Broke the inheritance of the division.

Even if you don't die, you can't let these teachers use power.

Because these divisions are too different from the power of ordinary people.

In other words, the glory of the division will no longer be.

What feng shui

The strength of the old teacher is more and more, just like a huge mountain is pressed on everyone's body.

The faces of the divisions all showed a terrified look. There was a feeling of a big disaster. The whole person shivered and wanted to escape. He wanted to scream, but he couldn’t make anything.

In front of Tianwei, people are as small as ants, without any resistance.

The face of the old teacher showed surprise and doubts, and apparently did not think that the things he had made could have such great power.

Since I used my last power, I attracted the greatest power of the spell.

Ning Shu immediately converges on his own body and disguise himself as an ordinary person. If there is any breath fluctuation, it will be locked by Tianwei, and thus power will fall on her.

However, in the record of Heaven, she should be a person who has become a rich second generation in addition to a good life, and the other is nothing.

"Haha, it really is that God can't understand these hypocritical people, will you destroy them?"

As a curse maker, the old masters feel the existence of Tianwei than others.

Haha, he will leave a strong color in the history of the division, he ended the division of the division.

The rumbling thunder fell, like a raindrop, falling in a bundle, and none of the men in the field fell, that is, some ordinary people were ravaged.

Ning Shu took Zhang Dad to hide far away. Looking at such a spectacular scene, I really don’t know what to say?

However, Jinyang’s situation has become worse and worse. The spirit was attacked by Ning Shu, and now it has been hit by the Thunder. It is really abolished.

As a veteran of the curse, his injury was also very serious, and his body was already dark, and fell to the ground, like charcoal.

The time of the encounter was very short, and everyone only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and then the body was just like the explosion, and then it was lost consciousness.

I fell to the ground with a brush.

Ning Shu took a shot, as an ordinary person is still very afraid of thunder, especially the purple thunder, the electricity on the body should hurt.

The ambulance of Ulaula came, and the stunned divisions were sent to the train.

This is really a rare news.

Ning Shufei’s face turned white and said to Zhang’s father: “Dad than we are, let’s go quickly, it’s too scary.”

Zhang Dad is also a bit aggressive, and nodded quickly, "go, go."

The things in the divisional division are still less involved, and the thunder in the daytime is so powerful. Is such a powerful force in the division?

I hope that the old teacher should not live, such a powerful force, if you go to Zhangjia to make trouble, Zhang family directly razed to the ground.

The teacher is really amazing.

It’s all Superman, it’s the Saiyan.

Li Guyuqi is still in a daze, with no soul, Ning Shu said to her: "Miss Li, don't you leave?"

Li Guyu’s eyes were straight, her eyes were full of tears, and she looked at the pace around her. She felt that her soul was gone, she was out of the body and looked at these people.

"What happened?" Li Guyu muttered to himself.

Ningshu Zhadao said: "Your Jinyang is thundered, you still go to the hospital to see."

The present teachers who are present are sent to the hospital.

When you look at the excitement and come to the competition, you are all embarrassed.

Some of the teachers who have not come, in fact, the ability is also general, are not qualified to watch such a scene, even if it is not brought by Tianwei, the estimated ability is limited.

Li Guqiu reacted this time, chasing one foot deep and screaming while running.

The dealers were all black and black, and there was a fire. The dealer was a garden, surrounded by woods, and the fire spread into a forest fire.

A grand ceremony in the field of teachers has now become such a situation, saying that going out is a joke.

When Zhang Dad returned home, he closely cared about this matter.

Some of the teachers in the hospital were treated and slowly revived, and some serious ones have not yet woken up.

The more powerful the teacher is, the more he wakes up late. After he wakes up, he is very upset, either his memory is damaged or the spirit is damaged.

You can also use the spelling technique before, and now there is no way to use it.

Thunder and lightning forced the spirit of these divisions to be destroyed, and it may also inhibit the spirit of these divisions, so that these divisions have no way to communicate the energy of the heavens and the earth and turn the rules of the heavens and the earth into their own use.

The most serious injury was the old teacher and Jin Yang. The meridians of the old men’s division had all been damaged, and they had suffered such a large Tianwei.

Jinyang has not yet woken up to the present, and the doctor said that he may not wake up and become a vegetative person.

Live dead.

Li Guqiu fell directly on the ground and squinted and cried silently. Why did her life suffer so much?

She has something wrong with her own pursuit, what she did wrong, God wants to do this to her.

If God gave her a fate to marry a man she didn't love, she would go against the sky, she wants to work hard, what is wrong with her.

Moreover, the medical expenses of the old teacher and Jinyang are also very expensive, one thousand is one day.

For Li Guyu, who has no income, this is a big burden.

And she doesn't know Jinyang's bank card password, what can she do?

Li Guyu has no choice but to go back to Li.

In fact, the Li family has already been overwhelmed. Before the Jinyang limelight was in the limelight, it expanded the business map.

Offended a lot of people, now the division of the division has spread all over the giants, a little bit of sources know that Jinyang may not wake up.

And even if you wake up, it may be a waste person, because the teachers who are waking up now say that their abilities are gone.

When using the spell, the head is particularly painful and extraordinarily empty.

The fortunate cultivators are unacceptable, and the ghosts are crying and screaming, so that the hospital wants to send this group of people to the neurological hospital.

Li Jia is now dismantling the East Wall to fill the Western Wall, has been hollowed out, and now it is necessary to give Jin Yangyi medical expenses, how is it possible.

Isn’t Li family so golden now?

This daughter has a bag in her head. Li’s family is like this. She doesn’t think about Li’s family. Now she still wants to give Jinyang money.

Li Guyuqi has been numb to the ruthless father, but the Li family is so ruthless. Crossing the river and breaking the bridge still makes Li Guqiu stunned. "How can you do this, if it is not Jinyang, how could your previous business be booming?"

Do not say that the benefits are not mentioned. Now, if you are unlucky, you will clear up the relationship. Is it difficult to support each other?

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