Therefore, this hatred is solved, and it is necessary to scribble the roots. Although I don’t know the identity of the old teacher, I went to a mountain ditch to live in seclusion, and cultivated such a disciple, which would upset the division.

It does not seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp.

Ningshu ran very fast, and the rear divisions were all unable to catch up. They had to rely on the power of the spell.

Jin Yang is very sensitive to the danger, and he notices that Ningshu is close. Although he does not know who it is, he will soon open the distance.

Ning Shu uses his mental power to attack the former Jinyang.

Come again, Jin Yang felt a blank in his mind and almost fainted.

But for a while, the brain didn't listen to the command at all, and you couldn't do it if you wanted to get up.

It was such a chance of a moment, Ning Shu speeded up the pace, the rear of the division chased straight tongue, saw Jin Yang curled up on the ground, suddenly his eyes lit up.

Absolutely this second ancestor is really lucky, actually found Jinyang.

The cat slammed into the dead mouse.


No such thing, pure luck.

The seven scorpions of Jinyang were bleeding, and they were mentally injured.

The reason why Ningshu does not kill Jinyang is to let Jinyang die in the hands of these teachers, not in the hands of her Zhang Tianbao.

This can be considered as a struggle between the divisions.

There are fewer people who doubt her.

These few teachers want a name, she wants to hide herself and do both.

When Jin Yang saw people, he had a double image. When he saw these around him, he could not help but give birth to a desperate feeling.

I was especially reluctant in my heart, and I died in the hands of these people.

A dude, a few teachers with poor strength.

In normal times, such a combination is casually pinched, but now I don't know what is going on, or there are hidden masters against her.

Jin Yang sneered, "So many people bully me, don't be old."

At this time, the style is fair, and morality is said when life and death are at stake.

Did Jin Yang speak morally when he killed people?

Everyone is a crow and a pig.

Several of the divisions seized the opportunity and started directly.

Jinyang has no backhand power, and uses the arm to block the damage.

However, his body suddenly burst into a strong golden light. This golden light can't be seen directly, and the eyeball is hurt by the needle.

The eye is a weak point, and the instinct to protect the eye. Several people quickly caught their eyes and avoided the eyes being stabbed by glare.

Ningshu suddenly feels bad, because she feels the signs of space fluctuations, this trace is very small, if not carefully sensed, it will not be able to sense.

When the glare disappeared, it turned out that Jinyang disappeared, and it was empty, and disappeared out of thin air.


Is there any teleportation on Jinyang?

It’s unfair. She can’t use the space law in this world. As a result, the other party can actually teleport.

Estimated to be a curse, but this kind of space is originally a high-level thing.

It should not be something of Jinyang. If Jinyang has such a temperament, then it will not be so flustered and desperate before.

It must be the life-saving thing given by the old teacher. Maybe Jinyang himself does not know.

"What about people?"

"How come you are missing?"

The strength of these several divisions is not very good, and they know nothing about the strength of the masters.

In the face of the sudden disappearance of Jinyang, these few divisions are all awkward.

Ning Shu quickly rushed back, and the teacher quickly asked Ning Shu: "Zhang Shaoye, where are you going?"

Ning Shu’s face was quite unsightly, and he said sharply: “Don’t go back here and wait here?”

"go back."

"Of course, it is the place to go back to parking. You think that Jinyang was so badly injured and walked back with one leg."

Ning Shu’s voice was low, and several of the divisions stunned, and then quickly followed Ning Shu.

When Ningshu arrived, he ate a mouthful of gas. Ningshu quickly used mental power to block the car, but the car rushed into a black whirlpool, and soon the car was gone.

Don't think about it, obviously it is passed away.

Tai Nima fouled.

This time is no way to mental strength.

It is clearly a modern society, and how Ningshu feels like he has entered the powerful world of Xianxia.

However, Ning Shu guessed that the distance of transmission should not be very far.

Ning Shu took a deep breath, well, the snake did not die and was bitten by a snake. This time, Jinyang ran, and the next time Jinyang was even more difficult to deal with.

He will definitely remember this lesson, and the next time he will definitely have to put on various spells.

This time it was Jin Yang’s care.

"Running?" The teacher saw that the sports car was gone, and couldn't help but look ugly.

This is undoubtedly a return to the mountain.

Ning Shu suddenly smiled and said: "This time I can call Jinyang to be a father, then the next time I can, maybe I can catch up."

Ning Shu let the driver speed up, but did not catch the red sports car.

Since I ran, I ran, and the next time I can deal with Jinyang.

But the next time I can't follow these pig teammates.

When the teacher saw Ning Shu’s ignorance, he couldn’t help but shake his head. He really didn’t understand the doll.

Jin Yang is not a good generation, this time he offended him, and will definitely attract his revenge next time.

Didn't kill Jinyang, but it provoked a sigh, it is really uncomfortable.

Several of the divisions immediately made up their minds and thought about not helping Zhang, and hiding for a while.

Ning Shu saw the blinking eyes of several teachers, and he knew what the minds of these several teachers were thinking.

It’s nothing more than a retreat. Although Jin Yang is now playing very badly, but there is no singer under the prestigious name, so it’s still awkward.

Especially the last time suddenly disappeared, but also added a few mysterious feelings to Jinyang.

Let a few of the divisions directly collapsed.

Ningshu did not say anything. On the way back, several of the divisions were bitter.

Back home, several of the divisions said goodbye to Ning Shu, and Zhang Dad was fainted by Ning Shu before, and he slept a comfortable feeling, as if he had not been so comfortable for a long time.

Zhang Dad was refreshed and got up, then went to bed together. Several of the divisions told her, "Zhang Zong, we have no way to protect your son."

Zhang Dad looked at Ning Shu, who was leaning over Erlang’s legs, and asked, “What’s wrong, is the child giving trouble to you?”

The teacher didn't know what to say, just to say things briefly.

Zhang’s father is squinting, and even if he wants to retain these teachers, there is no way.

Jinyang was beaten like this, this hatred is settled, and it is also good for Zhang.

Zhang Dad gave more money as compensation. He told the teacher that if there is anything to find Zhang, don't hesitate.

The teacher nodded, really, a little afraid to come to Zhang.

The teacher looked at Ning Shu, who didn’t know what it’s like, and shook his head.

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