Even if he wanted to resist, Draco couldn't.

When Price saw Draco frozen on the spot, he didn't care much and asked John to let go of Lucius, who was still moaning, and then began to prepare for interrogation.

Ying Fei had always been kind to Draco, but this time Lucius would never be willing to tell Ying Fei the news easily. Ying Fei somewhat understood the idea of ​​collusion among these old nobles.

Yingfei, on the other hand, urgently needed the news from Lucius. He had no time to resort to gentle methods, so he could only send Team 141 to violently interrogate him.

If Draco is faced with this dilemma, Draco will even hate Yingfei, and Yingfei is also ready. This is one of the reasons why Yingfei does not choose to come forward this time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"So, Mr. Lucius, can you answer our questions now?" Price squatted in front of Lucius, and the cannon backpack behind him made him look unusually huge.

Narcissa on the side couldn't stand it anymore. She stared at Price angrily and raised her wand: "What do you want to do to my husband?!"

After hearing this, Price frowned and was about to stand up.

"Mom, no!" Draco saw Narcissa about to take action and immediately rushed forward to stop her.

"Draco, you..." Narcissa was stopped by her son and said angrily and confusedly: "Let me go!"

"Mom, you can't beat them." Draco said distressedly.

At this time, Lucius also recovered. He first stopped Narcissa who was about to push her son away with a drink, and then looked at Price: "Okay, sir, I will tell the truth what I know. of."

Price nodded: "That's right, Mr. Malfoy."

Lucius sat down slumped: "What do you Five Five Threes want to know?"

"We want to know the founder of the manor's black market, as well as the mastermind behind the attack and the reason for the attack on us." Price said calmly.

"I don't know who is behind it..." Lucius pursed his lips, and then changed his posture to try to look more aristocratic, "But I know the organizer of the manor's black market."

"This black market was run by the three brothers of the Sweeping Broom Company. Their shadows are behind many black markets near London." Lucius finally told the truth.

Price looked at him, and after a moment of silence, he said, "How do I know what you say is true?"

Lucius frowned: "I have told the truth, do you believe it or not..."

Before he could finish his words, he felt something hard pressing against the back of his head. The cold metal touch made him afraid to move.

"I think...you should have a way to prove that you didn't lie, right?"

After staying with Yingfei for a long time, even Price has learned Yingfei's meaningful tone of voice that is deliberately titillating.

Draco and Narcissa were sweating. What was pressing against the back of Lucius's head was John's beam submachine gun. Although it was not the most powerful among armored weapons, it was still facing an enemy without any protective measures. The human head obviously has the ability to kill with one hit.

In such a situation where his imagination could run wild at any time, Lucius gritted his teeth and said with a look of humiliation: "You can use Veritaserum on me!"

Hearing these words, Draco and Narcissa both looked at Lucius in shock. Lucius, who was usually extremely proud, would actually drink Veritaserum voluntarily one day!

What kind of medicine is Veritaserum?That is a magic potion that after drinking, there will be no privacy or secrets!As long as you drink this stuff, you will answer all questions truthfully. The interrogator can even accurately know the length of your penis, when was the last time you had sex, whether your wife is moisturized, and whether you want to try a members-only restaurant... …

Once you drink this in an informal place without witnesses or judges, your dignity will completely leave you.

At this moment, Draco's long-held belief that pure bloods were superior to others completely collapsed.

"Haha, what a coincidence." Price chuckled, "We didn't bring any magic potion like Veritaserum."

Lucius' face suddenly darkened. He paused and said gloomily: "Narcissa, go get the Veritaserum."

Narcissa stared at Lucius with wide eyes, worried and overwhelmed, and did not move for a moment.

Lucius took a deep breath and cursed loudly: "Hurry up and go!!"

Narcissa woke up from a dream and hurriedly turned around and ran towards the basement of the mansion.

After a while, Narcissa came back with a small glass bottle containing three drops of magical liquid.Narcissa walked up to Lucius with dark eyes and handed him the Veritaserum in her hand.

Lucius took the bottle, glanced at Price, and drank it without ceremony.

After a short period of time, Lucius's eyes became dull and he stood there without saying a word. It was obvious that the effect of the medicine had taken effect.

