It is the custom of Loki Familia to hold a grand banquet after an expedition.

Although it was most likely that Loki needed an excuse to drink as much as he wanted at the beginning, this method did allow the members to relax and Finn, as the leader of the group, continued this activity.

"Mom Mia, let's come!" Loki shouted and opened the door of the rich mistress.

The adventurers who had worked hard all day in the tavern released their suppressed emotions over the wine. Some adventurers banged the table and pointed at their companion's nose to laugh at his embarrassment in today's battle. , some adventurers were already drunk, lying on the table in a daze, mumbling words that others could not hear clearly. Some were bragging to the clerk on the side about their bravery today, and rolled up their sleeves after being exposed by their companions. I competed with my companions over my drinking capacity, and the lives of different people intertwined in this small tavern.

"There are not enough seats in the store. Your seats are divided into indoor seats and open-air seats. Please bear with me." Seeing the Loki family members coming to the tavern, Lyu walked to the door and bowed slightly.

Considering that the store could not accommodate all the talents, Finn specially arranged an open-air location. Finn expressed his understanding towards the respectful and polite Lyu, and selected about half of the people to sit in the open-air tavern before entering the tavern, while Nanxiang Yun and others were Lyu took him into the store.

The tavern was full of people, but the seats vacant due to reservations made by Finn and others were a bit strange. Loki, like some of the guests, stared at the clerk with a leering look as soon as he entered.This made Nanxiang Yun have to wonder if the reason why Loki chose this tavern was because the employees were more good-looking.

However, they only dared to look at it. Nanxiang Yun had seen a person try to tease a clerk but was thrown out by Mia's mother.

Seeing the Loki Familia coming to the store, the adventurers' expressions changed drastically and they began to whisper. However, Tiona looked like she was used to it and walked directly to her seat to sit down.

"Everyone has worked hard on the dungeon expedition! Today is a banquet to reward everyone, drink up!"

Rocky took the lead in raising his glass in a toast, and then the other members stood up. Even Nanxiang Yun, who had never drank alcohol in his life, ordered a glass of fruit wine and drank it slowly.

"Captain, this is the wine I poured for you. Please use it with caution."

"Thank you, Tione. But have you just been drinking me wine at an unusual speed? What do you want to do while I'm drunk?"

"Haha, that's your illusion. One more drink and one more."

"Grace, stop looking, come and compete with me!"

"Hmph, let me show you how powerful I am."

"Nanxiang, do you know what Raoul did before the expedition? Let me tell you, that day he..."

"Uh-huh... we can't say that! Please let the little one go!"

Amidst the noise, Nanxiang noticed that only Aisi was out of tune with the atmosphere here, sitting silently drinking juice.

Chapter 38 Drunk Ace

"Ais doesn't drink?" Nanxiang Yun asked Ais across from him.

"Rivieria and Loki won't let me drink..." Ais looked a little downcast.

Probably because Ais was too young, Riveria was afraid that Ais would get drunk. With this thought, Nanxiang Yun placed a glass of wine in front of Ais and said to Ais, "Want to try it."

"Eh? Is it okay..." Ais seemed a little hesitant. Riveria's teachings kept echoing in her heart, but Ais's eyes kept glancing at the glass of wine placed on her left hand.

"It'll be fine if it's just one sip." Nanxiang Yun didn't intend to let Ais drink too much. He just let her take a sip to satisfy her curiosity. Loki probably wouldn't say anything if he knew about it.

"Ugh... Then... take a sip..." After some inner struggle, the rebellious part in Ais's heart gained the upper hand, and she picked up the wine glass and put it in her mouth.

"Ha! Cheers! Mother Riveria, please drink more! Eh? Am I drunk? Where is the wine I left here?" After finishing a glass of wine, Loki wanted to get another, but found that he had left The glass of wine on her right suddenly disappeared. After looking around, she saw Ais holding the wine glass and pouring it into her mouth.

"Oh, it's at Miss Ess. Then I'll go get another drink...wait! Miss Ess, what are you drinking???"

After discovering that the glass of wine on his right hand appeared in Ais's hand, Loki woke up and shouted to Ais in a cold sweat.

Loki's shout also attracted the attention of others, who looked at Loki with amusement in their hearts.

However, when they saw the wine in Aisi's hand, their faces suddenly turned pale.

"Eh? Is that wine in Ace's hand?"

"Stop her quickly and don't let her drink it!"


