Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 60: Doomsday Rhapsody (Thirty)

"Quick wear: After the villain heroine reaches full level (

With the help of survivors, the base was quickly renovated.

There are also some technicians among the survivors, and the base that was not fully operational at first has almost no problems.

Hua Wu divided the base into Jiang Yi's experimental area and the survivor's living area, and asked the third child to reset the access control. There was no special reason, and the survivors could not enter and leave these areas at will.

This group of survivors thought at first that they would be the same as before, or even worse.

I didn't expect everyone to have a much better life than before, except that everyone had to work to get food.

The group of McGee are also very fierce, but they don't beat and scold them very much.

If you are sick, you can also go to the infirmary to see Dr. Jiang.

Although the food is not enough, but two meals a day, almost 70% full.

Apart from……


Hua Wu shivered at this voice, she stuck her head out and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

Xiao Qi and Xiao Liu didn't know what they were doing, which scared the female survivors into screaming.

Hua Wu determined that it was her own, moved out and looked closer.

"Little Seventh Brother, don't you call me when you're looking for fun?"

Xiaoqi and Xiaoliu were shocked and turned their heads to look at Hua Wu who was standing behind them at some point, "Shi Wen...why did you come here."

"This is the area for girls to rest, how normal I am here." Hua Wu looked at them: "It's you...Are you going to eat alone?"




How did you get hit by this little lunatic!

Xiao Qi let go of the woman he was pulling and scratched his head: "That... let's come and patrol."

Hua Wu waved at them: "You come."

Xiaoliu and Xiaoqi looked at each other and walked to Huawu.

Hua Wu helped Xiao Liu sort out his clothes, patted him on the shoulder again, and said earnestly: "Two brothers, you are people with status now, don't do things like these little hooligans. It's just your physique and charm. , With this status, I'm afraid that no one will find you? If people don't like it, don't force it, we are people with status now."

Xiao Qi: "That's not what you said when you forced it."

Hua Wu stared: "... Who am I forcibly screwing?"

"Doctor Jiang." Xiao Qi said, "People were not happy with you at first."

Hua Wu felt that she needed to defend herself: "I was helping him! I didn't do anything to him!" At most, use him as a pillow! Help, what's wrong with being a pillow?

Xiao Qi smiled, completely disbelieving.

Hua Wu said with a small face: "Pay attention to your identity!"

Xiao Qi: "..."

They are just a bunch of hooligans, what identities do they have.

Xiao Qi still didn't dare to fight against Hua Wu, and left with Xiao Liu first.

Hua Wu looked at the back of the two leaving, and felt that she needed to talk to McGee, exercise their willpower, and how can people who do big things just be fascinated by the Huahua world!

When Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi disappeared completely, Hua Wu turned her head and looked at the group of girls: "Let's go around them in the future, there are not some good people in this base."

The girl who was grabbed by Xiao Qi just now whispered, "...Yes...Thank you...Thank you."

Hua Wu didn't respond and left directly.

She went to Mike to discuss this issue.

I want to be out of your control, but this kind of problem can't happen again. A good organization must have rules, otherwise it won't win people's hearts.

The heroine's team can't be so unpretentious.

Brother Mike understood that what Hua Wu said had some truth. He strictly restrained them when he was working, but... he felt that in a safe place like the base, it was not that serious.

"But they're my brothers, that little thing..."

"So you can't let them fall!" Hua Wu patted the table: "How many people are ruined by love, this is a taboo!! We can't make such mistakes, our organization should be bigger and stronger, and be the end of the world. The first base, you have to establish rules first.”


No, not that serious.

How did it get involved in the fall...

And I didn't say that I would be the first base in the end of the world! !

When did you plan it! !

Can you discuss it with my big brother first? !

"What are you doing?" When Jiang Yi came in, he saw Hua Wu stepping on the stool with one foot and clapping the table with the other, as if he was going to have a fight with Mike.

"Discuss the future development of the organization." Hua Wu glanced at him: "You are not in the laboratory, what are you doing here?"

"I need zombies..."

"Oh." Hua Wu looked impatient with "I know" and waved at him: "I'll catch you later, go back."


Hua Wu and Brother Mai had been chatting for a long time, and when it was almost dinner time, Xiao Wu brought the zombies Jiang Yi wanted to him.

Seeing that the zombies were still alive and kicking, Jiang Yi picked up the gun and collapsed.

Jiang Yi is now half of his own, and Brother Mai has given him a gun. After all, there are many people in the base now, and if something happens, he has the ability to protect himself.

Hua Wu looked at the zombie on the ground: "I finally caught you alive!"

Jiang Yi: "I didn't say I wanted to live~www.readwn.com~ Hua Wu: "Then you didn't say it earlier! "

It's not easy to catch a live one! !

Jiang Yi: "You didn't listen to me either."


Hua Wu: "Next time you can finish your needs in one sentence, don't hold back to the second sentence."

Jiang Yi: "Miss Shi, let me remind you, you didn't listen to me at all."

Hua Wu: "You speak slowly, blame me?"

Jiang Yi: "You interrupt me first..."

Xiao Wu watched the two bicker, shook his head, and left directly.



McGonagall was moved by Hua Wu's "talk", and began to teach Xiao Wu and others an ideological class, instilling in them that they are now big figures with status, and they can no longer have the organizational philosophy of the hooligan's style.

Xiao Wu and the others couldn't understand what kind of big man they were.

But if Mike said so, it must be.

During the period when McGonagall was training his younger brother and developing and expanding the base, Jiang Yi almost stayed in the laboratory and didn't know how it was going.

Anyway, when they asked, Jiang Yi opened his mouth as if he was speaking from heaven, which made people drowsy, and gradually they stopped asking.

Only Hua Wu occasionally visits, asks about progress, and helps him get some things he needs.

Mike sometimes suspects that Hua Wu wants to lock Jiang Yi in the laboratory, wishing that he would work 24 hours a day.

Of course...he had no proof.

When Jiang Yi was trying to figure out the antidote, McGee would occasionally take people out to get some supplies back.

Some members of the organization have also been gradually expanded.

There are so many people in the base now that they can't handle it.

The base operates in accordance with the established rules and enters a benign development stage.

Mike sometimes can't sleep late at night, always thinking about why he is a bad person, why did he get to where he is now, and which step went wrong.

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