Quanmin: Knock Your Head Off! I'm A Funny Character

Chapter 105 The Super Arena Opens Again! 【Please Customize! Ask For Flowers! Ask For An Evaluation T

Li Luo finally gave up and explained to Li Xue why he was lying in the coffin.

While eating breakfast.

Li Luo suddenly received a system prompt.

[Super Arena 40-45 level battle has started. 】

【Do you choose to enter?】

Li Luo took out the golden circular token from the package.

There is a faint light shining on it.

Li Xue looked at the token in Li Luo's hand suspiciously.

"what is this?"

"The Token of the Super Arena."

"I won't eat for now, old lady, you can go to the wilderness by yourself later."

"I'm going to the arena."

After speaking, Li Luo clicked the option to enter the arena.

Holding the porridge, Li Xue watched Li Luo disappear in front of her eyes.

"This kid always has these weird props."

She muttered, cleared the table, and got up to go to the wilderness.

Li Luo just felt in a trance.

His figure appeared in the super arena.

But he was not standing on the ring at this time.

He was sitting in the front row of seats in the auditorium.

Li Xiaozhong was also sitting beside him.

The two fighters in the arena were fighting in full swing.

"Hi, see you again."

Li Luo looked at the seat beside him.

This is a long-haired man in a black slim suit and sunglasses.

He smiled.

He looks very elegant and easy-going.

"Get to know me, my name is Ryugu Yuta."

The man held out his hand to Li Luo.

"Hello, Li Luo."

Li Luo frowned, Japanese?

He was born in China in his previous life, and he had a deep-seated dislike for the Japanese.

But in this world, Japan is under the jurisdiction of China even before the fusion of the world.

Even they speak Mandarin.

Japanese is just their dialect.

So there are no such disgusting things in the previous life.

Li Luo shook hands with him.

"Have we met w~?"

Ryugu Yuta kept a smile on his face.

"We just talked last night."

Li Luo raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, the purple chat box of the showy bag last night turned out to be the person in front of him.

"I watched the whole battle of you last time, it was very powerful, and I admire it very much."

"I look forward to your growth, maybe we can fight."

Ryugu Yuta said very politely.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling face.

Since the other party is so polite.

Li Luo naturally treated him with the same attitude.

After the two chatted for a few words, the battle on the ring had come to an end.

The guy with the fox's head stabbed the opponent's chest with a sword, and blood spattered all over the place.

The entire arena suddenly burst into cheers.

The referee declared the winner.

"The next game should be yours."

Ryugu Yuta said softly.


The host got an affirmative answer after asking the fox head if he wanted to continue the challenge.

Then a beam of spotlights hit Li Luo's body.

"I don't know if you all still remember the super human being who stepped into the ring before?"

"Let's applaud!"


Li Luo stood up, walked to the broadcasting station without being humble and jumped up.

[Special mission activated. 】

【Defeat your opponent! Win!】

[Winning will accumulate competitive points. 】

[Competition points can be exchanged for special props and special skills. 】

[Note: The arena battle will temporarily seal packages, pets, mounts, and summons. 】

【Let's fight! Get the golden belt that symbolizes victory!】

Received the system prompt again.

But this time there was no prohibition on the use of weapons.

Li Luo stood on the ring and looked at the crocodile head opposite.

"Look! Our Li Luo contestant."

"It went from level 35 to level 42 in a short period of time!"

"What a leap!"

"I've never seen anyone of any race level up so quickly!"

"Player Li Luo, it's nice to see you again, would you mind sharing your upgrade secret with everyone?"

The host waved his hand, and a microphone flew towards Li Luo, hovering in front of him.

Li Luo took the microphone and looked at the host with a smile.

"You're too happy."

"Eat more, drink more, smoke more, and you will naturally upgrade."

Suddenly, the entire super arena burst into laughter.

They love to see the host deflated!

The host is also worthy of being professional.

Answer the call right away.

"Okay! Our contestant Li Luo is such a humorous human being."

"Let's hope his humor brings him victory!"

"..."Are you ready for Li Luo contestant?"

Li Luo nodded, let go of his hand, and the microphone automatically flew to the commentary platform.

"Next! Contestant Li Luo vs. Hong Yu!"

The referee came on the field, and the white kit fell.

The fox head on the opposite side immediately stabbed Li Luo with a sword.

Li Luo took a wrong step to avoid the thorn, and at the same time, Tie Sui Fang unsheathed and slashed at the opponent's sword.

Hong Yu turned her wrist slightly, and the tip of her sword turned to avoid Li Luo's slash, and at the same time turned around and slashed towards Li Luo's lower body.

Li Luo raised his iron teeth to block the attack.

At the same time, lean your body back and use your strength.

The huge iron broken tooth was pressed against the blade and stood towards Hong Yu from bottom to top.

Hong Yu quickly stepped back and stood still.

"I didn't expect to meet a master with a knife."

Hong Yu's fox's head was tilted.

Li Luo waved his iron broken teeth and waved to him.

Sakata Yin's fighting skills when he first got it, he is about to try it out.

Facing Li Luo's provocation [Hong Yu shakes her sword lightly and rushes towards Li Luo again.

For a while, swords and swords were on the stage (winning Li's).

The two had a great time seeing each other's tricks.

Don't look at the fact that Li Luo is on the same level as the opponent on the surface.

But he was holding back his strength and skill.

After all, he just got the skill, so he always has to try it.

After two minutes.

Li Luo had finally had enough of playing, the opponent's swordsmanship was really not good enough compared to him.

Just sold a flaw.

The opponent really took the bait.

Li Luo gently raised Tie Sui Ya, picking the right moment.

The opponent's sword was immediately thrown away.

Tie Sui Ya's sharp blade touched the opponent's neck.

"I lost."

Hong Yu's face was full of frustration.

He could also sense that Li Luo was actually giving in to him all the time.

Among the fox people, Hong Yu's swordsmanship is unsurpassed among the younger generation.

Unexpectedly, it was defeated by a human being today.

He was convinced. .

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