It also makes sense from the feng shui magnetic field.

Isn’t the family going to sweep the grave, and since the grave is being cleaned, it will surely be covered by the magnetic field around the graveyard.

Zhang Dad: "How do you involve the grave?"

The ancestral grave cannot be easily touched, and it may affect the family.

The bones of the ancestors are being shot out. If the ancestors really have the induction, they will be happy and the chickens will be strange.

Ning Shu said: "I know who the other side of the division is, Jin Yang, Li family can escape from this crisis is to rely on Jinyang."

Zhang Dad has some disdain. "A family depends on a division and is attached to a division."

Ning Shu said: "Dad, don't underestimate the teacher. I am so embarrassed now that I am a ghost. If you sneak up on the grave, we don't know anything."

Like ordinary people, the teacher is open-minded and insidious.

"It is a big thing to relocate the ancestral graves. It takes a while." Zhang has a lot of family members. To relocate the ancestral graves, many people in the family need to agree.

Ning Shu shrugged his shoulders and said directly: "Sneaky and you can do it without telling everyone."

"Bad boy, where is that simple thing." It was easy.

Ning Shu said: "You better hurry, Li family has been squatting by us all the time, at least the other side thinks so, now when there is a counterattack, it will not be so easy to let go of our family."

"If it wasn't Zhang, there would be no Li family long time ago." Zhang said.

"No one likes to be subject to people. This is normal. Besides, Li also hates people saying that it depends on Zhang Jiacai today."

Although it is a fact, it is said that the Li family seems to be incompetent, relying on the capital that the daughter has.

"Rising rice and fighting rice hatred." The more you give, the easier it is to turn against your enemies.

Zhang’s intentional and unintentional support for Li’s family made Li’s family so wrong.

"I can't be the master of the relocation of the ancestral graves. I have to talk to the people who are highly respected by the family."

"If you don't migrate your ancestral graves, then move the graves of our grandparents, grandparents and grandparents."

This kid casually said that others ran off his legs, and Zhang Dad felt that the Li family would be like again, had private enmity, and would not make an idea to someone else’s ancestors.

This is too vicious.

And it is very easy to be tired, Zhang family is not only their pulse.

No reality is willing to do such a thing, unless there is a bit of a mind-minded teacher.

Ning Shu said: "If you are not willing to move, then I will sneak up on this matter, anyway, for the sake of Zhang."

"Bad boy, don't mess, if you turn any taboos, don't say people look for the graves, you must die first."

Ning Shu said with a smile: "Dad, you can rest assured that I am absolutely reliable."

Zhang Dad: "Oh, the biggest joke of the century."

Jinyang here was broken up because of the spell, and some were reversed. The energy in the body was drained. Now it is reversed. Dantian and the meridians are dry, just as painful as being cut by a knife.

The pores of the skin gradually ooze out the blood beads. After a while, Jinyang dyed a red, a **** person.

Jin Yang began to adjust the breath with pain, but his heart was really uncomfortable and bloody.

What a ghost, he used such a means, but he was still thought to be broken.

Using this spell is not good. The more energy you absorb, the more power you have. But after using it, you may not have the power to fight back. Maybe it will be slaughtered by the enemy.

It is still broken now.

The two consecutive frustrations made Jin Yang's heart suffocate, and the arrival of the Emperor was basically a feng shui, and now the frustration makes Jinyang teeth itch.

I can't live my own.

Does the emperor really have so many talented people?

Are there still some old monsters that are seclusion come out?

There is still a family of teachers to help Zhang.

In the end, he has been operating in the Imperial Division for more than a few decades, even for several generations.

The old man is also true. Every day, he brags that he is a master of the division. As a result, he has nothing to ask other divisions, saying that he does not know such a person.

This old man is either bragging or a pseudonym.

The most important thing now is to get the wounded meridians, and the meridians are the foundation of cultivation.

I did not expect that stealing a chicken would not turn a counter-etching of a meter and give myself back.

"What happened to Jinyang, are you okay?" Li Guyu walked into the house with chicken soup and saw Jinyang, who was bloody. He was so scared that the insulated bucket in his hand fell to the ground.

A jingle, together with Li Guqiu’s scream, directly awakened the Jinyang in cultivation.

Suddenly stopped the cultivation, and was forced to stop, the blood in the body of Jinyang suddenly disordered, it could not be restrained, and a blood spurted out.

Li Guyu saw that he had vomited blood, and he was even more anxious. He quickly took out the scorpion and wiped his face.

Jin Yang had an instant of anger, who was interrupted by cultivation, and his heart was not good. If he felt something, he was interrupted. It was definitely a murderous parent's hatred.

It is especially difficult for people to realize their enlightenment or to feel it. It is a situation that cannot be met.

Li Guyu was scared by Jin Yang’s eyes, and the hand holding the scorpion shrank a little, but still worriedly asked: "What happened to you."

In the face of Li Guqiu's face like a flower, Jin Yang also slightly suppressed the inner irritability, beautiful people are naturally worthy of forgiveness.

He said: "Nothing is to cultivate a blind man. I will see that I will not bother me when I practice. Otherwise, I am very likely to have an accident."

Li Guqiu said: "I know, are you okay?"

"Nothing." Jin Yang felt that he was a little careless, how did he meditate in the living room?

He gave the key to Li Guyiu's family, and Li Guyu and Yan Meng will come over at any time.

Jin Yang is now flustered, and he has not dealt with Li Guqiu’s thoughts and went straight into the bedroom to practice.

Li Guyuu holds the insulated bucket and lost her face. This is the chicken soup she personally licked.

To say that Jinyang is a person, sometimes enthusiasm and enthusiasm can not stand, but sometimes it is unsettling.

When the time is near, it is cold and hot, and it is unpredictable.

Ning Shu said that he had to move to the grave, and then Ning Shu was really wandering around the emperor.

Zhang Dad asked Ning Shu what he was doing, and Ning Shu said that he would find a blessed land to bury the ancestors.

Zhang Dad really wants to kill this rabbit scorpion. How can it be done to move the grave?

And the place you are looking for is the land of Fulu?

Headache? !

It is better to go eat and drink with those friends.

I hope he can do something right, but he has done such a big thing.

As long as you can find a blessed land, those teachers should be unemployed. You are an expert in eating, drinking and playing.

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