The feeling of suffering is really bad. Li Guqiu started from Jinyang, and her heart was not practical for a day. She always hangs in the air, swaying, and going up and down.

What a thrilling thing, this is an experience that has never been seen in a bored life.

It is no wonder that love is something that has been pursued and passed down since the birth of mankind.

The five flavors are mixed, and the sweetness is mixed with worry and worry.

Now Li Guyue is worried about how Jin Yang suddenly changed his face and said he will leave.

The apple she had cut him had never touched.

Expectation, loss, worry, and ignorance, become less like yourself.

The calm Li Guyu seems to have disappeared.

But this feeling seems to be good.

Men like Jinyang should have a lot of girls like it.

Hey, Li Guyuqiu has fallen into a reeling, and there is something about Zhang’s family.

Jin Yang returned to his rental house and began to lift the mantra.

Moreover, the additional effect of this spell is actually very painful. It seems that there are bugs in the skin, and it is creeping, and it hurts.

Jin Yang smiled a little, "a little meaning." Just happened to be a good match with the emperor.

Before I thought about dealing with Zhang Tianbao’s nephew, I could beat him with tears and tears, and I would definitely come to him.

It’s not Zhang Tianbao, but the family behind Zhang Tianbao. The family’s financial resources can look for Zhang Tianbao’s powerful division.

The old man at home said that the emperor is a talented person, and there are many family members. Some unpredictable fortune tellers are masters.

As the cultural and political center, the Imperial Capital is also a gathering place for the masters of various industries.

When I came to the Imperial Capital, Jinyang can be said to be unfavorable. In addition, I have grown up from a young age to a big one. It is also very talented in this respect. It can be said that it is difficult to encounter an adversary.

Today, there is also a teacher who in turn cursed him. Natural Jinyang feels very interesting.

Jin Yang began to expel the negative energy of his body. The opponent's spell was not so strong. Jin Yang used two papers to lift the spell.

It seems that Zhang’s teacher is not very good. Although he can use the spell, the strength is not impossible.

And the means of comparison, how to say it, the means are relatively simple, giving people a very painful curse, people are not fools do not know the pain.

The invisible things are the most deadly.

It does not give physical harm, and mental damage is the most important.

It is now a society ruled by law, and any scar on the body can be identified by the forensic doctor.

Hey, is that a little trick?

Then send you a big gift bag.

Now Jinyang has been completely provoked by the war, and there is a battle between the divisions.

Jinyang was more serious this time, and the volley was drawn with a very complicated character.

In the process of drawing characters, Jin Yang is full of sweat, obviously drawing this character almost drains all the power in Jinyang's body.

This spell is that the old man at home may not be able to solve it.

This was what he saw from the crumpled book collected by the old man, and he tried several times to succeed.

It is too expensive.

This complicated spell makes people feel dizzy when they look at it.

Jinyang's Fu paper locked Ning Shu, and Ning Shu felt a pressure and unknown at home.

This time, the feeling is stronger than the last time. Obviously, this time the spell is much stronger than before.

The teacher who was stationed in Zhangjia immediately sensed the fluctuation of the magnetic field and quickly went to Ningshu's room.

"Come to me later." The division shouted to Ning Shu, then threw paper in the air to resist the spell.

The face of the teacher is ugly. "Someone can actually vacate the picture, who is it?"

Although there are many teachers, but the powerful ones are so poked, and widely known to the people in the field.

Which master is this shot.

Like the paper, naturally it can't be compared with Jin Yang's curse. Soon these papers ignite spontaneously and the energy disappears.

The face of the teacher changed dramatically, and he quickly posted the amulet on Zhang Tianbao's body.

He came to be Zhang Jia's guest, protecting Zhang Tianbao. Although Zhang Tianbao is a blind child, he collects money to replace people. If Zhang Tianbao is dead, he will hurt his reputation.

There is no business in the future.

Just as Jinyang’s curse was close, Ning Shu’s body popped up and directly melted the power of the spell.

This power is nothing else, but Ningshu has not used it before, preventing someone from cursing the props they bought.

The last time Jinyang used the method, and could not start this prop, it still could not reach the standard of curse.

But this time, the energy fluctuations are large, so this item is activated.

Even without this prop, Ning Shu can still solve this spell.

Of course, if you don’t shoot, you should be a dude, especially in front of a teacher. It is necessary to cause some doubts.

The curse was eliminated, and the pressure in the room was suddenly light. The teacher looked at Ning Shu with some suspicion. "How are you doing nothing?"

The divisions themselves do not believe that their own papers can resist the spell.

But I didn't expect it to be safe and sound.

Ning Shu said: "Can't say, can't say."

The teacher is not good enough to ask, who does not have a family heirloom, maybe it is a powerful instrument and amulet.

However, Zhang Jia can no longer stay, the other party is very powerful, have escaped once and the next time.

The teacher looked at Ning Shu’s eyes with mercy, just like watching another body. It’s not terrible to offend the teacher. The terrible thing is to offend a powerful teacher.

He can't stay here anyway, lest he should be here.

So the division teacher told Zhang Dad to leave, let Zhang Dad retain, and refused to stay, Zhang Dad helplessly gave the teacher a sum of money.

Zhang family does not lack this money, there is no need to offend a teacher because of this money.

Zhang Dad asked Ning Shu: "Isn't the young master's temper coming up again? These teachers are not your friends, you can just sip."

Ning Shu shook his head. "No, there was an action on the other side of the Li family. The other side's teacher is quite powerful, so I was scared."

"There is action, you are fine." Zhang Dad quickly stood up and looked at Ning Shu from left to right. "Isn't that bad luck?"

Ning Shu shook his head. "Nothing, it has been solved by the teacher. It is also a good luck. Let's hide this time. The next time we don't have to hide."

"Dad, move the ancestral grave, quietly don't let anyone know."

In the plot, Jin Yang moved his hands on the ancestral graves of Zhang's family, so that the ancestors of Zhangjia were buried in the ominous land. According to the feudal superstition, the ancestors had a bad life, and how to protect the future generations.

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