Just when Nan Xiangyun was wondering why they reacted so loudly, some people jumped on the table and tried to snatch the wine from Aisi's hand, but it was too late, Aisi had already put the wine into her mouth.


After burping, Ais's face slowly turned red, her body began to sway in the chair, and then Ais suddenly held the sword at her waist.

"what happened??"

Nanxiang Yun looked blankly at Aisi, who was posing. A ray of silver light passed by Nan Xiangyun's ear, and a few white hairs fell from his ears.

"Run!!" Someone yelled at the top of their lungs, and then the scene became chaotic.

"Kill you! Monster!" The drunken Ais muttered, then changed her target and slashed at Loki on her left.

"Ughhhh!!! Why us!! Isn't Nanxiang the one closest to you now!!" Loki shouted to Aisi in embarrassment while avoiding Aisi's attack.

But at this moment, Ace, who was in a drunken state, could no longer hear any words. Countless slashes destroyed everything in the tavern. The physical ability of the level 5 adventurer was fully displayed at this moment.

"Lefiya, go get water! The rest of the people don't get close to her!" When the surrounding area became chaotic, Finn stood up and calmly gave instructions. People who heard the instructions backed away one after another. A circle formed around Si.

"Why are we and Ais left here?! Please help me!!!"

Loki was left alone near the table to deal with the frantic Ais. Fortunately, Lefiya and the tavern clerks acted very quickly, and soon they came back with a bucket of water.

"Lord Riveria! The water is here."

"Hurry up and splash her!!!"


Ais, who fell into a rage, gradually regained consciousness. She touched her face that was covered with water, and finally realized that she was soaked by the water. Fortunately, she was wearing armor to prevent the water from getting wet on her clothes. She was panting. Lefiya was standing in front of her with a barrel in her hand.

"Loki-sama!!! Don't die!!!"

Ais heard Raul's desolate cry in her ears. Looking down, Loki fell to the ground dying, surrounded by overturned chairs and tables. The tavern looked as if it had just experienced a violent event. Storm, these scenes plunged Ais into chaos.


Riveria walked towards Ais with a staff in her hand, her beautiful brows slightly frowned at this moment, she looked at Ais and said.

"Ais, Loki and I banned you from drinking."

"I'm sorry..." Riveria's question made Ais understand that the surrounding scene was caused by her drunkenness, so she awkwardly apologized to the people around her.

"Who made you drink wine?"

At this time, Aisi was unexpectedly loyal. Facing Riveria's question, she expressed her attitude with silence. Of course, it would have been better if her eyes did not glance in the direction of Nanxiang Yun from time to time.

The culprit, Nango Yun, had quietly retreated behind Liu, hoping that this just elf would not expose him for the sake of their friendship.

The others followed Ais' eyes and looked at Lyu. Lyu, who was being stared at by the Loki Familia, silently stepped aside, exposing Nango Yun to the murderous eyes of the Loki Familia.

"Nanxiang, is there any problem with handing over the harvest from this expedition to compensate the tavern?" Finn stared at Nanxiang Yun with kind eyes.

Looking at the people surrounding him, Nan Xiangyun quickly shook his head and expressed that he had no objection. He even sighed in his heart that it was great to be able to solve the problem with money. When everyone looked over just now, he felt that he was about to confess. Here it is.

"Alas..." Riveria rubbed the center of her eyebrows. Ais had drunk alcohol once before in the family members. The fashionable and young Ais almost caused the gods to send her back when she was drunk. After that, Ais Loki and Riveria had forbidden them from drinking. Unexpectedly, they were still careless this time.

Riveria glanced at Nanxiang Yun again, who was paying for the damage to the tavern. The usually obedient Ais suddenly listened to Nanxiang Yun's words this time and drank the wine that both she and Loki had forbidden her to drink. Does this mean that Aiz In fact, Si already trusts each other very much in her heart. Now Aisi is also starting to be interested in these things. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

After handing the compensation to Miya's mother with a dark face, Nan Xiangyun suddenly felt a familiar gaze staring at him. When he looked back, it was Bell.

Bell, who had just stayed at the tavern for dinner, saw Nanxiang Yun coming with people from the Loki family. He was still hesitating whether to say hello when such a farce immediately happened. Looking at the murderous eyes around him, the fledgling adventurer was delayed. He didn't dare to step forward, for fear of being treated as an accomplice by the people around him.

"Hey, good evening..." Nanxiang Yun greeted the other party feebly. After experiencing the rest of his life, he was now mentally and physically exhausted.

