"Dear Wilfield, looking at you like this, do you want to have some academic research exchanges with me?"

Domilek held her hand, and Wilfield naturally sat in the man's arms.

Wilfield's attitude was cordial, but there was no trace of lewdness on her face.

When she was involved in academic problems, she was pure and inviolable.

Domeric took it for granted.

"Domi, when I was reading history, I thought of a question."

Wilfield knew that her man was well versed in history, so she really enjoyed discussing in-depth issues with him.

"Please," Domeric said, reaching into the collar of her shirt.

Wilfield symbolically grabbed the big hand and ignored it.

"I was reading "The 300-Year History of the Targaryen Dynasty" just now, and suddenly I came across a question:

Why did the Targaryens still rule Westeros for so long after losing their dragons? "

Wilfield looked solemn, obviously this problem had been bothering her for a long time.

Domeric glanced at her unexpectedly. It was obvious that this question was very deep!

As we all know, Aegon the Conqueror relied on three dragons to knit the entire continent of Westeros together and establish a unified dynasty.

The early days of Targaryen's rule were even more inseparable from the threat of dragons.

So why did the Targaryen family still rule the Seven Kingdoms for more than 150 years after the dragon disappeared?

This question not only confused Wilfield, but also probably many scholars on the mainland.

"To put it simply, we maintain our rule through a series of wars!"

Domeric's words were concise and to the point.

"Using war to maintain rule?" Wilfield blinked.

"After the dragons were extinct, the first monarch of the Targaryen dynasty was the "Young Dragon Lord" Daeron Targaryen. What happened after he succeeded to the throne? You should know very well..."

Domeric's other hand began to penetrate under Wilfield's skirt, but the latter's attention was entirely on his words.

"As we all know, Daeron I Targaryen is the eighth king to sit on the Iron Throne. He inherited the throne when he was only 14 years old. His most famous achievement is the conquest of Dorne."

Wilfield said hurriedly.

"Your basic skills in history are very solid." Domeric's fingertips were stained with a strange moisture, and he continued to deepen:

"Many people think that the 'Young Dragon Lord' is so happy with his achievements that it would be unwise to waste the country's power to start a war without a giant dragon!

But in fact he is a very smart and promising king..."

"What should I say?" Wilfield gasped slightly and said urgently.

Domeric asked Wilfield to spread his legs and change his position to sit on his waist: "At that time, the 'Young Dragon Lord' was preparing to launch a war to conquer Dorne.

The opinion that dissuades him from starting a war is that 'dragons are extinct'. The subtext is that your ancestors couldn't conquer Dorne even if they had dragons, let alone you who don't have dragons.

The young dragon master's answer was, 'Who said dragons are extinct? There is a dragon standing in front of you. '

The logic is clear. There is no longer the transcendent status of the Targaryen family symbolized by the 'dragon'.

The Young Dragon Lord chose to use external conquest to re-establish the prestige of the Targaryen family.

Dorne, the Reach and the Stormlands are historical enemies. If they start a war against Dorne, they will naturally gain the support of the Reach and the Storm Kingdoms.

From a strategic point of view, 'Young Dragon Lord' succeeded.

The seven countries were reunited because of a common enemy.

However, the Young Dragon Lord died young, Dorne rebelled again, and the Targaryen family was unable to support a long-term security war.

Therefore, after the "Young Dragon Lord", Dorne's policy changed to peacefully annexing Dorne through marriage.

This policy finally succeeded when 'Wise King' Daeron betrothed Princess Daenerys to the Prince of Dorne.

Dorne retained its own laws, merged into the Seven Kingdoms, and maintained a special status among the Seven Kingdoms - retaining the title of prince, not being called a duke, and marrying with the Dragon family..."

"So, the 'Young Dragon Lord' found a common enemy for the seven countries through the Dorne War, and used this to stabilize the rule of the Targaryen family!"

Wilfield held the man's chest with both hands, as if she understood something.

Domeric nodded, "The war in Dorne ended, and then came another rebellion - the 'Blackfire Rebellion'."

"Daemon Blackfyre is a noble bastard son of the Targaryen family. He led half of the kingdom and declared war on his half-brother, the Good King Daeron II... This war was called the 'Blackfyre Rebellion' !”

Wilfield's basic historical skills are indeed solid.

"That's right!" Domeric gave Wilfield a kiss as a reward.

"This is another war!

In fact, the cause of the 'Blackfire Rebellion' is still essentially the conflict of Dorne.

At that time, many nobles of the Seven Kingdoms did not like King Daeron, the 'Wise King' who advocated peace.

In his court, the Dornish people had huge influence. They hated the Dornish people and were dissatisfied with the privileges gained after Dorne was incorporated into the kingdom.

Daemon Blackfyre's stance of firmly opposing the 'Marriage of Dorne' caused many nobles who were dissatisfied with Dorne to lean towards Blackfyre, and even gained him the support of a large number of forces in the Reach.

