"Quick wear: After the villain heroine reaches full level (

Jiang Yi needs a lot of things, and these things, for those who are not in the professional scope, are like reading a book from heaven.

Even if Jiang Yi opened a small class for them, they might not be able to find them all.

Huawu finally became impatient and decided to go directly to a well-equipped laboratory - back to the new tea base.

Mike: "..."

Jiang Yi: "..."

You are such a clever little devil!

Jiang Yi has stayed in the new tea base, where the equipment is indeed complete, as well as generators, materials, etc. It is a good experimental base.

Jiang Yi didn't know how Hua Wu persuaded McGonagall's group. Anyway, the day after Hua Wu proposed it, they started to turn around and head towards the new tea base.

The new tea base is no different from when they left.

The zombies in the parking lot are still trapped inside.

It took several days to clean up the zombies in the base.

After making sure all the zombies were cleaned up, Mike asked the group in the parking lot, "What about these zombies?"

"Keep it." Hua Wu said: "What a good natural defense system, don't you think?"

Mike: "..." I don't think so.

Huawu not only needs to be raised, but also needs to be expanded to hide the entrance of the base with zombies.

Except for themselves, others who break in will most likely be besieged by zombies.

The security outside is temporarily resolved, but the inside of the base is a mess...

"Brother Mai, I think we need to recruit students." Hua Wu held a broom and pestle beside him, and didn't mean to clean, "Let's go catch... and save some people back!"


Mike was obviously also tortured by the cleaning these two days. For the first time, he agreed with the concept of Hua Wu's family: "You are very reasonable."

So Mai Ge and the others who didn't want to clean up immediately went out with Hua Wu to catch... and saved people.

Jiang Yi: "..."

Is it okay for you to leave me here alone? !

Standing at the gate of the base, Jiang Yi looked at the swaggering away convoy and the zombies swaying to catch up. He returned to the base with a gloomy face, locked the gate, and changed the password.

When they come back, that's the time to beg him.

The base is very safe, with supplies, water, and electricity.

Jiang Yi has no problem surviving here alone.

Jiang Yi originally thought that they would not be back for at least half a month, but who knew they would be back in just a week...and they came in by themselves.

He forgot the third...

Jiang Yi was wearing protective clothing and could only see one eye, standing in the corridor, watching the survivors who were rescued by them...

This group of survivors shrank in the corner and shivered. It seemed that they had been rescued, just like one had been snatched back.

And the survivors looked at him as if he was about to dissect them.

Jiang Yi held Xiao Qi: "Why so fast?"

"Oh, Shi Wen said that there are too few survivors on the road, and she won't be able to get too many people for a while. She doesn't feel relieved to leave you alone at the base. So we just went straight to grab... Liberate other people's organizations."

In the apocalypse, many people don't want to enter the big base. They would rather be the boss in a safe place, with women, weapons, and whatever they want.

Living happily and happily is much more comfortable than being restrained in a large base.

Hua Wu didn't know where the clues came from, and they were sure when they caught it.

"By the way, some of the survivors are injured. If Dr. Jiang is free, let them see?"

Jiang Yi glanced at the group of survivors. There were many women, but they all looked like they had been abused.

The men are a little better, but they are also disheartened and shivering. I have never seen anyone with a thorn like Mike's group.

They should have been screened.

Screening survivors can be beneficial for an organization.

What they need now is not something that can fight, but something that can work in the base.

Such people are more in control.

Jiang Yi said: "First, take them to disinfection, I have finished the disinfection room, and then bring the injured to come to me."




Jiang Yi saw Hua Wu an hour later. She was still wearing that school uniform and came in from outside with a thermos cup in her arms.

Jiang Yi was cleaning the inflamed and pus-filled wound on a survivor's arm in the infirmary. When she saw her coming in, he raised his eyes to look at her.

Hua Wu looked here, looked there, just like an office director who inspected the work.

"Don't shake it in front of my eyes." Jiang Yi found her annoying.


Huawu stopped shaking, she lay directly on the empty operating table next to her, and took out a comic book to read.


Jiang Yi casually found a topic: "Did you encounter any danger when you went out?"

"We are all afraid of danger." Hua Wu flipped through the comic book in a loose tone.



With the addition of a flower fog, McGona's group, they are the most dangerous existence.

"Have you made any progress?"

"The lab hasn't been cleaned out yet. How can I make progress?"

"It's okay, there are people now, and the base will be refreshed soon, giving you a good working environment."

"...The general medicines in the base are not too many~www.readwn.com~ If you want to use this place as a base camp, go out and collect more medicines in the future." When there are more people in the base, the consumption of medicines is very large.


"There are still some things that you also need to find." Jiang Yi said: "I have already made a list."


When Jiang Yi took care of the survivors' injuries, he pressed his sore neck and turned to look at Hua Wu.

"Aren't you going to help?"

"The only thing I can do is to do nothing." Hua Wu covered her face with the comic book and sighed, "Mike hates me!"

Jiang Yi thought about it, and with her attitude as a foreman, it is indeed better not to ask her to help.

When anyone is willing to work, there is a supervisor pointing at him.

Jiang Yi glanced at her, "Why do you keep wearing this school uniform?"

Hua Wu tilted her head: "Isn't it good-looking?"


Her face looks good in anything.

But it hasn't changed...it's weird.

"This is the characteristic of the heroine." Hua Wu sat up, "You can't change clothes casually."

Jiang Yi took a step forward, put his palm on Huawu's forehead, and quickly came to the conclusion, "If you don't have a fever, then you are sick."

"..." Hua Wu patted his hand away, got off the operating table, opened his hand and turned around: "Don't you think it's cool to wear this dress?"

"What's so cool about wearing it every day at school?"

"Fights are not allowed in school."

"..." Do you think it's cool to fight in this outfit?

Jiang Yi couldn't figure out what was going on in Hua Wu's mind, so he wisely gave up talking with the neuropathy and left the infirmary directly.

——Looking at flowers in the fog——

Boys, vote!

It's almost over~

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