Queen of Nothing

11 Chapter 11: Drake

We didn't speak of how we woke in each other's arms and as the days went by it seemed as if nothing had happened at all. The princess was the same as ever, and while I tried to be, my thoughts were on her constantly. Her smile, her smell, the way her curling raven hair bounced every time she moved. It didn't matter what she did, it drove me crazy. Even as she sat at her desk reading through a massive leather book she was a vision. I wondered if she was aware that she often bit her lip as she read, it was how I knew she was in deep concentration. She looked up at me and blushed when she found me staring but spoke as if she hadn't noticed. "Now that my face is healed I want to see my brother."

I nodded. I knew this was coming and I wouldn't stop her. Of course she was worried for her younger brother. How could she not be? I strapped my sword to my hip and she pulled a cloak over her crimson silk dress and bare shoulders.

I opened her door and followed her to the dungeons where two guards stopped her at the door. "You can not enter."

Her narrowed her eyes pierced the one who spoke as she stepped closer. "You can not stop me. Move or be moved."

"Return to your room, Princess."

I could feel the heat radiating off of her. Instead of watching my men be lit on fire I stepped before the princess. "Let Her Highness visit with the prince."

They both bowed their heads. "As long as she remains in your company, Sir Ramneal."

"She is never without my company." I growled annoyed that they thought to give me orders but said nothing as they opened the doors stepping out if the way. I reached over and pulled the keys off of one of their belts and just leveled my gaze at the pair. Thankfully they were smart enough to remain silent as we walked into the cell area.

The princess nearly ran down the hall looking in every cell until she came to an abrupt stop at the last on the left. "Byrin!"

The was a faint shuffling as I continued after her and then a rough voice, one sounding as if it hadn't been used in weeks. "Bella... thank the Seven."

I smiled at her nickname wondering if she ever looked like a Bella, she was far to refined now, as I continued down the hall. "I have been so worried about you." She said with tears on her cheeks.

There was a chuckle. "I'm the safest of the two of us." The prince sighed. He wasn't wrong. "I heard that that bastard has claimed you, Bella, but I'll die before you are forced to marry him."

I liked his spirit. "Hold your tongue, Byrin! I won't have you throw away your life for nothing."

"My sister and my home are far from nothing." He said firmly as I came to stand behind the princess. I looked at the prince, who looked so much like the princess with raven hair and violet eyes, with a bit of surprise. I knew he was younger than Her Highness, but now that they were next to each other he looked the older of the two. There couldn't have been more than two years between them. His eyes widened, he clearly recognized me. "What is this monster doing here?!"

The princess looked over her shoulder at me. "Sir Ramneal is my guard. And he's far from a monster."

I sighed, she was wrong. I was monstrous in every way that mattered but still my chest tightened with joy at her words.

"Did your guard tell you that he was the one that murdered our father?" The princess' body stiffened as she turned to look at me. "He's also the one who put me in this cell."

"Sir Ramneal..." She said with a trembling voice.

"It's true, Princess. You know I must obey my king's orders."

Her knees gave out and she hit the ground before I could grab her. "I..." She stilled completely as if made of stone. "But you... we've..."

The princess looked to the ground but the prince's eyes boar into my soul. "Bella... I thought you knew..."

"No." She took a deep breath standing. "But now is not the time for such things. I came to take care of my little brother." She pulled herself up to the bars and shook her head as if it could erase memories.

The prince groaned. "Younger. Will you forever hold those eleven months over my head?"

I was right. There was hardly any difference in age between them and they were obviously quite close. "Forever, my little Rin." She chuckled lightly. "For now let me heal you and I brought food."

Without saying anything I stepped forward and unlocked the door letting her in the cell. Instantly she hugged her brother before stepping back accessing him carefully. "You look like shit." she muttered. The prince just laughed as if he was used to it but I was a bit shocked having forgotten that the princess had a foul mouth.

"Thanks, Bella, really. Just twist the blade why don't you."

"I'm sorry. But it's the gods honesty truth, Rin." She reached up putting her hands on his shoulders while closing her eyes. "I don't even know where to start healing, so I guess I'll just try to push magic through your entire body."

The prince reached out patting her head as if he were the elder of the two and she looked up at him. "Don't over do it. And before you argue, I know you. I am fine, I'm letting you heal me for your own peace of mind, okay?"

She groaned and nodded closing her eyes again and I found a whole new respect for the young prince. He was one giant bruise living like a rat in a cage, and yet, his concern was for his sister. The pair were silent for a few minutes but I knew she was healing him from the faint glow of her hands and the beads of sweat forming on her brow as she tried to push her magic from his shoulders to the entity of his being. After another minute the prince stepped back grabbing her hands. "That's enough, Arabella."


"No, you are paling. You've used too much magic."

She was panting but still she insisted. "Rin, I can't..."

"Safely use any more magic. I feel better already." He said smiling at his sister. It was clear to me that of the two, he was the more mature, and wise. "You'll need your strength to defend yourself."

She creased her brows, still breathing heavy, the exertion of her excessive use of a difficult magic clear. "Fine, but I'll be back in a few days to heal you more."

The prince chuckled. "Of course you will. Now you should go rest."


"I won't hear it. You matter more than anything else in this damned palace. You are Morea's future, Arabella, the only one who can take the throne. So, do your brother a favor and take care of yourself."

"Fine." She huffed. "But I brought you food be sure to eat it all."

The prince chuckled as he patted her head. "Of course."

She left the cell and I closed and locked it once more. "I'll come often." she smiled.

"I know. Now go rest." She nodded and started down the hall. As I turned to follow the prince called to me, "Ramneal," I turned to face him. "You're her guard?" I nodded. "You best not let anything happen to my sister, or I'll kill you, consequences be damned."

I wanted to laugh, yes, the siblings were so similar but I knew he was serious. As as I when I said. "I will die before anything happens to her."

He looked at me searching for the truth but then burst into laughter which caused my eyes to widen. "You've fallen in love with the enemy, and one your king has claimed nonetheless. Pitiful. But, I guess it makes you honest when it comes to your desire to keep her safe."

I just looked at him for a silent second. "How could I not?" I shrugged.

He got serious once more. "Please, take care of her. She's fearless, reckless, and so very stubborn but she is also compassionate, loving, and motivated. Don't let your king steal that from her."

I reached out and offered my head, the prince shook it. "I'd sooner fall on my sword." He nodded satisfied and I left.

The princess was waiting at the door leading out of the dungeon and I threw the keys at the guards before following her silently back to her room. Once the door was closed I called to her, "Princess..."

She turned to look at me with haunted eyes. "I should hate you, Sir Ramneal.... but I can't." I stepped closer to her and she smiled sadly. "I know you just did what you must... and so, I hope you won't hate me when I kill your king and his brother."

I smiled at her. "As if I could."

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