"As for the confidentiality issue," Edward continued, "the holographic glasses used for sale in 553 are naturally impossible to be equipped with a link combat auxiliary program, and they will not be linked to the database of Xiaotian's body. In this way, the function of the glasses is only It includes community communication and voice and video calls, and absolutely no secrets of our company will be exposed.”

"So, is my plan feasible?" Edward looked at Xiaotian longingly, hoping that Xiaotian would agree to his plan.

If Xiaotian vetoes it, then Edward's plan will die here and will not be delivered to Yingfei at all.

"I will hand over your plan to Sir, but depending on Mr.'s temper, your plan may be drastically changed." Xiaotian said expressionlessly.

"That's great! Master will definitely agree!" Edward seemed to have not heard Xiaotian's last sentence at all, and he jumped up in surprise.

Seeing that he was so happy and forgetful, Price coughed slightly and said, "Edward, did you just say about giving us glasses?"

"Oh, I'm going to arrange the exclusive holographic glasses for Team 141, which will take me an afternoon at most!"

Upon hearing Price's words, Edward was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head with an embarrassed smile, and then ran back to the laboratory in a hurry.

"I didn't expect that the kid brought back by Cherney could do some thoughtful things." Price said with some emotion.

Xiaotian was still expressionless, just looking at the direction Edward left, and said softly: "There will only be more and more such talents around Mr.".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Two days later, on an early morning when there was still no one on the street, Team 141, who had picked up a full set of equipment, embarked on the journey to the London headquarters of the Broomstick Company.

The five people were all wearing different but very common casual suits and hats on the market, and they walked in a normal and ordinary way, just like common office workers on the roadside.

They pretended not to know each other and wandered around the enchanted sewer manhole cover. Some were talking on the phone on the street, some pretended to wait for someone, some were sitting on benches reading newspapers, and some were sitting on the bench. People were drinking coffee in the coffee shop next door, and some were taking a nap in their cars on the roadside.

The only thing they have in common is that they all wear similar-looking glasses and have tiny headphones in their ears.

"Two wizards went in, one male and one female. One has a magic power of 446~451, and the other has a magic power of 521~524. They are wearing Muggle clothes, but they are a little weird."

Sitting in the corner coffee shop, Ken was responsible for observing the entrance to the sewer.

"It seems that someone is already working on the sewer below." Price stood on the street and pretended to make a phone call. He inadvertently glanced in the direction of the sewer and saw two people openly using magic to lift the manhole cover of the sewer. Then he jumped.

"The traceability detection failed after the other party entered. There seems to be strong interference inside." Ken said with a frown.

Price looked as usual: "It's okay. Since someone has already gone down, we can start taking action. We will act separately according to the plan."


But after a while, the man who was waiting for someone on the side of the road walked to the manhole cover with steady steps, opened the manhole cover in a swaggering manner, and moved it aside. None of the Muggles around him cared about this situation, as if there was no such thing. Like Mike.

"Captain, the range of the Muggle Expelling Curse has been determined. It is about three meters around the manhole cover. Once we enter this range, Muggles will no longer be able to see us."

Ken said as he looked at the report sent back by tracing the source and the reactions of the people around him when Mike walked towards the manhole cover.

Price nodded: "Mike, you can go down."

Mike looked down. The sewer was pitch black, like a well more than ten meters deep. It was not like other sewers where you could see the bottom at a glance.

Taking a deep breath, Mike jumped down.

"Captain, Mike's traceability signal is lost." Ken said, "But the link signal is intact, and the link communication can be used as usual, but we can no longer determine his location."

"As expected." Price said calmly, "Mike, how is the situation over there?"

"There is magic like a secret room portal underneath. I am in a room now. There is no one here, and there are many flying broomstick samples hanging around." Mike said simply, "There is another passage on the left, which may lead to the company. Internal."

"Stay where you are," Price said.

