Ning Shu said, according to the wound in his hand, "I have an idea in my heart. Li family is looking for a teacher to deal with me. I don't want to pay compensation."

"Li Jia, he dares." With the means of the division, if it is not discovered, it will be considered. If it is found, it will not end.

Zhang Jia spent a lot of money and invited the masters who were highly respected by the division to come to Ning Shu to have a look.

The master is a bit older, but although it is a white hair, the skin is rosy and shiny.

He looked at it carefully and frowned and asked: "You are offending someone, why should you deal with you in this way?"

"Master, what the **** is going on?"

The master said: "This should be an amulet. It is not a nature with the amulet. Since there is a shelter for the asylum, there is something to be done."

"It's invisible, people want it, but it's easy, but it's easy. It can amplify people's bad luck."

"The last person is not ignited, and naturally the negative energy can kill him."

"And this energy is shrouded in you, whether it's you or the people around you, it's not a good thing."

“There is a trend of increasing.”

Ning Shu is a bit stunned, this is another way of plague.

Unlucky things can be transmitted to the nearest person.

Family and friends.

Such a powerful thing, Ning Shu can not dare to ignore the world's division.

Apply the energy of heaven and earth to the extreme.

Ning Shu quickly said to Zhang Dad: "Dad, you are still away from me, don't be infected by me."

She doesn't care if she is unlucky, but Zhang Dad can't. If Zhang Dad is infected, it will be a lot of people infected.

Zhang Dad is in contact with the company's employees, company directors, and business partners.

If it starts to be unlucky, the company is almost finished.

When people are unlucky, they will lose this one, and one will lose it. It will be small and big, and a little mistake can lead to a collapse.

This invisible energy is a bit interesting.

Ning Shu feels a bit like the power of witchcraft.

Zhang Dad also noticed the seriousness of the matter and quickly asked: "Is this a good solution?"

This is a curse.

"The solution is a good solution. It is best to find a teacher who has a curse. There are two such things."

And it is still hard to prevent, only to solve from the source.

Ning Shu touched his chin. Since it is negative energy, it should absorb some of the scent of Fu to offset.

Since the ancient times, the emperor has been the land where the emperor lived. There are dragon veins, and the absorption of a little Fulu can offset this energy.

Ning Shu knows that Jin Yang has given himself a curse. Of course, he wants to cure his own people.

Zhang Laojiao said to the master: "The master of Laofan took the shot and helped me to release the curse."

The master shot, painted a spell, a golden spell, and entered Ning Shu's body.

Ningshu suddenly felt that there was a force in his body, and the two forces touched each other in the body.

Ning Shu carefully sensed the energy in the body and asked the master: "Master, do you use the spell as a weapon?"

"It’s a weapon with a spell." The master said, "If you can paint a spell out of thin air, you will reach a realm."

The spell in the body was lifted, and Ning Shu felt that it was light. Before, I always felt something pressed on my body, especially heavy.

Now this invisible thing has disappeared.

"Thank you Master." Thank you, Master Ning Shu.

The master noble and nodded and nodded. "It is the right thing to find the Lord."

After that, Zhang Laojiao gave the master a large sum of money.

After a period of tossing, Ning Shu finally figured out the source of strength of the division, which is similar to the nature of witch.

The witch can curse or pray.

Three thousand avenues and roads lead to the road, the teacher is walking the road.

There was a feeling of witchcraft before.

I figured out some things, and the mysterious veil of the teacher was taken off.

Zhang Dad stared at Ning Shu and asked: "What do you think is done to you?"

"Dad, don't you know that Li family has been playing hot with a teacher recently? Now Li is still swinging. If I am dead, I don't have to marry, and I don't have to give money. What a good thing."

Zhang Dad sneered a sneer, and immediately thought of the teacher. "This person is in trouble. Listening to the master, it should be a powerful person. The average person can't use such a means."

“It seems that our family needs a permanent resident.”

Ning Shu stretched out a lazy waist, "Dad, you can do it, I have to lose weight."

Dead boy, such a serious matter.

Ning Shu returned to the room, his face sank, sitting on the bed, began to use the rules of witchcraft, and let Jin Yang taste the power of counterattack.

Ning Shu raised his hand and felt the energy around him, then voluntarily painted a spell with a curse of energy.

Ning Shu’s heart is silently remembering the name of Jin Yang. Even if you want to curse, you need media. Maybe you need a name or a familiar atmosphere.

In short, you need a medium.

The spell flew out of the window and turned into a direct light to the position where Jinyang was.

Now Jinyang is in Lijia, Jinyang is still resident in Li.

Li Jia also especially welcomed Jinyang, because immediately with the help of Jinyang, the crisis has been lifted, and many buyers have automatically found the Li family.

Let Li have a business, and have an order because of Jinyang’s sake.

At this moment, Li Guqiu is cutting fruit for Jinyang, and Jinyang is sitting on the sofa and staring at Li Guyu.

Li Guyuqiu was not sure how to put it, and said coldly: "What are you doing with me?"

"Of course it is to see you..." Jin Yang felt a cold, and then the coolness spread throughout the body.

As a teacher, Jin Yang understands that this is someone who is yin.

Use the means of the division to yell at him?

It’s funny.

Li Guyu saw that Jin Yang’s face changed dramatically, and some sneer sneered, suddenly shocked, thinking that he said something to make Jinyang angry, and quickly asked: “What happened to you?”

Jin Yang shook his head. "There is nothing, that is, some people are even more difficult than they think."

I didn't expect anyone in the division to solve the spell, but I could solve it for a second time.

I can’t always follow Zhang Tianbao’s **** every day, always pay attention to Zhang Tianbao’s situation.

Tigers still have time to fight.

Jin Yang thought that Zhang Tianbao would have a bruised face and went to him without a road. I did not expect this to be the case.

It seems that the emperor is really a crouching tiger, not a small scream.

Jin Yang said to Li Guqiu: "I am leaving." He turned up from the sofa and walked away directly.

"Hey..." Li Guyu wanted to stop Jinyang, but Jinyangtou did not go back, let Li Guyuu be lost, a little uncomfortable.

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