Jin Yang was twice eclipsed, and was injured by several teachers. Later, he was injured by these papers, which caused his injuries to worsen.

Moreover, I suffered from internal injuries and could not help but vomit blood.

Jinyang is not polite, directly spit it out. These are all blood stasis. If you don't spit it out, it will aggravate the injury.

However, I saw that Ning Shu was hiding behind the teacher, and there was no dust on his body. He was beaten by people, and Jin Yang still felt very worried.

It is particularly unbearable to show such a lonely side in front of a dude.

In Jin Yang’s script, it should be that Ning Shuzheng is being beaten with blood and is begging for mercy with him.

The script is completely wrong. You don't follow the script.

Except these bodyguards, none of them are in the script.

What if you don’t follow the script?

Compared with Jinyang’s sluggishness, the division’s side can be said to be a morale, and it can defeat Jinyang, who is frustrated by the division’s world. Is there anything more exciting than this?

There is nothing at all.

There is only one chance in this life. If you let go, you are sorry for the ancestral ancestors. More importantly, if you let go of Jinyang, you will have endless troubles.

These faculty members took out the things at the bottom of their pressure boxes, and all their brains lingered on Jin Yang’s body.

Jinyang has no backhand power. It relies on the strong body to resist. If it is not daily exercise, there is still the hardening of the old man. Jin Yang feels that he is going to return to the West.

It’s really evil, how is it going?

Whenever he wants to use a spell, he is always interrupted at the last minute, and it is very violently interrupted, and his brain is dizzy and blank.

And the brain is very painful, and it hurts to want to split. What is this spell?

This is something that Jinyang Zongheng has never encountered. Is it because someone has targeted him and made such a thing?

As a result, Jin Yang did not dare to use the spell, and interrupted at the last minute, especially angry.

The more you reach the last minute, the greater the power of counter-attacking.

Jinyang's mastery of tricks is that the character is very fast. In general, he is a live battle on the scene to make spells, spells, and like other teachers, big bags are stuffed with various papers.

It is Jin Yang who did not think that the person who would swim like this would be drowned and died in the best aspect.

As a result, he did not even have a piece of paper in his hand, and he could only be chased by several companions.

It is impossible for a few of the divisions to let go of Jinyang. They followed all the way and used various spells. It is necessary to kill Jinyang.

When Jin Yang wheezes over, then the unlucky ones will be them.

It is not that you are dead or that I am dead.

Jinyang escaped, and Ningshu had to catch up. Several of the divisions asked Ningshu to wait here. If he was really scared, he would wait in the car. The battle between the divisions, you can't get along with ordinary people.

Ning Shu pouts, if I don't use mental power to make Jin Yang defeat, can you really succeed?

The current situation does not know what it is.

I am afraid that Jin Yang has already called them Dad.

Ning Shu said with a savage appearance: "I have to keep up to see the end of the chop, you chase you, I will chase after it."


I really want to kill this pig.

Ning Shu followed behind him, and he followed the teacher behind him. He looked at Ning Shu in his own field of vision and casually.

Jinyang did not drive, but the body flashed into the woods very quickly.

This mountain road is hovering in the mountains, many trees.

It’s hard to find a forest.

Ning Shu released his mental strength, and for a moment he covered half of the mountain. He saw that Jin Yang was hiding in the edge of the stone behind the dense vegetation, and was pouring medicine into his mouth.

Ning Shu knows that compared with Jin Yang, the curse must not have been thoroughly studied by Jin Yang. Why use his own shortcomings to touch the strengths of Jinyang.

Whether in the case of a character or a curse, the teacher needs to concentrate on the power of the heavens and the earth and use it for his own purposes. This is not a mistake.

Even if Jin Yang is so powerful, he is also a master. Even if the speed of the spell is fast, it takes a little time, just need to give him some interference at the last minute.

It will make Jinyang defeated.

Therefore, she is only suitable for sneak attacks, and no one knows her hands and feet.

And the commissioner came back with no such strong mental power.

Jin Yang’s face was very pale, and he was obviously seriously injured. He was very alert and was swept away by Ning Shu’s mentality. He felt that someone was peeping at him.

very dangerous.

The emperor is really dangerous. Before the old man said that the emperor had talented people, all kinds of monsters and gods had various fights. He did not agree before, but today he is aware.

His cultivation is still not good. If the old man sees him so embarrassed, it is estimated that he will hammer him again.

Jin Yang touched his heart and felt very painful. He suffered internal injuries. Most of the time, he did not even see the sneak attack.

I don't know if I can see the old man.

If you have escaped this robbery, Zhang will wait, it will not be so.

Those who dare to die on their own hands are not because their names are not loud enough, and they have to ruin Zhang Jia.

It’s not enough to destroy Zhang’s family, but also let Zhang’s sons and grandchildren taste the feeling of poverty and struggle.

Jinyang stood up and felt the urgency, and someone was chasing after him.

"Go here." Ning Shu pointed to the direction of the teacher.

The teacher couldn't help but speechless. "Don't you see any blood here?"

Ning Shu slightly carried his chin. "Detective novels have not been seen, anti-reconnaissance."

Phase teacher: Big Master, don't make trouble.

Life and death are all matters.

When you die, when you die, you tell us that the detective novels have some inexplicable experience.

Ning Shu akimbo, "I am the person who hired you, listening to me is right, what consequences I will bear."

"I don't want to offend such a powerful teacher. I can't sleep well."

Ning Shu said that he ran away without a shadow, and the teachers were very helpless and could only catch up.

Their primary task is to protect this rich second generation.

How do this fat fat man run so fast, flexible fat man.

Ningshu is flexible in the woods, the goal is to chase Jinyang, if this time directly solve Jinyang is the best.

Moreover, it is a battle between the divisions and the divisions. It is not a life.

And it is Jinyang who wants to kill her. She just asked for help from her.

Solving Jinyang only solved one, and there is also an old-fashioned teacher behind Jinyang.

Being able to cultivate such a good teacher in Jinyang is definitely a powerful role.

If you don't solve the old teacher, Zhang still has to go that way.

Killing the beloved apprentice of the old teacher, he will definitely let the Zhang family be buried.

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