The next person who approached the manhole cover was John who was sitting on the chair. He stood up with a newspaper in his hand. He looked like those gentlemen who read newspapers while walking. Until he was within three meters of the manhole cover, he turned the newspaper in his hand toward the manhole cover. Throw it next, then jump down.

The next one was Ken. He walked out of the cafe, walked slowly down the street, and then jumped in like the first two.

Price was the last to go in, while Simon stayed in the car on the side of the road to take care of it.

With a slight dizziness, Price suddenly felt his feet on the ground. When he looked around again, all he could see was the ground paved with dark brown old oak boards, and there were climbers climbing up the ground. The moss-covered stone wall has several exquisite-looking broomsticks hung on the stone wall, with the company's label engraved on the broom handles.

Not far away, there is a corridor. The decoration of the corridor is the same as that of this room, except that there are a few more torches stuck on the wall.

"team leader."

Seeing Price coming down, the other three members gathered around him.

There was nothing to say. The four people passed through the corridor filled with torches and soon officially entered the interior of the Broomstick Company.

On the other side of the corridor is a large and spacious hall, still with dilapidated stone walls and oak floors, but with many more wizards wearing wizard robes walking around in various parts of the hall.

There are ten stone pillars erected in the hall, and various flying broomsticks are hung on the pillars. Many wizards stop here to watch and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each broomstick.

"Let's take a look around and see if we can find some information first," Price said through the link channel.

Soon the four people dispersed and walked into the crowd in the hall, just like sand flowing into the desert, without standing out at all.

After they dispersed, Price walked to a stone pillar and saw several Sweeping Seven Stars hanging on the stone pillar. Each one looked the same, but several wizards around him kept commenting on something.

After looking around, Price walked towards the nearest witch: "Sorry to bother you, I want to know why so many people are watching the same model of broom. Is there any difference between them?"

The witch who was picking out a broom suddenly heard someone she didn't know talking to her. She frowned and was about to refuse.

To strike up a conversation with something so easily debunked?Who in the wizarding world doesn't know such a simple question?

But after turning her head and seeing Price's face, the witch was stunned for a second, and then laughed happily: "Sorry, I didn't hear clearly. What did you just say?"

Farke, this man is so handsome!

Price is the kind of man who can tell at a glance that he is a tough guy. He has a resolute face, strong facial features, a very manly beard, wheat-colored skin, and those visible muscles hidden under his shirt. Muscles all show the charm of a tough guy.

Even witches and wizards only care about their appearance.

After hearing this, Price repeated his question.

The witch looked pretty, in her 20s. She smiled and said, "You must not know much about broomsticks, otherwise you wouldn't be able to ask such common sense questions."

"I usually don't care. It's just my friend's birthday and I want to give him a gift." Price spread his hands and said helplessly.

"What a coincidence, I'm also here to pick out a gift for my friend." The witch laughed, "My friend's birthday is the day after tomorrow."

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet?"

After hearing this, Price smiled lightly and said, "Just call me Price."

"Then you call me Angel." The witch exchanged their names with a gentle smile, and then said, "Don't you know the differences between brooms of the same model?"

"Yes." Price nodded.

"Actually, everyone who has played with brooms should be aware of your problem." Angel said, "To put it simply, different models of broomsticks use different materials and attached magic spells, and the same model of broomsticks The strength of the enchantment attached to the broom and imperfections in the materials will have an impact on the broom's performance."

"Additional spell strength and materials?" Price asked doubtfully, "Shouldn't these be the same?"

Angel shook his head: "You only see the whole side. If you look at it locally, the material of each broom is unique. After all, there are no exactly the same wood or exactly the same branches in the world, so the same model There will still be slight differences in materials between brooms."

"As for additional magic spells, this is affected by the wizard who casts the spell. Even if it is the same spell, it will be very different when different people cast it. What's more, the state of the wizard when casting the spell will also cause the power of the spell to change. , the performance of the produced broom will be different.”

