Ning Shu did not know that Zhang Dad arranged for those compatriots to consume Jinyang in the game.

Ning Shu feels that it is very difficult for Jin Yang to cause any harm to Jin Yang.

Jinyang can be said to be a unique show. It is not good enough, and the other sects and teachers who are in the same division can't get out of it.

Any of the divisions are dull under the glory of Jinyang.

The face of the teacher at the scene was very ugly.

The old teacher smiled happily. "I have left the division for so many years. Now these divisions are still not so advanced, even a small doll is better than that."

Taunt, there is no way to refute, the facts are in front of you.

Ning Shu Chao Zhang dad asked: "Is this old teacher's identity detected?"

Such a powerful teacher, it is impossible to be anonymous.

Zhang Dad said: "There have been people who have found out, the retired family member who was retired 25 years ago, Fan's teacher."

"Fan home?"

Ning Shu looks at Fan Jia, Fan Jia is one of the other family members other than the dealer.

Apparently Fan’s teacher had recognized this person and glared at him, but the old master did not care, drinking tea and watching the game.

"I heard that this teacher has taken away his family's heirloom and then escaped. There has been no news for so many years."

Ning Shu: ...

However, the operation is excellent, stealing his family's heirloom.

Well, Fan is an ally that can be won. Seeing that Fan’s eyes are red, he should hate this old teacher.

It may not be possible to wait for the end of the game to start a conflict.

Once the scene is in chaos, her chances are coming.


When the old teacher and Jinyang are one-of-a-kind, the Li family is not afraid.

During this time, the Li family was offended, and when the Li family did not rely on it, these people would rush to the wolf.

As for Li Guyu, there is no Li family, no Jinyang, and it is also a person who is not afraid.

The most interesting thing about the game is the confrontation between Jin Yang and Fan Jia.

It really has the feeling of killing the father.

However, Fan's division is not Jinyang's opponent, and Jinyang is quite rude to Fan's family. He can kill and never stay alive.

If it is not for the Fan family's division to admit defeat in time, I am afraid that it will be killed by Jin Yang.

In such a brutal situation, the sponsoring party has to come forward.

The second game, friendship first, just around the corner.

But these words are useless, and the scene is more and more full of gunpowder.

These divisions have a brain for Jinyang.

Anyone can see that the champion is rising, it is Jinyang.

The other party is too strong, so that other companions will be twisted into a rope, and the enemy will do their best to consume Jinyang, saying that it is not necessarily the next division of the division to be able to stop Jinyang's footsteps.

Ning Shu was asleep, and the competition was pediatric. After the game was over, he only had a big meal.

It’s interesting to have a fight between the divisions and the big men.

Jinyang was the one to get to the end and get the most victory.

The reward of the champion is very good, there is only one hundred million in the reward of money, and there are instruments that even the money can't buy.

Just when Jinyang was going to receive the award, someone started to start.

Questioning the age of Jinyang, saying that Jinyang is over twenty-five years old.

This kind of competition is a young match, a friendly exchange, and look at the potential of young teachers.

The old teacher sneered a little and knew that these people had shot. This time, I came back with some accounts.

"I don't know how old this kid is?" He sneered.

As the organizer of the bookmaker, since there is such doubts, it is natural to identify the age of Jinyang to serve the public.

This kind of scene is more insulting for Jin Yang, check it, and touch it.

Human bones vary with age.

In order to ensure fairness, definitely more than one person touches.

But if you don't touch it, the reward will not be there, and the division will not recognize the champion of Jinyang.

Then we must give the reward to the second place, and the second place to the first place.

The official does not recognize the first place in Jinyang.

No matter what the situation, for Jinyang, there is a sense of unspeakableness.

Hey, these teachers are also a set of things.

Mainly Jinyang is too strong, plus the old teacher has a Fan family.

Then the doubts of the age came out.

Need an excuse, not an excuse for age is another excuse.

Ning Shu saw Zhang’s father calmly, and whispered, “Dad, you know it already.”

Zhang Dad spoke faintly, giving Ning Shu a feeling of loading.

"It is normal, Mu Xiu will destroy the forest wind."

The dealer's teacher said very gently to Jinyang: "Mr. Jin, you need to identify your age, do you agree?"

Jin Yang’s face was ugly, and he was forcibly fed a feeling.

He didn't put such a game in his heart, but at the end of the day, it was disgusting.

Jin Yang looked at the old teacher, and the old teacher calmly said: "Some people are incompetent, but they feel that others can't reach it, Jinyang, let them identify your age."

"Jinyang is only twenty-three years old."

Jin Yang still respects the old teacher and nods to agree to the age.

Jinyang was touched and touched by some old man, greasy man, and his heart was too greasy.

Then vote, agree to more votes, Jinyang is the champion, and the more black is the ageing of Jinyang.


There were more blacks, and the result was that Jin Yang was a fake and missed the championship.

Jin Yang’s face became extremely ugly.

His age is impossible to falsify, so the game is the game.

The old teacher shook his head. "The current division of the division is completely decayed and decayed."

The old teacher stood up. "The champions are not worth mentioning. Let these frogs at the bottom of the clowns go to the bottom of the frog, Jinyang, let's go."

At this time, the Fan family jumped out. "Fan Dong, hand over the things, or don't want to go today."

The old teacher said directly: "No, things, I have used it."

The Fan family's face was extremely ugly, and they surrounded the two.

The old teacher did not put the Fan family in his eyes. Although the same one, the old teacher did not have a sense of belonging to the family.

"How did you come to this thing? There is no point in your heart. The same way is unclear. How can you say that I took your home?"

Fan's family is disgusted with this long-standing anti-bone, but the strength of the other side is really strong.

Ning Shu did not want to think about it, directly condensed his mental strength, and came to Jinyang’s head.

After a blow, Ning Shu immediately regained his mental strength, no longer made other attacks, and cleverly stood behind Zhang Dad, curious and dare not go up.

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