"Mr. Lucius, is what you said before true?"

Price did not hesitate, but asked directly to confirm the authenticity of what Lucius said before.

Lucius, who drank the truth serum, nodded and said, "I didn't lie."

"You really don't know who is behind the scenes? Don't you have any other information about this matter?" Price then asked.


Price nodded. In fact, he didn't think Lucius could directly tell the person behind it. After all, this matter had nothing to do with Lucius. He just went to the black market to buy things.

"In that case, our mission is accomplished." Price said, taking out a small bag of gold galleons from the space bracelet, which was a little less than the galleons that Sideswipe Broom Company gave Lucius, and placed it on the table. .

"Then Mrs. Malfoy, we will leave first."


"So, the founder of the manor's black market is Broomstick Company?" Ying Fei was lying on the sofa, looking at the design draft of the new armor with a holographic tablet, and asked expressionlessly...

"Yes, sir." At this time, Price had taken off his armor and was standing three meters away from Ying Fei. He looked like a bodyguard dutifully protecting the young master.

After a moment of silence, Ying Fei put down the tablet and said, "Lucius said they are present in many black markets near London?"

"Yes." Price nodded.

Ying Fei narrowed his eyes: "Since they are in charge of so many black markets, they must have a lot of rare metals?"

"With so much rare metal for sale in their black market, why not give it to us as Anaheim's inventory..." Ying Fei said with a smile, "In case they can't sell it, let's help them share some of it. What do you think?"

After hearing this, Price also laughed: "Sir, your idea is very heartless..."

"But I like it!"

Ying Fei's method of taking things by force is indeed disgusting, but who told Sweeping Broom Company to take action first?

Ying Fei laughed, and then said with a serious face: "Then leave this matter to Team 141. You can also mobilize other idle personnel through Xiaotian. I want to see the results within three days at the latest."


Ying Fei still has a lot of things on his hands, and for such a small matter, he really doesn't need to do it himself.

There are so many people under his command, and they have to pay wages and equipment. You can’t feed them by raising them! Team 141, Cherney, Xiaoya, Yunhe, Edward, Qiluo, and the increasing number of smart armors. With such a group of people, Yingfei didn't need to take action himself.

Now Yingfei is studying Cassandra's new armor. He is planning to combine the Cloud Curse, which is the Qi 1.9 Elephant Curse, with Cassandra's armor to develop equipment with an attribute like the Star Water Goddess. .

On the other hand, he specially arranged a magic energy infusion device, placed the saint's seed in the glass cabin, and used the device to inject a unit of energy every day, while also allowing the idle mechanical arms to Monitor any changes in the seeds.

On the other hand, Yingfei asked Xiaotian to visit the president of the Daily Prophet on behalf of Anaheim. After "friendly negotiations" with Heretic Armor, Yingfei used a large sum of galleons to buy the Daily Prophet 30.00 % of the shares, becoming the second largest shareholder of the Daily Prophet.

The largest shareholder is the Ministry of Magic. After all, it controls public opinion. It is natural for the Ministry of Magic to invest.

The original president of the Daily Prophet is still there, but Yingfei directly promoted Rita Skeeter to the position of editor-in-chief and gave her great power.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ying Fei only pays a little attention to Rita when she thinks of using her.

But even such a small move made Rita happy for a long time. From a well-known clerk to a member of the newspaper's management, Rita could not even imagine it before.

In the world of wizards, a small country with few people, any gossip will spread quickly.Although the speed of the news is fast, the accuracy is still open to question...

The emergence of the Daily Prophet not only speeds up the spread of news, but more importantly improves the accuracy of the news. Coupled with the investment from the Ministry of Magic, it is not surprising that it has become the mainstream media newspaper in the wizarding world.

Now that Yingfei has joined the Daily Prophet and acquired a group of shares, it has become a shareholder second only to the Ministry of Magic. It also has certain power over the newspaper, and it is no problem to make some personnel transfers.

Coupled with Rita, who has been tied to the Anaheim pirate ship, it will be very convenient for Yingfei to release news and guide public opinion in the future.


"Boss of Sideways Broom Company, can you find out the specific location?" Price asked, looking at Xiaotian's projection in Anaheim Base Large Robotic Arm Laboratory 14.

