Before Aegon the Conqueror, the Seven Kingdoms were basically somewhat hostile or closed.

Targaryen broke this situation and allowed them to coexist peacefully, promoting peaceful trade and other flows between countries, and also reducing his own costs of mediating disputes or intimidating or even violence.

Challenging Targaryen is not just a challenge to an iron chair, it is also a challenge to all the ethics of loyalty and the interests behind it.

As long as the large and small lords with vested interests do not interfere with their interests, it does not matter which family they are ruled by.

Even if you have some spare energy to go out and fight, in comparison, it is more cost-effective to build your own one-third of an acre of land.

Once chaos breaks out, what happens to the subsequent distribution of benefits?

The cakes of the Seven Kingdoms have been divided, and if there is a mess, the cakes may be gone.

It’s better to calm down and enjoy your share of the cake.

Therefore, for most nobles, peace can benefit them more than war..."

Domeric couldn't help but think of "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish buried in the cellar of the Red Keep. Only for an initial loser like "Littlefinger", chaos was the step for him to participate in dividing the cake.

Wilfield put her arms around the man's neck, leaned into his ear, and asked:

"So, even without the dragon, the Targaryen family's rule is still stable?"

"It can also be said that the Targaryen family's prestige has been established in the Seven Kingdoms for many years."

Domeric agreed, smelling the warm and moist breath of Wilfield:

“The unified Seven Kingdoms have reduced many wars in Westeros.

The existence of the Iron Throne can also focus on infrastructure construction.

During the era of Jaehaerys, the construction of several highways made the major kingdoms more directly connected, and the population grew and became richer.

This makes everyone think that a unified Seven Kingdoms is better than a divided one!

Moreover, the political methods of successive kings were very outstanding.

For example, Targaryen's direct royal territory is surrounded by three lands: the Reach, the Stormlands, and the Riverlands.

The lords of these three lands: the Tyrell, Baratheon and Tully families are all direct descendants promoted by Targaryen. It can be said that the legal principle of their rule is the Targaryen dynasty.

Many other lesser nobles also have a favorable impression of the royal family.

The Arryns and Lannisters also had deep connections with the Targaryen royal family in history.

Normally, it would be difficult for the opposition to resist the direct descendants of Targaryen.

If you really want to overthrow Targaryen and take the throne yourself, you must gather the power of many great lords, and there is only one throne.

Generally speaking, no one would take the risk of resisting the rule of the Targaryen family in order to support other high-ranking lords to ascend to the throne..."

"So it turns out that the Targaryen family has continuously strengthened the influence of the dynasty through a series of wars, and through political balance and differentiation, it has checked and balanced all nobles...

So why is it inevitable to perish in the end? "

Wilfield's breathing became heavier and heavier, and a blush appeared on her jade-colored skin.

But her thoughts were still clear.

Domeric paused slightly: "Well, how can there be an eternal dynasty in the world?

Without the absolute power of the 'dragon', it would be sooner or later for Targaryen to perish.

Without actual capital, no land and no one - they can only reach out to the big nobles to ask for benefits. In the end, loyalty will always turn sour.

When the time comes, as long as one or several families in the Seven Kingdoms can fight against other families, what is loyalty?

King Aegon V must have realized this before the tragedy in Summer Hall..."

Domeric thought of Daenerys, the "Dragon Mother" on the other side of the Narrow Sea.

The dragon finally returned, but the Targaryens were dead.

“Of course what accelerated this process was the lack of talent within the dynasty.

From Aegon III to Aegon V, the Targaryen family has always had wise kings and capable ministers who can help the building collapse.

Such as Viserys II, 'Wise King' Daeron, including Prime Minister 'Bloodraven' and 'Spearbreaker' Baelor and others.

After the tragedy at Summer Hall, the Targaryen family had no one who could take charge of their own affairs, but there was one person who was capable..." Domeric explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

"Like 'Mad King' Aerys II?" Wilfield's body softened.

"That's right!" Domeric took a deep breath:

"The huge family fortune left behind by our ancestors is not so easy to lose, but unfortunately the Targaryen family had a wrong ruler.

The Targaryen family has formed a historical inertia in the Age of Dragons.

'Young Dragon Lord' Daeron I's expedition to Dorne proved that unprecedented feats could be achieved without dragons, which effectively restored the nobles' respect for the dynasty.

If Aerys II hadn't gone crazy and Prince Rhaegar was bewildered by the prophecy, the Targaryen family would have been fine for another 100 years!

Of course, the ruling skills and political sense of 'Mad King' Aerys II were obviously much worse than those of his ancestors.

Before the demise of the 'Blackfire', the general pattern of the Targaryen dynasty's civil war was North VS South.

There is an unstable rough balance between 'Fish Wolf Eagle' and 'Lion Deer Flower'.

