I want to see what the child can achieve in the future, but I didn't expect it to be ruined in the middle.

Who is it?

The old teacher’s eyes are red, and he wants to keep the spirit of Jinyang, but he does not dare to automate his mental power.

The old teacher took out a sandalwood box and opened the box. The inside of the box was crystal clear and dripping, and it was to be given to Jinyang.

"Quickly stop him, that is the treasure." Fan family saw the things in the box, not excited.

This is what the old teacher had taken away from the Fan family.

Although I don't know what it is, other teachers have seen the Fan family so excited, it is definitely a good thing, everyone is swarming.

Ning Shu didn't know what it was, and felt that the energy revealed by the thing was particularly comfortable, with a cool feeling.

Estimated to be the baby of mental strength.

It is no wonder that the spirit of Jinyang was created before, but it is full of energy. It seems that this is the credit of this thing.

Ning Shu would like to grab this thing, but there are so many people, they can not go out.

Anyway, baby has already appeared, enough for these teachers to be crazy.

The old teacher was entangled in these companions, and there was no way to feed things to Jinyang.

Li Guyu squeezed the past and snatched things from the old master's hand and fed things to Jinyang.

Ning Shu's mental strength attacked Li Guyu, directly stunned Li Guyu, and the box in her hand fell to the ground.

This thing is a bit like mercury, falling on the ground, directly into a circle, rolling softly on the ground, and not scattered.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and then all the divisions began to **** this thing.

This is not much, only the size of the coin.

Maybe this thing is very big, but it may have been used a lot by the old teacher.

Ning Shu immediately used a curse of the water law to invisibility of this thing, and then used the mental power to directly grasp the thing into his own hands.

This thing starts, Ning Shu feels cool and silky, and the touch is a bit like jelly. When I touch it, I feel that all the exhaustion in the body is eliminated.

The whole person shook a little and was comfortable.

What is this.

Ning Shu put things together and smiled at the scene, just like the silly son of the landlord.

"What about it?"

"Who took it?"

"Handed over."

Everything is gone, and everyone who is vigilant is watching the people next to them. They all think that the other party took the things away.

The Fan family is almost mad, and it is hard to find the heirloom. As a result, things are gone.

The Fan family looked at the old teacher. "Things are definitely in your hands."

The face of the old teacher is more ugly than the Fan family, because things are not in his hands, there is nothing, how to repair Jinyang's mental strength.

Jin Yang is the perfect disciple he has created. In the future, he will inherit his clothes. From a young age, he will feed a little bit.

The previous treasure is not small, there is a fist size, and the consumption of Jin Yang in these years, only the size of the coin.

Now even the last point is gone, what about Jinyang’s mental damage.

If you don't fix it, his repairs will not improve in the future. What's more serious is that you can't use the spelling technique. There is no way to use it.

Spiritual power is the foundation of supporting the division.

The old-fashioned division's body became more and more stunned, and the complexion was covered with a layer of gray. The whole person was a lot older, and it seemed that the line would be wooden.

His eyes stared at the people present. "Since you are not good, we don't want to live."

Without the treasure, Jinyang had no hope. After that, Jin Yang would not say that it was a stunning teacher. It might not be as good as an ordinary person.

Jinyang, who can't be a teacher, can't carry the golden yang he hopes. It's better to die if he is alive. Today, they will bring together these hypocrites in the division.

These are not known to be high and thick, such as the bed bugs, the general division is destroyed.

Enjoy the respect of people, in fact, these teachers are the most disgusting people.

The old teacher said, began to use the spell.

The old man's body is covered with black air, and the surrounding air pressure is getting lower and lower, which is a powerful spell.

To be with the people present.

Everyone was a little panicked, and Fan’s family shouted: "Hurry up to stop him."

It was this sacred spell that allowed him to successfully blow up the Fan family and escape.

Now this spell is more powerful than the previous one.

All the divisions throw things that are on their bodies, spells, and the like to the old master.

The old teacher was blown up by the power of these spells, but he laughed. "Everyone has to die, and I will be buried with me and Jinyang."

"You have destroyed my hopes, I want all of you to die."

The old teacher had high hopes for Jinyang, and spent a lot of effort on his body. Now the destruction of Jinyang will undoubtedly make the old teacher crazy.

These teachers are all sinister and sinister generations. See no one else, and seeing good is destroying.

That was the case for him that year, and now it is the same for Jinyang.

Is there such a sense of existence in such a decadent phase?

Not at all, destroyed together.

Together with the destruction of these wealthy family members.

It’s good to have so many people buried.

The old master stared at the sky, his voice was hoarse. "Is it all right now, are people hiding in the dark still not seeing it?"

Do you want to see people in the dark?

Ning Shu: ...

When you ask me to come out, I will come out. I don't want to face?

The old teacher waited for a while, and no one stood up. Hehe sneered, and the spelling had gathered a lot of lightning.

Thunder and lightning almost shrouded the entire old man.

And this kind of lightning is still purple, not ordinary white or cyan.

When the purple lightning appeared, it was like Tianwei shrouded all the heads of the division.

Just as weak as facing a disaster.

Ning Shu is a bit stunned, this is obviously Tianwei, with a will of heaven.

The old teacher was so powerful that he actually communicated with Heaven.

No, it shouldn't be. If the old teacher can be so powerful, it won't be like this.

Then it is Tiandao who wants to destroy these teachers in one fell swoop. Even if they can't be destroyed, they must let these teachers temporarily break the inheritance.

So this is the day to destroy these teachers.

Before Ning Shu was puzzled, this is obviously an ordinary world. Why is the world's divisions able to communicate the laws of heaven and earth, clearly exceeding this world power system?

At this point, Ning Shu got some understanding.

This will go beyond the system, and now it is time to destroy these divisions.

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