The commerce in Wangling is developed, and the lords and lords around King's Landing are extremely wealthy, rich in materials, and have a large population.

In the previous series of battles against Tywin Lannister, Wang Ling did not send troops, but was only responsible for providing money and supplies.

Now, with the war with Renly about to begin, there is no way Domeric would let these nobles stay out of the fight!

Earl Gales was stunned for a moment and immediately responded: "I will immediately summon all the nobles of Wangling in your name..."

On my behalf?

And not in Joffrey's name?

Domeric made no objection.

To be fair, Wang Ling may have more nobles willing to send troops in his name.

King Robert has come to power since the Usurper's War.

The Baratheon family has always adopted a suppressive attitude towards Wangling, especially restricting its military development.

After all, the nobles of Wangling, big and small, were all die-hard supporters of the Targaryen dynasty.

Being the king under the eyes of the "former boss"'s many younger brothers, even King Robert, who has always been ambitious, felt uncomfortable with it.

This also led to the fact that although Wangling's business was prosperous, its overall military strength was relatively low among the Seven Kingdoms.

"Start drafting the document. The document must be signed by His Majesty Joffrey and all the important ministers, and stamped with everyone's seals... Send someone to get the parchment and quill, and go to Maegor's Tower for His Majesty Joffrey to sign... …”

When the meeting finally ended, it was still dark.

"That's all, let's all disperse."

Domeric ended the meeting as "Hand of the King."

All the ministers left one after another.

"Lord Varys stays," he said at this time.

The eunuch looked around in confusion, wondering why the "Hand of the King" kept him here?

Domeric looked out the window, it was not yet bright.

In the darkness, there were a few dim lights flickering.

"Write a secret letter in my name to Lord Stannis.

Tell him that I will attack Bitterbridge along the Rose Road, so that he can capture Storm's End as soon as possible and jointly attack Renly Baratheon..."

Varys chuckled and said: "Don't worry, I will write it now. After receiving the letter, Lord Stannis will probably be grateful to you in his heart, my kind and good lord..."

"Do you think Stannis will listen to me?"

Domeric suddenly spoke and made a reasoning gesture like Conan Jun held his chin:

"How should we respond if Stannis attacks King's Landing with an army newly loyal to him?"

Wallis had a sly smile on his face: "This is impossible!

We can thank the gods that Ser Cortanai Penros is a stubborn man.

The same is true for Stannis. He will never advance northward until Storm's End Castle is captured.

Therefore, King’s Landing must be safe and sound during this period of time..."

"Is it?"

Domeric smiled slightly, "What if, I mean what if...Ser Cortanai of Storm's End was assassinated by the same assassination as Renly?"

"The same assassination as Lord Renly?"

Wallis' eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty, and he paused before saying, "Sir, do you trust me?"

"Of course, I trust you completely." Domeric looked up at the eunuch, "Seriously, Lord Varys, I trust you as much as my blood relatives."

"What is there to doubt about this? Lord Domeric."

A wry smile echoed between the closed windows.

Varys continued: "In this case, Lord Domeric, my intuition tells me that you know the truth about Lord Renly's assassination.

So please tell me, how was Lord Renly assassinated in the camp?

At that time, there were tens of thousands of elite cavalry stationed there! "

"Don't your little bird know?" Domeric shrugged.

"Didn't you say those were all gossip? What I want to know is the truth!" Wallis said stubbornly.

As if feeling the determination of the dead eunuch, Domeric slowly said: "I guess it might be 'magic'!"

"Magic? Impossible, I don't believe it!" Wallis shook his head wildly.

"Other than magic, what other explanation is there? Renly is surrounded by more than ten thousand cavalry, hundreds of nobles and lords, and several 'Rainbow Guards' who are close to him. Who can assassinate him?"

"Perhaps the killer was hiding in the tent beforehand, hiding under the bed."

Wallis imagined, he argued: "Or maybe you climbed in through a rope from the roof of the tent, or maybe those 'Rainbow Guards' were the murderers. Who knows if they did it themselves?"

"Well, Lord Varys, in this case, I have nothing to say."

Domeric waved his hand helplessly.

He has told everything he knows, whether the eunuch believes it or not.

Varys fell into silence and didn't speak for a long time.

The entire meeting hall was so silent that even the sound of a pin dropping could be heard clearly.

Finally, the eunuch cleared his throat: "Lord Domeric, does magic really exist? Those ancient powers?"

“Yes, magic is real!

Shadow magic, blood magic, curses, shapeshifting... and so on, there are many. "Domeric explained patiently.

The eunuch paused for a moment and said, "My lord, you once asked me how I was castrated?"

"I never asked!" Domeric laughed, "This question is really rude."

"Well, maybe someone else asked. After all, the eunuch's memory is not very good... Would you like to hear the story of my castration?"

Before Domeric could answer, Wallis spoke on his own, and his voice was different from usual.

“I was an orphan and worked as an apprentice in a touring theater troupe since I was a child.

One day, we were performing in Mill, and a strange man came to the troupe. After the performance, he asked the boss to buy me.

The price he offered was so tempting that the boss couldn't refuse.

I had heard about how men would enjoy little boys, and I was afraid that the man had such intentions.

Unexpectedly, the only thing he wants from me is my 'Beep'. "

"Beep?" Domeric couldn't help laughing.

"My lord, please be serious," Varys corrected.

"Sorry, please continue." Domeric sat upright, looking like he was listening.

Wallis sighed deeply and continued to immerse himself in memories:

“He gave me a dose of medicine that left me unable to move or speak, but all my senses were clear.

Then, he used a long scimitar to cut off my beep root and stem, while muttering something.

I watched him put my beep into the brazier and burn it.

The flames turned blue and I heard a voice answering his call, though I didn't understand its language...

To this day, that night still haunts me in my dreams.

My lord, it was not the wizard I dreamed about, nor his sword, nor even the sight of my beep withering in the flames.

But that voice.

Voices in the flames.

Is that a god?Is it a devil?

Or is it a magician's trick? ...No, I'm proficient in all the tricks, but I don't know anything about this one.

All I know for sure is that he summoned something and 'it' responded.

From that day on, I hated magic and all those who practiced it..."

Seeing the dead eunuch keeping secret about "magic", Domeric felt a little pity for him:

"It's a sad story. I'm sorry. It's probably the worst thing you've ever seen in your life, Lord Varys."

The eunuch sighed: "I drank the medicine and the pain was severe. Besides, it happened a long time ago in a place far away across the ocean.

I told myself a thousand times that the sound was just an illusion from a nightmare...

But now, you tell me that magic really exists! "


a few days later.

King's Landing.

The castle was filled with clanging sounds and chaos.

People stood on the carriages, carrying barrels of wine, bags of flour, and bundles of newly feathered arrows.

The blacksmiths were busy smoothing swords, knocking out dents in armor, and shoeing war horses and cargo mules.

The mail armor was thrown into a bucket of sand and rolled along the uneven surface of the Flowstone Courtyard to rub it clean.

Both inside and outside the city, nobles and soldiers alike crowded into the church to pray.

Outside the city wall, large and small tents were dismantled one after another, and the attendants lifted buckets to put out the campfires.

The soldiers took out their whetstones and carefully sharpened their knives for the last time before setting off for battle.

The city gates were wide open, soldiers came in and out, carriages drove in empty and went out fully loaded, creaking and shaking.

The lords gave orders, the soldiers cursed each other, the prostitutes quarreled and bickered, and the noise was like a rising tide, reaching its climax...

Compared to the busy crowd, Melanie seemed out of place.

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