Astapor sells the Unsullied, Yunkai is rich in sex and slaves, and Meereen has the largest gladiator arena.

After arriving in Astapor, Dragon Mother met with the slave trader "The Good Lord" to discuss the Unsullied trade.

Facing the arrogant and vulgar "Good Lord", Daenerys pretended not to understand Valyrian. She tried to buy all [-] Unsullied, using all her property plus one Dragon comes to pay.

Under the temptation of the "dragon", the "good masters" of Astapor agreed to make a deal.

On the day of the transaction, when the "Good Lords" handed over the black dragon bone whip "Finger of the Harpy" that symbolized the control of the Unsullied as promised, the "Dragon Mother" suddenly turned against her.

She ordered "Drogon" to breathe fire and kill the "Good Lords" present, and commanded the Unsullied to massacre all the nobles and slave traders of Astapor.

After capturing Astapor, Daenerys liberated all the slaves in the city and obtained eight thousand "Unsullied"...

It is simply a perfect example of a white wolf with empty gloves!

Only the "protagonist halo" can allow Daenerys to perform such a "Long Aotian" level show.

Any other person would end up dead without a burial place.

"This is indeed good news!"

Domeric followed Varys in admiration, saying that Princess Daenerys indeed has the style of the Targaryen family.

Then he asked: "What about the second news?"

"It's news about the Baratheon family."

"Oh?" Domeric pricked up his ears.

Wallis took a sip of wine, moistened his throat, and continued:

"Dr. Renly Baratheon and Lord Stannis faced off at Storm's End. During this period, Lord Renly was assassinated and seriously injured. He was being escorted to Bitterbridge by the 'Knights of Flowers'..."

"What! Renly is not dead!"

Domeric accidentally knocked over the wine glass, and the glass fell to the ground and exploded.

Red wine flowed along the stone slabs, like many long fingers, appearing black in the moonlight.

Wallis looked sullen.

This "Hand of the King" was not surprised at all that Lord Renly was assassinated, but was surprised why he was not dead!

Could it be that he had expected this?

Or is Lord Renly's assassination related to Lord Domeric?

"Sorry." Domeric realized his gaffe.

Before Jon Wright, who was specially sent to Bitterbridge, could send back the news, the "Eight-clawed Spider" in King's Landing received the news first.

This made Domilik couldn't help but take another look at Varys's intelligence capabilities. He was worthy of being an "eight-clawed spider", and the "little bird" that killed the eunuch was even more powerful than he thought.

"But this is also a good thing for us. Civil war breaks out in the Baratheon family, and Princess Daenerys on the other side of the narrow sea will have more opportunities, right?"

Domeric said pretending not to care.


Varys agreed, taking a deep look at the "Hand of the King"...

Chapter 283: The long-lost meeting, joining forces to fight against the Blues

The next day, it was still dark.

Red Fort, Assembly Hall.

The furnishings here are extremely gorgeous, the floor is covered with Myr carpets, and the walls are covered with exquisite oil paintings. The Valyrian sphinx statue, with its bright eyes, seems to be looking at everyone at the conference table. .

This is a long-awaited imperial meeting.

The Imperial Council takes orders directly from the King, and only the King can implement the Council's resolutions in the name of law.

But now Joffrey Baratheon has been completely ignored by Domeric, and the royal meeting has become Domeric's private meeting.

Present at the meeting were Lord Fat Wyman, the finance minister, Lord Gales, the minister of justice, Countess Dustin, who is responsible for the defense of King's Landing, and Varys, the intelligence chief...

As for Tormund "Giantbane" Captain of the Iron Guard, Domeric did not force him to attend.

Since Tormund came to King's Landing, he has been unable to extricate himself from the colorful world of King's Landing.

The once heroic and fearless savage leader has been completely corrupted.

He spent all day in a brothel for free, doubled in weight, and transformed from a tall and mighty warrior into a ball of flesh that was unbearable to look at.

I have to say that for a soldier, this is also a kind of sadness...

And Grand Maester Pycelle is still imprisoned in the dungeon under the Red Keep.

For unknown reasons, the Citadel of Oldtown has not sent a new Grand Maester to King's Landing.

Domeric considered letting him go, since Tywin Lannister had been driven back to Casterly Rock, away from the political center.