The 'Blackfire' problem is actually a continuation of the Dorne problem within the Targaryen dynasty.

On the other hand, from the stage of 'Saint Baelor', 'Mean King' to 'Wise King' Daeron, the Targaryen kings were "weak", close to priests and bachelors, and separated from knights and warriors.

And Daemon Blackfyre was the best warrior, making a group of knights unite around him.

Another force that supports Daemon Blackfyre is the lower-class nobles who are dissatisfied with the status quo and demand the redistribution of their territories.

For example, the old knight who is eager to take back Coldmoat Castle, the Three Sisters Islands who have been complaining for more than 1000 years since they were forced to surrender to the Arryn family, etc...

So, starting from the first 'Blackfire Rebellion', there was another 'Blackfire Rebellion' every few years.

These wars seemed to shake the Targaryen family's rule, but in fact they were just the opposite.

Every war attracts a group of forces that are dissatisfied with the current situation of the Targaryen family, which actually has the effect of 'regularly releasing internal conflicts'.

Moreover, in every war, new knights and lords with meritorious service were promoted, and the territories of the losers were distributed to the victors, thus promoting class mobility in disguise..."

Chapter 287 Academic exchanges and foreign wars!

Around AD 153, the last of the Targaryen dragons died.

From then on, the Targaryen dynasty entered a "dragonless" era that lasted for more than 150 years.

As the "dragon-free" era begins, many problems follow.

One of them is how the Targaryen family used the land directly under the king's territory to overwhelm the Seven Kingdoms and maintain their former rule?

"Hand of the King", "Duke of Harrenhal", and "Heir to the Dreadfort" Domeric Bolton is having an in-depth exchange on this issue with his logistics officer Wilfield Mandler in the lord's camp. .

"After losing their dragons, the Targaryens launched a series of wars.

Deflect internal conflicts in the Conquest of Dorne and unleash them in the Blackfyre Civil War.

So in effect, each war expanded the vested interests and base of Targaryen rule. "

Domeric explained word for word.

Wilfield was also fascinated.

“In the final analysis, the feudal system of the Seven Kingdoms requires regular wars.

Only through war can lower-class knights and lords have the opportunity to move upward. Second sons and illegitimate children who cannot inherit the family business can have the opportunity to establish their own families, and upper-level lords can have the opportunity to expand their territories.

Moreover, war can consume the strength of superior lords, divert attention, and prevent the seven countries from integrating their respective vassal territories and forming a united front with each other.

Therefore, the Targaryen dynasty fought a civil war every few years or more, and it was like a tradition that continued..."

Domeric fully communicated this serious academic issue with Wilfield.

Wilfield's eyes were closed tightly, and her expression was sometimes relaxed, sometimes confused, and sometimes deep in thought.

Looking at history from these penetrating perspectives reveals Domeric's profound wisdom.

"In addition, Targaryen, an outsider, has, in a sense, gained the orthodox recognition of the Seven Kingdoms from nobles to commoners during his long rule.

Before losing the 'dragon', the Targaryens had ruled the Six Kingdoms for more than 150 years, almost five generations.

What is this concept?

This means that those who lived through the era of Aegon's Conquest and complained about surrendering to the Targaryens were all dead long ago.

People alive today have lived under Targaryen rule since their birth.

Seven Kingdoms vying for supremacy?

That is just the distant history in books. People may be more interested in the legends left by Prince Daemon in the Narrow Sea than those wars and attacks that are not well documented.

In addition, the Targaryen family has arranged loyal allies in the Stormlands and the Reach as early as the era of Aegon the Conqueror.

There is no need to say much about the identity of Oris Baratheon, and as the "Gardener King's Steward", the Tyrell family was able to enter Highgarden because of the support of Targaryen.

Want to rebel?

The Florent family, whose bloodline is nobler than Tyrell's, is always waiting to take over.

However, foundation and allies are not a foolproof strategy. It is undeniable that Targaryen must be more cautious than before when dealing with relations with vassals.

Several wise men of the Targaryen family also made mistakes.

'Good King' Daeron II annexed Dorne to the kingdom, and the Six Kingdoms became the Seven Kingdoms.

He completed the unfinished work of his ancestors, but also allowed the Dornish people to expand their influence in the court unbridled, which also led to many nobles in the Reach supporting Blackfire.

'Wise King' Daeron II was not the only one, Aegon V also almost made a big mistake.

His eldest son, 'Short' Prince Duncan, was deeply in love with Janey of Wild Stone City, and for the latter's sake, he broke his engagement with the daughter of Leonor, the Laughing Storm.

The enraged Duke then proclaimed himself the Storm King.

Fortunately, Duke Leonor did not really rebel, and Aegon V handled it properly, otherwise Targaryen would have lost a loyal ally..."

Domeric took a sip of the fresh milk brought by the maid, moistened his throat, and continued:

"Analysed from another perspective, the Targaryens are the leaders of the Seven Kingdoms and the glue.

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