Although Renly was seriously injured, he was not dead!

The power composed of House Tyrell, House Tully, House Rowan, and some nobles from the Stormlands, such as Sir Cortanai Penros, has not collapsed.

Don't look at it, Stannis successfully received most of the ten thousand cavalry under Renly's command.

But most of the lords and nobles are just fagots, they will fall wherever the wind blows!

They had different thoughts, some felt that Renly was too seriously injured and was about to die.

Some felt that Stannis had a greater chance of winning, thanks to the strong persuasion of the Florent family.

Once Renly recovers from his serious injury, or the situation changes, these men may abandon Stannis at any time...

The only people who are truly loyal to Stannis are the navy of the "Royal Fleet" and the pitifully small army.

A miscellaneous army of no more than 5000 people, including about 400 cavalry.

Thinking of this, Domeric couldn't help but want to laugh.

Poor Stannis Baratheon, although he was once the Sea Lord and the second brother of King Robert, the Dragonstone Island under his jurisdiction was a barren land.

He was a small man with only a few thousand people under his command. He was no match for other nobles. Renly, who had an army of nearly [-], did not take him seriously...

Therefore, Stannis chose to use Melisandre's power.

This move is undoubtedly unwise, but Stannis's power is indeed too weak to do extraordinary things, and it is difficult to develop and grow.

In the plot, Stannis steps on Renly's body, subdues the troops loyal to the Baratheon family and the Riverside nobles headed by the Florent family, and advances towards the Iron Throne.

Next, Melisandre collected the blood of Robert's "bastard son" Gendry, and cursed Robb Stark, Joffrey Baratheon, and Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands...

Speaking of which, Stannis is also a real person and is only interested in the "usurper" who has become king.

Whoever is king is his enemy. He does not know how to unite vertical and horizontal forces, and wants to use "witchcraft" to harm others.

With "Melisandre" as a killer weapon in his hand, Stannis's competitiveness for the Iron Throne is no weaker than Renly's.

But he is a stupid, stubborn, and unaware person, and he has a sense of deja vu of "being a bitch and building a memorial arch".

In the plot, after using Melisandre's "Shadow Killer" to kill his brother Renly and Ser Cortanai, Stannis was overly optimistic.

At that time, the Battle of the Blackwater had begun. As the powerful successor to the kingdom, Stannis successfully received a large portion of Renly's army. Coupled with his own army, his strength should not be underestimated.

At that time, King's Landing was empty of troops, so Stannis immediately issued an order to march to King's Landing.

There is no problem with this move!

At the same time, for insurance, Stannis also sent his men to Bitterbridge to receive Renly's remaining troops, but they were resisted and failed.

From a strategic perspective:

If King's Landing is captured quickly with superior force, and Renly's remnant army left at Bitterbridge can be persuaded to surrender, then Stannis can really sit on the Iron Throne.

Therefore, in such an optimistic mood, Stannis felt that he could conquer King's Landing without Melisandre's assistance.

This was the biggest mistake he ever made, and then he ushered in a fateful defeat!

Stannis was overly optimistic about the war situation at that time, the "little devil" Tyrion was extremely capable, and reinforcements from Tywin and Highgarden quickly came back.

The failure of the Battle of the Blackwater left Stannis severely weakened and paved the way for his eventual defeat.

Strictly speaking, Stannis is actually a man of chivalry, with a serious and reserved personality, an upright man, and he pays special attention to the fairness of the law.

However, he is too harsh, unkind, and lacks the ability to unite others. This is a fatal flaw for a leader.

Therefore, Stannis will never be a qualified king.

Therefore, for Domeric, Renly Baratheon is undoubtedly a more threatening enemy.

If he died due to serious injuries or wound infection, it would naturally be the best situation.

But if Renly recovers from his serious injury and gathers a group of forces loyal to him again, it will be difficult!

Therefore, Domeric suddenly had an idea in his mind.

The safest strategy right now is:

United history against blue!

Pretend to be in alliance with Stannis, kill Renly first, and then find an opportunity to kill Stannis later!


"Where is Renly's army?" Domeric asked calmly.

"He left a large body of infantry at Bitterbridge."

Varys explained: "But most of the lords who followed Renly to Storm's End at night lowered their flags and surrendered to Stannis. Please note that this represents almost all the cavalry in the South."

"I bet it was the Florens who took the lead," said Fat Count Wyman.