Starting from the 'Young Dragon Lord' Daeron I, the Dorne issue has been the main focus of policy.

The 'Mad King' failed to realize in time that after the demise of the 'Blackfire', the Dorne issue was no longer important!

But he still tied the Targaryens and the Dorn Martells together and allowed the "Fish, Wolf, Deer and Eagle" alliance to be established...

Especially the Baratheon family of the 'Deer Family', as the illegitimate son of the 'Dragon Family' Targaryen family and the foreign conquerors who came ashore with the 'Dragon Family', they have always been the closest princes to the Dragon Family.

It is an unforgivable mistake to allow the 'Lu Family' to join the 'Oswolf Eagle' Northern Alliance!

And the 'War of the Usurpers' almost made this mistake irreversible.

The 'Mad King' seriously offended the Stormlands, the North, and the Vale, and had an enmity with his old friend Duke Tywin of the West. Prince Rhaegar cheated on the Princess of Dorne. Various negative events triggered the 'ancestral speculation' of the Tully family in the Riverlands. Passive skill.

In the entire Seven Kingdoms, only the 'Rose' Tyrell family, which is strong on paper but has average influence, has gone to Storm's End to fish for money.

All the multiple political balances collapsed, causing the Targaryen dynasty to suddenly die! "

This academic exchange has quickly reached its most critical moment!

Domeric clutched the armrests of the chair...

For a long time, Wilfield looked steadily at the man in front of her:

"Domi, if you are the ruler of House Targaryen, how can you continue their rule?"

"Wellfield, there is a saying that I don't know if you have heard of it. What truly unites a group of people is not a wise leader, but a common enemy!"

Domeric patted her perky butt, was silent for a while, and spoke solemnly.

Wilfield pursed her lips.

This man can always inadvertently say words that are full of philosophy and make people think deeply.

"After the Dorne problem is completely digested and the 'Blackfire' rebellion is resolved, it will be great if the rulers of the dynasty continue to find the next external problem!"

Domeric leaned back leisurely in his chair, put his hands behind his head, and said, "And the options are also ready."

"What is it?" Wilfield wondered.

Domeric was very satisfied with her self-awareness, "Before I answer you, let me ask you a question, such as the origin of the Andals?"

Wilfield cleared her throat and said in a tone similar to natural science popularization and epic storytelling:

“Historically, before the Andals invaded Westeros from the Five Fingers Peninsula, the Andals hills on the other side of the Narrow Sea had always been their home.

The Andals, who originated from the Axe Peninsula, captured the Andas from the native Hairy People, cousins ​​of today's Iban...

At the same time, Andas is also the birthplace of the Seven Gods.

It is said that the seven gods came to the world in the mountains and blessed the Andals.

Legend has it that the Heavenly Father took seven stars from the sky and made them into a crown to crown Hugo, the King of the Hills, the first king of the Andals.

The Andals eventually moved to Westeros and conquered most of the lands of the First Men..."

"That's right!"

Domeric rewarded Wellfield for his profound knowledge...

"Wellfield, just imagine:

The homeland of the Andals—Andas on the other side of the Narrow Sea.

The most sacred holy place for the Seven Gods' faith, it is the place where the Seven Gods revealed their first coming to the ancestors of the Andals, and the plains and hills on which the bodies of the Seven Gods once walked.

Today, Andas groans under the rule of the evil worshipers of the 'Red God'.

The corrupted Free Trade Cities not only tainted the lost center of the Seven Gods' faith, but also preserved the evil slavery cursed by the old and new gods, and even secretly supported the rebellious 'Blackfire' family.

Most importantly - they hoarded unimaginable wealth..."

"So, Domi, what do you mean?"

An incredible look flashed across Wilfield's bright eyes.

This man's unconstrained but logical thinking has completely conquered her.

"If I were the ruler of the Targaryen dynasty, I would want to continue to rule the kingdom after the Troubles of Dorne and the Blackfyre Rebellion.

The best way is to carry out holy war across the Narrow Sea!

Arm the armies of the seven nations, make a pilgrimage to the land of the seven gods, shed blood and contribute to the seven gods, offset all the sins of the world and go directly to heaven after death...

That is the 'Seven-pointed Army's Eastern Expedition'!

Through a protracted foreign war against Japan.

Let the entire social class of the Seven Kingdoms, from top to bottom, gain wealth, territory, knighthood, and lord status.

The lords and knights are getting rich, getting promoted, gaining new territories, exporting second sons, illegitimate children, and other factors such as the unemployed population of the nobles and social instability.

A large number of people will die to relieve population pressure and consume the wealth and power of the great nobles... and so on.

In this way, the Targaryen dynasty can continue for another 300 years, and its completion will not be a problem..."

At this moment, an indescribable light and shadow emerged from Domeric's eyes...

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