The scarlet eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything just stared at Ais. She didn't say anything more, just smiled at the silent Ais, and then turned around to find other members.

Ais left the room alone and walked down the stairs.

Lights and laughter came from the family's dormitory, but Aisi ignored it and walked alone in the dim corridor. She did not go anywhere else, but chose to return to her room.

Opening the door, there were no extra decorations inside. There were only tables, beds, and curtains that were equipped in every dormitory. Compared to Loki's messy divine room filled with wine bottles, Ais's room was as neat as if it had been empty before. Lived.

The moonlight shining in from the window dyed the room light blue. Ais passed over the neat furniture and fell on the bed. A sword came into her field of vision. The sword in the scabbard reflected the moonlight and bloomed with cold beauty. An aloof look.

Consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

Ais had a dream.

Endless roars echoed, cold walls spread around, and in the dim underground maze, the blond girl was attacked by ugly monsters.

His tearful eyes were full of fear, his skin was scarred, his whole body was stained with mud, his clothes were damaged, his legs were as heavy and weak as if they were filled with lead, the black shadow in front of him was slowly getting bigger, and his claws were also damaged. Approaching him, the next second.

thump thump—

There was a knock on the door, and Ais, who was awakened, walked to the door and opened it. It was Nanxiang Yun.

The other person's white hair seemed to glow under the moonlight.

"Have you seen Lefiya? I can't find her anywhere, so I came here to ask." The boy's words contained an apology for disturbing Ais' rest.

"She is usually in Riveriana at this time." After pointing out Lefiya's location to the other party, Ais prepared to go back to rest.

"Then I'll leave first, ah! By the way, this is for you!" Nanxiang Yun, who was supposed to leave, took out a piece of red candy from the gift card and handed it to Ais.

"This is a snack I brought from my hometown." Nan Xiangyun's voice faded away as he said this.

After Nanxiang Yun left, Aisi placed the candy on the corner of the table, and a dazzling red appeared on the dark table.

After falling on the bed, his consciousness fell into darkness again.

It was still the maze and the girl. When the claws roared towards him, a silver light flashed, and after the monster fell, it was replaced by a young man wearing a black scarf.

The girl cried loudly and threw herself into the young man's arms, and the young man put his hand on the girl's head.

"Sorry, I can't be your hero."

The cold words reached the girl's ears.

"Because I already have your mother. I hope that one day, you can also find your own hero."

With these words as an end, the scene slowly dissipated.

Chapter 36 New Commission

"Mr. Nanxiang, it's time to get up!" Raoul's voice came from outside the door, and Nanxiang Yun struggled to get up from the quilt seal.

The expedition that lasted for more than ten days and the exploration after talking to Lefiya in the middle of the night made Nanxiang Yun so exhausted that he missed the time to get up.

After breakfast, Nanxiang Yun was dragged by Tiona and others to deal with the expedition matters. At some point, Nanxiang Yun had already acted naturally with the cadres of the Loki Familia.

"We'll have a celebration banquet at the rich hostess's place tonight! Don't be late!" Under Loki's watch, they left the Dusk Pavilion and came to Orario's busiest area, Northwest Street.

Under the leadership of Tiona, Nanxiang Yun came to the Dean Kate family for the second time.

"Welcome, everyone of the Loki Familia." It was Armed who greeted them.

"Armid, long time no see!" Tiona greeted cheerfully.

"It's not a long time since I last saw you. Mr. Nanxiang left a very deep impression on me last time he came here." Amide glanced at Nanxiang Yun with his purple pupils, and then said, "You are here for the previous adventure commission. You came right."

"Well, is it convenient now?"

"No problem, please come with me."

Under the leadership of Amide, Nanxiang Yun and others came to a corner of the service room.

"I'm very sorry. Someone is currently using the negotiation room. Can we talk here?"

"It doesn't matter, this is the spring water requested by the adventure, please confirm it." Tione took out a bottle of spring water from the bag and said to Amiya.

The other party picked up the spring water on the table and looked at it carefully before putting it down.

"No problem, I did receive it. This is the reward."

Ahmed took out a large box filled with tens of thousands of elixirs. The small bottles were stacked together, giving people a visual impact.

"Nanxiang." Tione shouted to Nanxiang Yun who was in a daze at the side. Nanxiang Yun took out the densely packed potion of the gift card and disappeared instantly.

"What an amazing magic item. Where can I buy it?" Amide had seen Nanxiang Yun's gift card before, but that time Nanxiang Yun walked too fast and didn't have time to ask, and he thought it was just a gift card. It can hold a few items, but the way Nanxiang Yun managed to hold tens of thousands of elixirs with ease made Amide take it seriously.

"Really? If you acquire all these rare props, we will tell you the information about this." Tione seemed to be on fire for some reason.

"Cadmus' membrane?" Ahmed put on gloves and inspected it carefully.

"It seems the quality is impeccable. Including the information about the magic items, it's worth 1000 million."

"Twenty million." Tione seized the opportunity and spoke loudly, which reminded Nanxiang Yun of the wet market aunt for a long time. In his memory, they also cut the price in half.

"You really love to joke, the most I can offer is 1100 million."

Hmm, it sure feels familiar. Tione will probably quote 1500 million in the next second. Nanxiang Yun is eating melon silently.

"Eighteen million, you said the quality of this material is impeccable."

"1200 million, the price can't be raised any further."

"How about a fixed price of 1500 million. You must know that this magic item is exclusive to the Loki Familia. If this is unacceptable, we will sell it to someone else."

I saw that the other party seemed to have given up and sighed.

"Please wait here for a moment, and I will go ask the Lord God for instructions."