Even if Pycelle still loves Lannister, he can't make any waves.

As for Pycelle's own talents, he is one of the few in the Seven Kingdoms. The premise is that he sincerely serves his orders instead of pretending to be stupid...

The flame in the fireplace dissipated the coolness of the morning, accompanied by the sweet voice of the "Eight-clawed Spider".

"Duke Renly Baratheon was assassinated in a terrible way among the army. It is said that one of his arms was completely cut off. He is still seriously injured and comatose, and his life and death are uncertain..."

"Intelligence Chief" Wallis recounted last night's information again, as if he had just received the news.

"It's unbelievable!" Fat Count Weiman exclaimed.

"Who did it?" Countess Dustin asked.

"Ahem~~" Earl Gales used his habitual cough to express his opinion instead.

"It's really shocking. Who is the murderer?"

Domeric followed Varys' example and pretended that it was the first time he heard the news.

"Hey, the problem is, too many answers means no answers." Wallis rubbed his soft hands:

"Lord Renly was suddenly assassinated, rumors grew like mushrooms in the dark, and my information was not always as omniscient as everyone hoped."

"Lord Varys, you might as well tell me everything you know..." Domeric said.

"As you command, my lord." Varys pretended to clear his throat:

"A groom said that Renly was killed by one of the Rainbow Guard.

A washerwoman claimed that Stannis took his magic sword and sneaked into his brother's camp at night, raising the sword and falling...

Some soldiers believed it was a woman who did it, but they couldn't determine who that woman was?

Others believe that the murderer is Brienne, a girl who was abandoned by Renly. She was extremely in love with Renly, but she was rejected because of her ugly appearance.

Others say she was a courtesan who served Lord Renly on the eve of the battle. She was as beautiful as the stars.

Some people even ventured to speculate that Sir Loras, the 'Knight of Flowers', was the real murderer!

Because Renly unethically forced him to use his mouth... This provoked poor Loras to resist..."


Domeric stopped the dead eunuch from continuing, otherwise the royal meeting would become a tea party:

"Lord Varys, you shouldn't waste our time with these idiots' gossip."

Wallis had an innocent expression on his face: "The truth may be hidden in these gossips, sirs, don't you think so?"

The remaining people started talking one after another, speculating with great interest on who the real culprit was.

Domeric knew of course that the real murderer behind the scenes was the "shadow killer" of the red-robed witch Melisandre, but why didn't he kill Renly directly like in the plot?

What unexpected situation happened?


In short, no matter who did it, the mastermind must be Stannis Baratheon.

It was obvious that he was the beneficiary. "

Fat Count Wyman moved his buttocks on the chair covered with velvet cushions and changed into a more comfortable position. His gout would attack from time to time, which was quite annoying:

"But this matter is not an urgent matter. The question before us now is: Who should we support in the civil war between the Baratheon family? Or which side should we favor?"

"Of course I support Lord Stannis Baratheon!"

The always honest and honest "Minister of Justice" Earl Gales suddenly spoke, and he said plausibly:

"It was Lord Stannis who released the blockade of Blackwater Bay, so that cargo ships from the Seven Realms could continuously deliver supplies to King's Landing and avoid a great famine..."

A group of people looked at the old man with strange eyes.

"So we have Stannis to thank?"

Countess Dustin spoke unkindly. She was wearing a dignified yet gorgeous aristocratic dress, and her brown-gray hair was tied into a widow's knot behind her head. "But wasn't it Stannis who blocked Blackwater Bay in the first place?

A robber puts a knife to your neck and then, out of kindness, drops the knife.

Are you just grateful to this robber and never forget him?

Earl Gales, this is really strange logic..."

Varys then spoke up and echoed: "Count Gales, your memory is really not good enough.

Lord Stannis has become king!

He even openly declared that His Majesty Joffrey was a bastard - not a real king! "

"As far as I know, Lord Renly has also become king." Lord Gales retorted.

Wallis sneered: "It seems you are not an old fool!"


The eunuch and the old man immediately began to argue with each other.

Everyone turned their attention to Domeric, and it was obvious that he was the one who made the final decision.

In fact, neither Renly nor Stannis nor Domeric would support it!

But rather than dealing with the two Lu brothers at the same time, it is the safest way to win over one of them first and then deal with the other.

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