Varispi said with a smile: "I didn't expect that your Mandalay family has been away from the river bend for so long, but you still know the situation there very well. Lord Weiman, you are right!

The first person to defect was indeed Count Alister Florent of Brightwater City, and many nobles followed suit. "

"Many," Domeric stressed, "not all?"

"Not all!" the eunuch confirmed.

"Not Loras Tyrell, not Randyll Tarly, not Matus Rowan.

Additionally, the defenders of Storm's End did not surrender, and Ser Cortanai Penros held the castle in the name of Lord Renly, refusing to surrender to Stannis.

The current situation is that Renly is seriously injured and unconscious.

A group of lords and nobles, as well as a large number of infantry stationed at Bitter Bridge, did not know where to go...

Lord Domeric, now is undoubtedly an opportunity for us.

Haha..." Wallis showed a scary smile.

“Domi, Lord Varys is right.

If we want to deal with the Reach Storm Alliance, now is undoubtedly a good opportunity, while Renly Baratheon is seriously injured and unconscious, and the Bitterbridge army is distracted..."

Countess Dustin urged her.

Fat Lord Wyman agreed.

Earl Gales raised his hands...

Domeric glanced at a few people and nodded slightly.

He then asked Wallis: "Then the specific number of the Bitter Bridge army?"

"Dr. Renly previously led more than ten thousand knights to Storm's End. Now most of them have surrendered to Stannis. There are still sixty to seventy thousand troops in Bitterbridge, but most of them are infantry, and their lords are unknown to them. Under the circumstances, Stannis has already surrendered..."

"But I currently have only 2 people under my command. Duke Brynden and Lord Yohn Royce are still guarding Tywin Lannister in the Golden Tooth City, and King's Landing has no troops that can be mobilized."

"Twenty thousand troops are enough!"

Varys chuckled and said: "Not to mention the nobles who have surrendered to Stannis, the remaining ones may also have evil intentions.

Lord Domeric, you can definitely try to bribe them..."

Domeric clicked his tongue twice, "Lord Varys, you don't think that these powerful nobles and noble knights can be bought and sold at will like chickens in the market, do you?"

"Sir, you haven't been to the market for a long time."

Wallis smiled and said, "I dare say that buying a noble is definitely easier than buying a chicken.

Of course, the cries of nobles are more arrogant than those of chickens, and they will be very disgusted if you directly mark the price to do business like a businessman!

But they are disrespectful to the wealth they well as honor, land, castles, etc. "

Domeric immediately understood the implication:

"Buying bribes may sway some of the small nobles, but it is impossible to buy the entire river bend and storm land."

"That's right!" Wallis admitted:

"But we only need to bribe a few key people, such as Count Matus Rowan of Golden Tree City, the angular Count Randyll Tully...

Once they defect, the entire Riverbend Stormland coalition will fall into complete chaos! "

Perhaps because he is not bound by secular morality, the idea of ​​​​death eunuchs is always so insidious!

But it was undoubtedly very much to his liking.

Domeric thought...

Chapter 284: Sending troops to Bitter Bridge, washerwoman

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, those of us who are ignorant in politics must prioritize the welfare of the people of the seven countries in everything we do.

In my opinion, this is indeed an opportunity not to be missed..."

Varys is like a pedantic loyal minister admonishing his king.

Domeric stood up without speaking and looked around.

All the ministers stood up one after another.

The so-called "taking advantage of his illness to kill him"!

Renly is seriously injured and the people of Bitterbridge are scattered. Although they are taking advantage of others' danger, it is indeed a good opportunity to send troops to quell the rebellion.

Seeing that everyone was so insistent, Domeric couldn't continue to pretend.

He announced slowly but forcefully:

"In the name of Joffrey Baratheon I of House Baratheon, King of the Andals, Rhoynar and First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, it is officially declared:

Crush the rebellious man who rebelled and became king - Renly Baratheon.

Seven days later, the troops left King's Landing and marched to Bitterbridge..."

Domeric turned his eyes to the aunt in charge of the defense of King's Landing: "From today on, King's Landing will enter a state of martial law."

"As you command," Countess Dustin replied.

"Earl Weiman, prepare all the military supplies and supplies for the army to set off."

"As ordered." Fat Earl Weiman responded.

"Earl Gales, I need you to help me gather the troops of all the nobles of Wangling. Is that okay?"

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