Angel said with a smile: "The reason we are selecting here is actually to select the one with the best materials and magic spells from a large number of brooms of the same model."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"So that's it." Price nodded as if he had a sudden realization. "Isn't this very troublesome? If you want to check the difference between brooms of the same model, you can't tell by just looking at them."

"Yes." Angel said helplessly, "But we have no other way."

"After all, these broomsticks are not like the firearms produced by Anaheim Company. The quality of each one is exactly the same, without any difference."

Speaking of this, Angel said with some curiosity: "I especially want to know the production process of Anaheim. It is as wonderful as Merlin's life! Why can they make everything exactly the same? The dwarves' craftsmanship is also advanced. Not to this extent.”

Price could only nod in agreement.

He can't say it's because Anaheim's products are all produced automatically on mechanical assembly lines, right?

"Oh, by the way, what kind of broom do you want to choose?" Angel smiled slyly, "Maybe I can help. I'm quite good at this."

"To be honest, I haven't thought about it yet." Price said with a normal expression, "But I don't think I need much professional assistance. My friends are not that picky."

"You can't say that..." Angel put a hand on Price's shoulder, "Your friend would be very happy if he knew that the broom you sent is the best of the same model, wouldn't he?"

"So you're sure you can pick the best broom?" Price followed her words and walked towards another pillar on the side.

Angel hurriedly followed: "Of course I can."

"Actually, I'm a working Chaser on the Polish Quidditch team. I definitely know more about broomsticks than you, a layman, so why don't I show you around?"

Angel was very confident. According to past experience, as long as she revealed her identity, coupled with her beautiful appearance and curvy figure, no wizard could refuse her invitation.

This time, she obviously miscalculated.

"Oh, that's good." Price said in a perfunctory manner, obviously not listening, looking at the broomstick on the pillar in a daze.

It’s not that he was in a daze, it was actually because John was speaking in the link communication channel of Team 141 at this time.

"Captain, I found one of their staff members, and that person told me that they didn't know where the three brothers were, but the employees nearby hadn't seen the three brothers for a long time."

"So we're looking in the wrong direction?" Ken asked.

"That's not necessarily true," Price said. "Maybe he just stayed here deliberately and didn't show up."

"Next, let's find a place to place the traceability detector. Since it can't be used on the ground, it should be fine here." Price continued, "I'll leave this matter to you, Ken."

"Understood." Ken replied, "I happened to find a small corridor with no people around, where I can temporarily place the traceability detector."

"Send me the location and I'll come right away. The rest of you should keep their original positions and don't move. Help us keep an eye on it." Price ordered.


Price was discussing countermeasures with Team 141 over there, but Angel was naturally unhappy: "Hey, what are you doing? You don't seem to be listening to me at all."

Is there any man who can resist my charm? !

Angel thought secretly in his heart that he must not let this happen!

However, Price was too lazy to talk to her. His mind was now occupied with the mission that was about to begin, and he had no interest in this woman at all.

"I'm really sorry. I have something urgent to do, so I'll excuse you." Price greeted politely.

Angel was stunned: "What's so important? Don't you want to choose a broom?"

Subtext: What could be more important than me?

"It's much more important than choosing a broom." Price waved his hand, turned around and left without giving Angel a chance, leaving Angel standing alone and angry.

Within 10 minutes, Price arrived at the place he had agreed with Ken.

This is a very dark corridor, with only a torch inserted into the wall above the head. One end is a dead end, and the other end leads to the southwest corner of the hall.

"This place was originally designed to hang broomsticks, but there may be no brooms to hang, so this (bebj) exhibition area was abandoned." Ken squatted in the corner and took out the traceability detection machine from his backpack. On-site assembly began.

"Hurry up, I'll watch the door for you." Price glanced at it and stopped looking at it. Price's research on these latest devices is obviously not as deep as Ken's. Strictly speaking, he can only use it just now. .

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