domeric opened the letter immediately, and the signature at the end of the letter was undoubtedly Jon Wright.

During this time, Domeric had even forgotten his original name, Jon Snow, and his true identity: the son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

He is young, brave, energetic and sympathetic to the weak.

He doesn't have the arrogance and arrogance of ordinary nobles, and he doesn't look like a fat straw bag.

In addition, since he was a child, he suffered from Mrs. Caitlin's cold eyes. When it comes to dealing with others, Jon Wright also knows some truths that he has learned.

The content of the letter is very detailed and focuses on the key points:

After Renly Baratheon learned that Storm's End was besieged by Stannis, he had already led an elite cavalry force and rushed day and night to fight with his second brother...

Domeric narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but smile.

As in the plot, what awaits Renly next is Melisandre's "Shadow Killer"... This is also the most important reason why Domeric drove the red robe witch back to Stannis early.

what a pity!

Speaking of which, among the many top nobles, Renly Baratheon has the highest overall quality.

He is not as naive and idealistic as Duke Ed, who cherishes his reputation too much, and understands that the struggle for power is life and death, with no middle ground.

It's not like Robert who became king but didn't want to be a good king. He indulged in sex, drunkenness, and had illegitimate children everywhere. He hated governing the country and was unwilling to shoulder the responsibilities of a king.

Unlike Stannis, who is brave and good at fighting, but stubborn and doesn't know how to adapt to harsh methods, he will be a good general but not a good king.

In contrast, Renly makes good use of alliances and has a friendly and charming manner and conversation, which makes it easier to gain support from the nobles and the people. He also has a keen political sense and is determined to become a good king.

With ability and willingness, he would have made a good king.

Back in King's Landing, before Robert was dying and Cersei launched a coup, Renly, who had a bad premonition and took the "Knight of Flowers" Ser Loras, escaped from King's Landing overnight.

Domeric also led the guards to escape from the city with the Wolf sisters at the first moment of the coup.

Unlike Domeric, who is familiar with the plot, Renly relied on his top political sense to make the decision to escape from King's Landing.

At this point, Domeric also admired his decisiveness.

Renly is charismatic, handsome, personable, and has very good diplomatic skills.

Therefore, after he proclaimed himself king, many vassals in the fiefdom of Storm's End chose to support him instead of his brother Stannis.

Renly also understood the importance of allies, so he quickly married his sister "Little Rose" Margaery through the relationship of "Knight of Flowers" Loras, and successfully formed an alliance with Highgarden.

In Domeric's view, Renly Baratheon's Stormlands coalition forces in the Reach are more difficult to deal with than Lord Tywin Lannister's army in the West...

Fortunately, there is Melisandre’s “Shadow Killer”!

Just when Domeric sighed secretly...

"Lord Domeric!" Sansa, his young fiancée, hurried over and threw herself on him.

"What's wrong?" Domeric asked softly in the girl's ear.

Seeing the aggrieved look on Sansa's face, he was puzzled.

Is there still someone bullying Sansa in Riverrun, not knowing that she is the "Hand of the King", "Han Hand", and the fiancée of "The Lord of Harrenhal"?

"Arya, she has grown up..." Sansa said hesitantly with a sad face.


Three seconds later, Domeric suddenly showed an expression of realization. It turned out that this was what happened.

Ever since Arya asked him for help in the Golden Teeth due to her own shortcomings, Domeric had been working diligently to help her grow.

The perseverance during this period has indeed yielded some results.

But don’t let Sansa do this!

Suddenly, Domeric glanced at his fiancée's milky-white Yukiko through his collar, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

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