Domeric was enjoying himself comfortably when he heard a rhythmic knock on the door from outside.

Wrapped in a bath towel, he opened the bathroom door and saw Wilfield standing at the door with a sad look on his face.

She was still fully dressed, and the light makeup on her face had not been wiped off.

There seemed to be a layer of haze on that beautiful face, like a celery that lacked water, wilting.

This surprised Domeric slightly.

Just now at the banquet, I saw her being extremely elegant and scolding Fang Qiu.

But now, Wilfield looked at him helplessly like a little girl who had made a mistake.

"Dear Miss Wilfield, don't you know that disturbing others' bathing is also a very rude behavior?"

Domeric smacked his lips in displeasure.

Wilfield walked in minding her own business, taking off her clothes and complaining:

"After the banquet just now, my grandfather Earl Wyman scolded me severely!"

"Oh, this is such a tragic thing."

Although Domeric said this, his expression was not surprised.

From an outsider's perspective, Wilfield's performance at the banquet seemed to be taking the spotlight.

The intimacy with Domeric also made many nobles aware of the ambiguous relationship between them.

After all, Domeric already has a fiancée, and Sansa Stark is the daughter of the former "Lord of the North" Lord Eddard.

Although Fat Earl Wyman has pledged his allegiance to Domeric, the Manderly family of White Harbor has been a vassal of the Stark family for thousands of years. How could they allow their granddaughter to steal her husband from the daughter of the previous lord?

"I said I didn't want to argue with Lady Sansa, I just wanted to be your lover... My grandfather said I didn't know how to love myself."

Wilfield took off her clothes, revealing not even an inch of her body.

Charming eyes, extremely handsome face, and a hint of grievance at the corner of his mouth.

"After all, the Mandalay family is also a great noble!" Domeric said helplessly.

If Wilfield was the granddaughter of a knight or a baron, naturally no one would mind her making a baby for Domeric.

But the Mandalay family was once one of the great nobles in the Reach, and they had some blood ties with the Reach royal family.

Today's White Harbor is also one of the largest cities in Westeros, and Wilfield is the only heir of the third generation... This involves the dignity of the great nobles!

Wilfield lay down in the bathtub dejectedly and occupied the magpie's nest.

Of course, it's not like a dove occupying a magpie's nest.

After all, the bathing space in the Prime Minister's Tower is large enough to accommodate three or four people.

Domeric shook the brass bell in the bathroom to signal the servant next door to heat the bath water.

After a while, the heat in the bathroom filled the air again.

Domeric took off his towel, entered the bath again, and comforted Wilfield.

Empty and boring words are of course of no use!

Domeric used firm and powerful actions to clear up and resolve the entanglement and depression in Wilfield's heart.

Soon, Wilfield felt relieved.

She angrily lay on top of Domeric, biting his shoulder with her teeth, her expression full of complexity:

"Domi, how wonderful it would have been for you to have chosen me when we were in the winter town!"

Domeric smiled.

If he really chose Wilfield and the Mandalay family, how could he use the prestige and power of the Stark family?

What does King's Landing have to do with him?How to be the "Hand of the King", how to convince the "Vale", how to save the "Riverlands", how to defeat Tywin Lannister...

There are gains and there are losses, and it is difficult to pursue both in everything.

Under Domeric's persistent comfort, Wellfield was filled with energy and fell into a deep sleep...

With an expression of joy and sorrow on her lips, Domeric carried her back to the big bed in the bedroom.

Domeric, who had nothing to do, came to the study and looked out the window.

This is the highest floor of the Prime Minister's Tower, with King's Landing in the dark in the distance.

The seeping darkness of the night and the faint light of the oil lamp could not drive it away at all.

After a long time, he turned around.

Because Domeric found a secret letter on his desk.


Domeric left through a side door on the north wall of the Red Keep.

He drove his horse and walked along the Night Shadow Lane.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves on the cobblestones, several sneaky shadows hurried into the corner, and no one dared to come forward to talk to them.

