Queen of Nothing

10 Chapter 10: ArabellaDrake

It had been three days since Sir Ramneal had gone to the infirmary for me, and since he had been growing more and more absent. I had thought we had felt the same way about minding our distance but apparently I'd been wrong. He came in with a frown on his face and I just glanced up at him from over my book. His hair was mused, as if he'd been running his hand through it and he looked exhausted as if he hadn't been sleeping. "Sir Ramneal, you should rest."

"I don't exactly fit on the sofa, that's all."

I thought for a second before closing my book and standing. "I've a solution." I walked to the far wall of the salon and stepped before the seemingly brick wall. After pushing in one of the bricks, a door swung open from a wall revealing a storage room full of crates and dust. "It's not much, but I'll have the maids create a room for you in here."

He stepped looking into the room with wide eyes. "This is incredible."

"It use to lead to tunnels throughout the palace, but they've since been sealed. But since the entrance rooms remain we use them to store useless whatnots."

"Just how old is this castle?"

"The more original parts are at least two centuries old, having been built when the capital was moved after losing the Holy City. But most of it has been renovated, rebuilt, or added onto since the original construction."

He nodded his head as if impressed. "That's truly incredible. We don't have any long standing history. As you know Althea has no standing royal bloodline, who ever can take the throne, rules the kingdom, and when a new king comes in, he usually destroys everything the previous one had created."

"That doesn't sound like anyway to live." I sigh as I retreat back to the center of the salon.

"Perhaps not, but that's just how it is." He sighed, the exhaustion clear on his face. "Why would you do this for me?"

I felt my face flush. I really didn't have much of a reason, other than I wanted him to be comfortable. "I, ah, I care about your well being."

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Why? I thought you made it clear that you wanted nothing to do with me."

I reached up and touched my cheek, which was no longer swollen but still bruised. "I just... I can't..." my voice dropped. "I can't fall in love with the man who helped his king destroy my country. This can only end one of two ways, Sir Ramneal. Either I kill you and your king, or he orders you to kill me. I can't save my people if I am entangled with their conquerors."

He sighed, his body relaxing, more so than he had in days. "I understand."

From the look on his face it was as if he actually did. That maybe, just maybe, I'd gotten through to him. "Now, will you stop disappearing for hours on end? I enjoy your company, after all."

"I will do my best." He said with a hint of a smirk that did something strange to my stomach.

"But before any of that, you need to sleep. The circles under your eyes look like war paint."

"Thank you, Princess, but the sofa will do nothing for my circles."

"Sleep in my bed." I said without thought and by the absolute shock on his face I was aware of what I just implied. "While I have the maids create your room."


I could tell he was going to refuse so I pointed at him. "If you think I won't strike you over the head to give you the rest you need, you're sorely mistaken."

He laughed loudly. "I wouldn't want that. Perhaps just this once."

I smiled as I opened the door to my bedchamber leading him in. "Make yourself at home. I'll go speak with the maids." I smiled and left the room.

Laying in her bed was a mistake. The second my head hit the pillow her scent overwhelmed my senses. Wildflowers... I think she smelled of wildflowers, with the slightest hint of... vanilla? Either way, I was in trouble. But still, I found comfort being enveloped in the sweetness of her and my eyes easily drifted closed. I remember stirring for the haziest moment as she came in and pulled the quilts over me, murmuring something softly but my exhaustion was too great for me to hear her.

When next I woke it was to a hand stroking my hair. It was reminiscent of my childhood, one of my few good memories I had and I almost didn't want to open my eyes. But I leapt up as I recalled my surroundings and came face to face with a wide eyed princess.

"I did not meant to startle you, Sir Ramneal."

I chuckled at the shocked expression on her face, that had her eyebrows nearly to her hairline, "I apologize, Your Highness, I was just deep in sleep."

She smiled kindly. "I am glad. You truly needed the rest. I was concerned you might pass out at any moment."

I shook my head. "I am not so feeble, Princess, really."

"Men are always the weaker sex when it comes to matters of health. I swear, I once watched a cold take out an entire squadron of knights... They were all coughing, sneezing, and weeping like babies. Sir Harvel actually...." Instantly the smile vanished from her face, and she crumbled like a tower of sand right before my eyes. As she batted away the few tears that fell she hardened herself. "You should continue to rest. It's still early enough. I shouldn't have bothered you. The maids are busy preparing your room, it will be ready by tonight."

She turned to leave but I grabbed her hand before she had the chance. It was entirely reactionary and when she turned to look at me I was almost as stunned as she was. "It is you who should rest. I will be fine."

She just shook her head. "I couldn't..."

I said nothing but instead pulled her into my arms, onto my lap, as I sat on the bed. Pulling her small frame into my chest I sighed. "Really, you don't need to pretend in front of me, Princess. I know how you hurt and I will not judge you for mourning. You're entire life has been ripped our from under you and in a matter of hours you lost nearly everyone you knew and loved. You can cry if you need to. Besides, I don't think it wise for a mage to suppress her emotions."

She didn't say anything but I felt as the silent sobs racked her body, shaking us both to our cores. Still exhausted and unwilling to let go I just sunk back into the bed, pulling her so that her head was resting on my shoulder. I kept her in my arms as I gently stroked her back and before long we had both drifted to sleep.

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