Quanmin: Knock Your Head Off! I'm A Funny Character

Chapter 106: The Crescent Moon Breaks! 【Please Customize! Ask For Flowers! Ask For An Evaluation Tic

"The battle is over!"

"Winner! Li Luo!"

"I didn't expect our Li Luo player to disappear for a while.

"It actually changed the fighting style!"

"I'm looking forward to what he does next."

"Then, player Li Luo."

"Do you want to choose to continue the challenge?"

Li Luo on the ring made an ok gesture.

He came to the corner of the arena and sat down, took a sip of the water that Li Xiaozhong brought over.

"Huh? Where did the water come from?"

Li Luo looked at the water, then at Li Xiaozhong.

This water is ordinary water, not as delicious as last time.

Li Xiaozhong pointed to the staff beside him.

It turned out to be sent.

Li Luo drank the water in a few sips and waited for the next challenger to come on stage.


Another player came on the field.

To Li Luo's surprise, it was a human male who appeared on stage this time.

He looks like he weighs 300 pounds.

The fat neck is nowhere to be seen.

At this moment, his face was still blank.

"Look, the third human in the Super Arena has finally appeared!"

"This contestant named Yan Li seems to be a little confused."

"But it doesn't matter, let Li Luo teach him how to fight in the super arena!"

Hearing the host's words, Yan Lijian's expression changed.

It seems to have received a system prompt.

683 The referee enters the field.

The two fought against each other.

Li Luo uses insight skills.

The opponent's level is 45, and his occupation is black world assassin, which is a hidden occupation.

Li Luo looked at the bloated figure of the other party, and the corners of Li Luo's mouth twitched.

This turned out to be an assassin?

are you kidding me?

The opposite person had a naive expression and smiled at Li Luo.

"Game start!"

The referee announced the start of the game.

Almost instantly.

Yan Li's figure disappeared in place.

Li Luo could clearly feel that the opponent did not disappear by virtue of speed.

Instead, it disappeared in place!

As if hiding in a different space.

"A dark assassin?"

Li Luo muttered, and at the same time he also entered a defensive stance.

"call out!"

Behind Li Luo, the air twisted, and then a fat hand wrapped around the dagger and slashed towards the back of his neck.

Li Luo's ears moved, and he took a step forward in an instant, and at the same time he swung his iron broken teeth and slashed back.

But it was cut short.

The dagger had disappeared.

The entire arena was empty, except for Ji Lu, there was no one there. (ciad) "Whoop!"

Another dagger suddenly appeared above Li Luo's head.

Li Luo, who had been prepared for a long time, shot upward with a fireball.

Still hit a blank.

Li Luo frowned.

It's just too weird how elusive this guy is.

At the beginning, this guy was restrained, tentatively attacking Li Luo.

But as the battle time is stretched.

There are more and more attacks emerging from the void.

The weapon in that fat hand was also strange.

There are daggers, long swords, war hammers, etc. for these conventional weapons.

There are also weird things like toilet bars, stool legs, trash cans, and bicycle rings.

Li Luo murmured inwardly.

What the hell is going on here?

Are you an assassin or some kind of junk collector?

How come all the garbage is thrown out?

The main reason is that the black light was still shining on the rags he threw.

It's not easy to mess with at first glance.

It is estimated that the damage caused by these rags is similar to that of those weapons.


A broken mattress fell from overhead.

Li Luo had a black line on his forehead.

This fat man!

This was the first time Li Luo encountered such an invisible enemy.

This fight was really frustrating.

With a knife, the broken mattress was chopped into pieces.

Another trash can lid was kicked off.

Li Luo frowned and continued to think about how to drag this guy out of that different space.

Think carefully about these props and equipment for yourself.

Who has this ability!

Li Luo looked at the Iron Broken Fang in his hand.

Isn't this ready-made!

Li Luo thought about it.

The blade of Tie Sui Ya in his hand instantly turned into a star-studded gloomy blade.

"Oh! Take a look, everyone!"

"Contestant Li Luo's knife turned out to be like this!"

"It's really beautiful!"

"Just don't know what he's going to do with this gorgeous knife."

"It can't be used to scare the invisible enemy!"

Li Luo ignored the host's chatter.

He saw the opportunity, and swung the blade at the moment when something was thrown out of his eyes again.

【Underworld Crescent Moon Breaks!】

With the waving of Li Luo's blade, a perfect circular deep space was opened.

In the space, Yan Li Yongzhang's surprised fat face appeared.

"caught you!"

A phantom of Li Luo accelerated and rushed in front of Yan Li, and slashed forward with a slash.

Yan Li's obese body twisted for a while, and unexpectedly dodged the blow very flexibly.

Then turned around and ran towards the interior of the deep space.

Li Luo activated his flying ability and chased towards the eyes.

After the two entered, the entrance to the space cut by Li Luo was immediately closed.

"Where are they?"

"How did you get into that space?"

"Fighting in the ring, brother! We'll see what a fart you are all gone!"

Dissatisfaction broke out in the auditorium.

The host also fell into a brief panic, but immediately nodded while covering his earphones.

Immediately afterwards, a holographic projection appeared above the ring.

What is shown in the picture is the battle between Li Luo and Yan Li in the space.

"Everyone, you are here today!"

"The space where Li Luo and Yan Li are currently located is a black world."

"This is a chaotic space, relying on the back of the real world

"It can be said that there are very few people who can go to the black world."

"We were able to see two people who can enter the black world today!"

"What luck!"

"Let's keep our eyes on the holographic projection."

"Continue to enjoy the battle between these two players!"

Li Luo who entered the black world also received a system prompt.

[You have entered the black world. 】

[Open a new map. 】

[Please note: The black world is full of chaotic energy, please proceed carefully. 】

Ignore the system prompts.

Li Luo spun and flew towards Yan Li.

There is no gravity here though.

But Li Luo only needs to land on top of the target.

Even stepping on it!

It still does damage!

The fat on Yan Li's face trembled.

He never expected that the other party could cut an entrance with a knife to enter the black world!

Since changing jobs.

Except myself.

He hasn't seen anyone who can enter the black world!.

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