After the teacher left, Zhang Dad looked at Ning Shu coldly. "You just took me to sleep and did this kind of thing."

Ning Shu: "Well, I will vomit blood to Jinyang, but it is still a bit of a harvest."

Zhang Dad snorted, "The result is still letting people run, and spit blood is not spit, what is the use."

If the person is solved, it will be solved, and it should be said that there is gain.

Ning Shu said: "We have at least 30 million gains."

I heard that Ning Shu is still showing off tens of millions of gains. Zhang’s face is even colder. “Thirty million even a good teacher can’t ask for anything.”

Ning Shu said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, it has already been offended, and the master of Jinyang, the master of Jinyang is really powerful."

Zhang’s father’s face trembled. “I’m really... I can’t wait to kill you, the king’s eight lambs.”

Ning Shu: "You are Wang Ba cake."

Zhang Dad twisted his eyebrows and it was clear that he was refreshing and refreshed. How do you feel so tired now?

The children are the debts of the last life. In his life, he owed the king's eight lambs. He has to hang him in this life.

"It is not my fault to say this. It is because you picked the wrong daughter-in-law, so it will lead to the aftermath. Our family is the cannon fodder in the lives of others." Ning Shu also went to Zhang Dad's heart.

"How long have I been in my family, how many ancestors have been in business today, what cannon fodder, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Dad did not hate the hammer and smashed Ning Shu.

After that, Zhang Dad began to contact the family of the division. Since the ordinary teacher could not deal with Jinyang, then there is only a professional family.

The strength of the family is stronger and the route is more pure.

Zhang Jia and the family of the division also have business dealings, but it is not easy to ask for a good teacher.

I need to pay a price for Zhang.

The atmosphere at Zhang’s home is a bit nervous, and I must be prepared to be revenged by Jinyang in advance.

To ensure the safety of Zhang’s family, especially Zhang Tianbao’s safety.

Ning Shu is not very concerned about it. In the case of Jinyang, there is no way to find trouble in a short period of time. First, I will not say that I have been injured, and then I was attacked by the spirit.

It is not an easy task to cultivate a spiritual ball.

If there is a mental defect, the spelling and the spell will not work.

During this time, it is at least safe, but it does not rule out that the retired old-age division is aware of the danger of the apprentice and is out of the mountain.

This is a more dangerous thing.

Jinyang is so difficult, the old teacher should be more difficult.

Moreover, this old teacher seems to be developing vertically and horizontally. The energy of the heavens and the earth is used for himself. What is the energy of heaven and earth is the rule of law of heaven and earth.

It seems that it is not only a witch, but the general division is using witches, and the powerful divisions can use other rules.

Such as the law of space.

This is too foul, she can't use it, it's suppressed, but it can be used if it's turned over. Although it's just a little bit, the space law is definitely an absolute weapon to escape.

For a person who is good at running, this is really helpless.

But also face harassment, harass it if nothing happens, and then ran.

Since the division is able to rule the rules of the law of energy, then he will learn.

In the event that you can't use this rule of law, you might be able to use a little bit of the rule power in this way.

A little rule of law is very powerful.

Ningshu thought that it could be suppressed by mental power, but now I think it is a bit too naive, so I still have to learn the technique and learn the curse.

Not only for the world to deal with the division, but also for other worlds, maybe the power to use the law.

Maybe even more profoundly understand the law.

The world's teachers are really amazing. Who created this model?

Unlike ordinary feng shui masters, it feels more advanced than Maoshan Dao.

Maoshan's technique is based on aura, and the world's curse refers to the power of the law.

Invisible, but quite mysterious.

It's no wonder that the division is so awesome, and at the same time people are so scared.

Even the wealthy family is very good at these teachers, and they can not be guilty.

More learning is definitely true.

Ning Shu began to write and repaint, and locked himself in the house, and usually did not let people into his room.

Zhang Dad is not at ease, but also sent people to stay at the door of the room, prohibiting Ning Shu from going out and closing the door.

Now Zhang Tianbao’s problem is more serious than eating and drinking.

I am afraid that he is really serious.

You still have to eat and drink, don't be serious.

Ning Shu does not matter, anyway, she is studying the spelling day and night, the other does not care.

The former fox friend called to care about Ning Shu, and said how Ning Shu was smashed by Li Guyu.

The Li family has announced that they have no fate and the marriage contract has been cancelled.

Some of the confidant hobby friends who are not afraid of chaos are still stunned to grab people, and simply cooked rice to cook ripe rice.

When the stomach is big, Li’s family is shameless, and she must send her daughter over.

For these sinister friends, Ning Shu directly blacked out and talking to them was a waste of time.

When you are bored, spend some money to let you play with you. Now that you have done something serious, you don’t need it.

Li Jia’s dissolution of the marriage contract here, Li Guqiu is like a free bird, can not believe and excited.

It’s not a flower arrangement every day, it’s just cooking, it’s like a butterfly dancing.

Every day, some nutritious soups are given to Jinyang to drink, and Jinyang drinks what she has done. Li Guqiu’s heart is sweet and delicious.

There is a feeling of quietness in the years.

I don't know what happened. The recent Jinyang was often injured. I saw vomiting blood before, and there was another blood that would come back directly.

Opening the door directly fell into her arms, and it was like a cold person, scaring her.

She did not dare to report to the hospital, but also dragged Jinyang to the bed, and shyly changed her clothes to Jinyang.

The seven scorpions are bleeding, and the injuries are so serious.

Li Guqiu asked several times and asked if there was an enemy to seek revenge.

Jin Yang will not tell Li Guqiu to be calculated by Zhang Tianbao himself.

Losing in the hands of Zhang Tianbao was too shameful, and he said that he met a powerful teacher and struggled.

When Jin Yang woke up, he checked his body and thought it was dead. He did not expect the situation to change and escaped.

Zhang Tianbao opened the clothes on his chest, and a complicated imprint was printed on his chest. This imprint seemed to squirm in the flesh, but he fixed his eyes and did not move.

It seems as if I am wrong.

He remembers that the mark is that the old man is quite rude and directly gives him a tattoo.

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