Chapter 39 Conversation with Bell

"Good evening, Mr. Nanxiang..." When Bell saw his savior greeting him, he was too embarrassed to continue pretending that he couldn't see him.

At this time, Hill placed a plate of fried noodles in front of Bell and looked at Nanxiang Yun in surprise.

"Does Mr. Nanxiang know Bell too?"

Nanxiang Yun nodded and said.

"Before, the monsters in the lower level of the dungeon ran out of control and ran to the upper level. While clearing these monsters, I met Bell who was adventuring in the dungeon."

"Yeah, I almost thought I was going to die at that time. Thanks to Mr. Nanxiang for saving me." Mentioning this incident, Bell touched his head in embarrassment. After all, his behavior was completely different when they first met. It can be said that it is unsightly.

"But I'm curious about one thing." Nanxiang Yun thought of something and said to Bell, "You were actually scared when you met the monster. If you are so afraid of monsters, why do you force yourself to become an adventurer?"

"Because I want to be a hero!"

Bell's spirit suddenly became uplifted when he mentioned this matter.

Bell has loved listening to the heroic stories told by his grandfather since he was a child. The handsome hero defeated the monster and rescued the princess. This was what he dreamed of. After his grandfather passed away, he planned to pursue his dream.

For this reason, Bell bid farewell to his friends in his hometown and embarked on a journey to become a hero alone, and his goal is the center of the world - Orario, the stage where the heroes in the "Labyrinth Sacred Tale" can show off their talents. .

After finally trudging through mountains and rivers, Bell finally arrived at this location, but the cruelty of reality dealt him a heavy blow. Most of the family members were unwilling to recruit a newcomer who looked weak at first sight, but he finally met a kind-hearted person. The goddess, thinking that her story was about to begin, met the Minotaur again. If it weren't for Nango Yun, he might have died in the hands of the other party.

"Really?" Nan Xiangyun smiled at the other party.

"Huh? Hero? Are you a brat like you? The brat running around in fear when seeing the Minotaur should go back to his hometown and farm honestly." Bert heard what Bell said from a distance and was drunk. He walked towards Nanxiang Yun holding a wine glass and put a hand on Nan Xiangyun's shoulder.

Perhaps it was because the other party was a senior adventurer, or perhaps Burt's words touched the pain in Bell's heart. Bell lowered his head silently and did not refute the other party.

Seeing Bell acting like this, Bert became even more angry. He slapped the wine glass directly on the table, glared at Bell with ferocious eyes and shouted, "If you're afraid of death, get out of the dungeon! That's why!" There are always adventurers like you who don’t know the heights of the world, so the search and rescue work of the family members has been so much. Although you are obviously scared to death, you are talking about heroes and saving people, and you are stupid when you see someone in danger. Running up to die will do nothing but cause trouble for others!"

Being scolded loudly by Bert, Bell bit his lip tightly, looking like he was about to cry.

Bert wanted to say something, but suddenly he felt a huge force on his hand on Nanxiang Yun's shoulder, followed by a sudden spin.


Bert was grabbed by Nanxiang's hand and thrown over his shoulder to the ground.

"Tiona, Bert is drunk, please take him away." After clapping his hands, Nanxiang Yun shouted in the direction of Loki's family.

"I'm coming!"

After Tiona dragged Bert away, Nanxiang Yun said to the depressed Bell in front of him.

"Don't worry about Bert's words, he is actually a good person in essence, because the profession of adventurer is very dangerous, and he also hates weak adventurers dying in front of his eyes, so he uses this method to persuade others not to become adventurers. This Maybe it’s his unique care?”

"I don't mean to blame him, I'm just wondering if I'm really not suitable to be an adventurer." The simple Bell would not hate Burt because of these words, but he still couldn't avoid self-doubt after hearing these words. .

"Let me tell you a story." Nanxiang Yun said to Bell after thinking about how to comfort the other person.

"Eh? Is it a hero altar or something?" Although he didn't know why the other party wanted to tell the story at this juncture, Bell, who had longed for heroes since childhood, was immediately attracted by the story of Nango Yunti.

After sorting out the plot in his mind, Nanxiang Yun said slowly.

"There once was a man who longed for heroic stories, but there were no such things as magic monsters in his hometown."

"But there were bullies in his hometown who raped women, and then he defeated the bullies in his hometown and became a hero in his hometown?" Bell is obviously very familiar with stories about heroes, and he can figure out part of the plot just by hearing the beginning. .

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