The Royal Council had already extended the curfew, and anyone who remained on the street after the dusk clock struck would be liable to death.

This measure maintained the evening order in King's Landing to a certain extent.

Every morning, the number of corpses found in the market has been reduced to a quarter of the original number...

Under the bright moonlight, the horses' hooves clattered across the cobblestones.

The surrounding windows were either dark or tightly closed.

Nothing could be heard except the howling wind in the alley.

Domeric quickly ran out of the narrow alley until he arrived in front of a tavern.

As he banged on the door, he heard faint music coming out of the spiked stone wall.

The diamond-shaped windows in the tavern hall flickered with yellow light.

A bard ushered him in.

Domeric handed the horse to him, walked inside, and went straight to find a seat by the window.

The half-moon shone brightly on the leaves of the fruit trees, which were reflected on the water of a pool and made ripples of light.

A cricket chirped. This scene was really comforting.

What a calm, he thought, but for how long?

A sudden stench hit him, and he turned his head.

Behind Domeric, there was a fat beggar.

The beggar wore dirty patched robes, his bare feet were covered in mud, and he had a bowl hanging from a leather cord around his neck, like a monk wearing a crystal.

He smelled enough to choke a mouse to death.

Domeric had just taken a shower, and his body was filled with the smell of soap and Wilfield's body fragrance. This smell was really unbearable...

Looking at the appearance of his "Intelligence Chief", Domeric couldn't help but think of the spies in movies and TV series.

Most of them like this strange way of meeting, perhaps more ritualistic?

"Lord Varys, your appearance makes me very embarrassed!" Domeric complained.

The beggar blinked at him in astonishment.

Varys touched his head and said, "Lord Domeric, I can't believe that even my servants didn't recognize my carefully designed outfit. How did you know, Sir?"

"I have to say, your disguise is perfect. Your appearance, smell, and way of walking are all different."

Domeric shrugged and said, "But his eyes have not changed. It is impossible for a beggar to have eyes like yours!"

Besides, we just met at the banquet. "

Coming from the big information age, he has a very sharp eye and can naturally see through these disguises at a glance.

"I see. It seems that my disguise is not home yet. How sad!"

The hurt look on Varys's face wasn't a disguise.

Domeric said impatiently: "Lord Varys, if you have something to do, you can't tell me after the banquet, or go to the Prime Minister's Tower. Why do you ask me to come here in the middle of the night? Don't you mind it?"

"Haha, it might be better to be a little more troublesome." Wallis smiled mischievously.

"What do you mean?" Domeric was confused.

"A long time ago, I understood a truth: people always don't know how to cherish things that are too easy to obtain."

The dead eunuch spoke in a deep and unhurried tone.

"This seems to make sense..."

Domeric understood that Varys did not want to report this information to him, the "Hand of the King", as a subject of the "Intelligence Controller".

Instead, he shared the news with him as a partner of the "Targaryen dynasty supporters".

"Can you bring us some red wine?" Domeric asked a maid.

After the maid left, Wallis said, "I brought two pieces of news."

Domeric sat upright and said, "Please tell me."

"The first news is about the latest progress in Princess Daenerys' career..."

Wallis told the legendary story of "Dragon Mother" with a look of admiration.

Since hatching the three dragons, Daenerys, who was reborn from the ashes, has since been known as the "Incorruptible" and the "Mother of Dragons."

In order to avoid encounters with other unfriendly Dothraki tribes and the hostile Lazarin people to the south, "Dragon Mother" decided to lead the tribe eastward through the barren and desolate red wasteland.

First, head to Qarth City.

He experienced a series of conspiracies and calculations here, and was trapped in the Immortal Temple, where he became enemies with the wizard.

Then left Qarth and diverted to Slaver's Bay.

Go to the Free City of Astapor and buy the Unsullied.

There are three major slave city-states in Slaver's Bay - Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen, each of which has its own unique slave trading species:

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