"Insufficient information." Xiaotian shook his head, "Barnaby, Bill, and Bob, these three people have not appeared in the public view of the wizarding world recently. It is difficult to determine their positions."

"The current possible locations are: one is the London headquarters of the Broomstick Company, located between 334 and 335 Queen's Road, and the second is the Broomstick Company manufacturing factory in the mountains in the northern suburbs of the country. This is a factory run by Muggles. , under the control of the wizard, various parts used in flying broomsticks are produced, and then the three brothers and their men perform the final transformation." Xiaotian said.

"So it seems that the most likely place to appear is in the factory?" Price frowned.

If brooms are to be produced, the factory is likely to be the place where the three brothers hang out.As the inventors of the Sweep series, the three brothers obviously have to take care of this cornerstone of the company.

"It's just that if we want to catch these three brothers, we can only succeed once. Once they fail, they will definitely choose to hide." Price analyzed, "The current two locations cannot 100% guarantee that they are here. I Might need some reconnaissance assistance."

Xiaotian nodded and said: "Of course there is no problem in reconnaissance of the factory, but it will be very troublesome to sweep the Broomstick Company headquarters."

Price frowned: "How do you say that?"

"Sweeping Broom's headquarters in London is actually under the abandoned sewer manhole cover between 334 and 335 Queen's Road. The wizards cast magic in the abandoned sewer and transformed it into an underground company like a maze."

"This abandoned sewer does not exist in Muggle government documents, and any Muggle who sees it will not notice that it is covered with a strong Muggle expulsion charm."

Price thought for a while: "What does this have to do with being unable to detect? Isn't it just a sewer?"

"Because it is very deep underground, traceability and heartbeat detection will be greatly reduced, and drones cannot enter the sewers. Even your armor is difficult to enter due to its size..."

Xiaotian said: "So my suggestion is that you go in physically to reconnoiter and explore the path, and I will provide a small spider armor as a help."

"Can't even get into the armor?" Price frowned.

"It's too big, and it's inconvenient to walk through the manhole cover. Besides, if you enter the company's headquarters wearing armor, the probability of being discovered is very high." Xiaotian explained, "Once discovered, the three brothers will know that we are there. If we look for them, they will hide and make it harder for us to find them.”

"But without armor, once a conflict breaks out, it will be difficult for us to compete head-on with the wizards." Price said with some worry.

"You can choose to wear a pair of holographic glasses, and use the link system and link combat auxiliary program through the holographic glasses. This will ensure a certain combat effectiveness of the 141 team." At this time, Edward, wearing a white coat, walked out of the laboratory with his head tilted. suggested cautiously.

"What are holographic glasses?" Price turned to look at him.

Edward said proudly: "This is a portable individual soldier combat data analysis glasses that I developed after studying the armor's eye monitor data with reference to the armor's visor area."

"Its appearance is no different from ordinary glasses. Through magic molding, the glasses are tightly attached to the user's head, ensuring that they will not fall off and are comfortable to the touch." Edward said, "In terms of function, the lenses have the ability to display the impact Function, only the user can see the image on the lens, and when paired with a compact headset, it can have a link communication function, and can be equipped with a link combat auxiliary program, so it is very suitable for the 141 Squad."

After Edward finished the introduction, Xiaotian asked with a confused look: "I don't understand, why should we develop this kind of equipment? With magic power, we can achieve the effects you mentioned at any time through link magic, or we can use Link me to use the combat auxiliary program. This invention of yours is only useful in specific situations."

"No no no..."

Edward shook his head proudly: "This thing was not developed specifically for us."

"This is Anaheim's next-generation flagship product for external sales developed by me, holographic glasses!"

"Of course we can use link magic internally, but the wizards outside don't, so these glasses can provide them with great convenience!"

"Moreover, with these glasses, we can use Xiaotian to build a link network platform shared by the entire wizarding world, so that all people who buy glasses can communicate and post in the forum as barrier-free as Muggles can on the Internet. Even voice or video calls with loved ones are all possible!”

After listening to Edward's long speech, Price and Xiaotian looked at each other, both a little surprised.

Isn't this the Muggle world's smartphone?

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