It is also a good thing to let the three big pig hooves go out to see each other. At least let the three people know that there is no such thing as a girl in the world.

There are also many girls of character.

The feeling is that all three people are revolving around their hearts, and their horizons have been severely restricted. They have never thought of what kind of girls are right for them.

If you go out this way, you will always encounter it. If you don't encounter it, you should know something.

I hope that the boss will go out for a trip and find a girl who is in love with her. There is no future for entanglement with her heart.

But now even if you want to picket up, it won't work.

Ning Shu gave him a compliment, and he will leave when the mission is completed.

During the period, the wedding of the third and foreign girls was held. After the two became married, they ran back and said that they wanted to go back to the girl’s hometown and said that life there was more comfortable.

The young man jumped his feet and thought that his son had been turned into a door-to-door son-in-law.

Whenever Zhou is angry, Ning Shu took out his heart as a material to persuade, at least the third child did not get married.

Compared with the heart, Master Zhou felt that it was difficult to accept it and accept it. It is obvious that the heart is full of impressions in Zhou’s heart.

Even this kind of inverted door can be accepted, and no one can accept any son to be married.

This time, the third child had to leave home. Ning Shu finally did not give him the wine containing sand, so the third child was a bit flattered, and finally did not have to drink such wine.

I heard that Big Brother drank again.

Ning Shu certainly wants to give the old man a face, and he can't lose his face in front of his wife.

Smiling and waving goodbye, very good, solved one.

I don't know when the second child can come back with his wife. It is estimated that I can't wait. I am fighting.

The girl I met on the battlefield is definitely a strong girl, very reassuring.

Before leaving, Ning Shu learned about the situation of jealousy. It didn't take long for him to marry him. It seems that he was pregnant. He was definitely not willing to stay in Li.

I want to escape again and again, but the family saw her very strict, and she ran away more times, even shutting her home.

Especially pregnant, but she came out, eating and drinking Lazarus made her in the house.

Just like watching prisoners, I don’t think that I’m not thinking about death, but I’m being taken care of. It’s very difficult to die.

It’s hard to ask a wife, of course, she can’t let her die.

A girl who has been raised for twenty years, one day has passed such a day, it is like falling from heaven to hell, and it will not last.

Ning Shu was a little concerned about it, but after all, it is not her responsibility.

When I ran early, there was nothing wrong with it. Ning Shu didn’t quite understand that he had to stay in the town. If he was someone else, he instinctively wanted to escape from this place.

Escape from this place that makes you suffer, but you don’t care.

Can't figure it out.

Dan Qing: "The mission is completed, is it leaving the mission world?" Listening to Dan Qing's tone is very urgent, and there is no point in life.

Ning Shu nodded, "Leaving." Immediately after the eyes spent, he returned to the system space.

Ning Shu looked at the system space and was full of pieces of paper that was torn into pieces, and the little mouse was tearing the book. Through the furry face, he could see the anger and despair on his face.

When I came back, I saw such a chaotic scene. Ning Shu said that he was in a bad mood and looked at the little mouse. "All said, don't mess up my place, now I am rolling out my magic fairy."

The little mouse roared, "I don't want to learn these things. This is the knowledge of humble humans. I don't need it at all."

"Are human beings crazy, come up with such a difficult title that is difficult for yourself, and have a deep hatred for your nephew, to kill your own nephew." The little mouse is incredible.

Every day, I am forced to learn these things. Why do humans still thrive and do not die?

Ning Shu no expression, "This is the reason for you to tear the book, it is so messy, you have to clean me up, or roll..."

The small mouse black bean eyes looked at Ning Shu, snorted, silently grabbed the paper scraps on the ground with two claws, and sipped it into the mouth and ate it.

"I just got it clean. I have never seen a woman who is so fierce. Women should be gentle and careless."

When Li Wen was still the emperor of the world, the little mouse was next to Li Wen, and he saw that the nephew of the Third Palace and the Sixth House was very charming to Li Wen, gentle and incomprehensible.

Ning Shu snorted and squinted at him. The little mouse sipped a piece of paper into his mouth and stuffed the paper on the floor into his mouth.

Ning Shu squinted, and wanted to laugh, just let him clean up, but did not let him eat, this is not to learn, it is easy to suffer.

Ning Shu did not stop him from eating paper, and eating it next time will not be littered and will not tear the book.

Dan Qing said to Ning Shu: "This kind of creature that is born naturally, let him accept the knowledge of human inheritance, is really inappropriate, but also disdain."

Dan Qing is also going crazy, and it’s ridiculous to be self-recommended.

Ning Shu: "... Don't give him something to do, he will give up my system space."

The little mouse ate the confetti in one place and said to Ningshu: "I am hungry, I want to eat pieces."

Ning Shu: "Wait."

Ning Shu warned the little mouse before leaving. "If you tear the book again, make a mess, don't eat the pieces, eat it."

Just about to leave the system space, the chat system snorted, and Ning Shu opened it, it was a message from people who did not know.

However, the news made Ning Shu somewhat surprised.

"Is it the responsibility person of Liren, and now I have something to do, and come over and discuss."

Ning Shu:? ? ? ? ?

Liren? ?

Ning Shu searched for a while in his mind before he thought of standing up.

Good things don't come to the door. It's definitely not a good thing to have something.

Ning Shu glanced at the address and prepared to go, no matter what happened in the past.


It is the little devil who inherited her looks and thoughts.

The little mouse looked at it and saw that Ning Shu was leaving. He asked, "Is it going to get the pieces?"

Ning Shu sighed: "Let you learn more and don't learn, even the ligatures don't know. I have something to do now, don't go."

The little mouse was unhappy, and he snorted, and all the hairs were erected. "What is more important than eating."

Ning Shu took care of him and came to the virtual space. The virtual space is the place where the intermediate tasker can enter, which is similar to the rule space.

It is a place for questers to learn to communicate or buy things.

Haven't walked in yet, Ning Shu always sees a flaming dress, and is still a v-neck, revealing his chest, especially... wind. Sao.

She used to be not a deep v.

Especially see his face, with a bit of masculinity, her face.

Ning Shu: ...

I really want to ruin him, and I want to beat him hard.

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