"1500 million plus the right to use it once. After all, we may not be able to get this magic item just by knowing the news." When the other party came back again, this was the reply.

"Nanxiang?" After hearing this, Tione's eyes looked at Nanxiang Yun. After all, this is his prop. To be able to sell information only requires the other party's permission. Facing Armed's request, Tione also Unable to make decisions alone.

"No problem, but I have to follow you when using this prop. It's a restriction of this prop." Nanxiang Yun didn't care. After all, it was money from selling his item information, and Fenn would naturally share the money he got. So of course the more expensive the better.

Amide was obviously relieved after receiving Nanxiang Yun's permission. Letting Nanxiang Yun follow him to transport materials is equivalent to gaining an extra level 2 combat power for free (ps: Nanxiang Yun's upgrade has not been reported to the guild yet). This was actually a good thing for their family members, but soon Amide stopped thinking so.

"Impossible to Get???"

"We only know that this item can be used to store things. It has a large space. We don't know how to obtain it." Tiona said extremely cruel words in her lively voice.

Amide immediately looked at Nan Xiangyun, hoping that the other party would give a different answer, but Nan Xiangyun just nodded silently.

"In other words, I probably spent more than 300 million more to buy a one-time transportation and a lv2 bodyguard?"

"To be precise, it's level 3. Nanxiang upgraded last night but didn't have time to report it to the guild." Dione corrected the error in Armed's words.

"Level 3? That's not such a loss, wait? Level 3???" Armed, who had just cheered up, discovered something extraordinary. He thought that level 2 in one month was already an exaggeration, but he didn't expect that there would be more Exaggerated, lv3 in half a month. The 'talented monster' a few years ago couldn't reach this level.

"Yeah, we were shocked when we found out yesterday."

Listening to Tiona's voice, Meade could only sigh again. She was more frightened today than she had been in a year. She called other members of the group over and quickly prepared all the cash in a sack. Wrap it up.

"Sorry, Armed..." Lefiya felt embarrassed about Tione's behavior of cheating Armed.

"No, after all, I proposed the adventurer commission first because it was inconvenient for Loki's family to refuse."

The kind-hearted Ahmed has treated Ais and others many times, so he naturally understands their characters. This has nothing to do with the interests of the family members.

Ais and others also smiled back at Armed. Nanxiang Yun also bought some potions like Ais and others and left the Dean Kate family after thinking about it.

Chapter 37 Banquet

After leaving Dean Kate, Nanxiang Yun was led by Tiona and the others to a dark, stone-built bungalow. There was a badge hanging next to the door, with the pattern of three hammers on it.

This is the family that deals with weapon forging, maintenance and production - [Gubonyu Family].

Pushing the door open, the scene inside was as dark as the outside. A hot wind blew in the face. When I turned around, I saw several blacksmiths building equipment around the stove.

It looked like the receptionist saw someone pushing open the door, placing the order in his hand on the table aside and walking towards Nanxiang Yun.

"Welcome light...[Big Cut]??!" Halfway through, the receptionist's expression turned to fear as if he had seen a ghost, and his voice suddenly became sharp.

"It's Tiona Silute! And can you please stop screaming with that nickname." Tiona half-glazed her eyes and made a fuss.

At this time, people who heard the receptionist's screams also turned their attention here, and after seeing the person clearly, they started shouting at the top of their lungs like the receptionist.

"Help! The destroyer monster is here again!"


Seeing howling in the shop, Nanxiang Yun, who was confused, pulled a blacksmith who was closer to him to the side and asked.

"Did Tiona do something to you? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

The blacksmith had not yet recovered from the arrival of Demon King Tiona. After a while, he put his hands on Nanxiang Yun's shoulders and cried loudly. "She is simply a devil!!! Do you know how those big double blades were made??"

Before Nan Xiangyun could answer, the other party covered his face and answered. "Three days, three days!! We used strong steel and hired several blacksmiths to hammer it nonstop for three days! Only then could we make her terrifyingly large weapon!"

"Um...actually, I came to you today to build another weapon." Tiona said in a nonchalant tone.

"What happened to the big double blade before!" The blacksmith beside Nanxiang Yun's face turned red as if he had guessed the outcome of the big double blade, and he yelled angrily at Tiona.



In an instant, the blacksmiths in the workshop turned into birds and beasts and fled in all directions, with words like "master, master, master" coming out of their mouths as they fled.

When the blacksmith next to Nanxiang Yun heard Tiona's request, his face slowly turned from red to white, and finally he rolled his eyes and fell straight to the ground.

Hope people are okay.

Nanxiang Yun, who recited something silently in his heart, could only pray silently for them. Aisi ignored the screaming blacksmith and walked straight towards the room inside. When she appeared again, she had the Sword of Despair at her waist. It disappeared, replaced by a thin sword that seemed heavier than the Sword of Despair.

After informing the blacksmiths of their weapon requirements, Tiona, Nango Yun and others left the bungalow with warm farewells from the Gubonyu family members.

Of course, the main object of the other party's enthusiasm was Tiona. As she walked on the road, she could vaguely hear words like "Never come back!" and "You are not welcome here!" behind her.

At this time, out of curiosity, Nanxiang Yun asked Aisi on the side.

"Why did you change your sword?"

"The Sword of Despair needs to be repaired, and God Gubonyu asked me to use this one instead."

Although the Sword of Despair has the property of being indestructible, it will slowly become dull after being used for a long time. The property of being indestructible does not remain unchanged, it can only prevent it from being broken and dissolved in battle.However, Nanxiang Yun guessed that this kind of non-breakability was relative, but no one had broken it so far. He didn't think that those gods who unleashed their divine power could not break just a sword, and it was not a divine weapon. His own ability might be able to break this sword. Break the sword.

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