Standing next to Liren, standing alone, standing with Liren, there is a feeling of holding people.

Ning Shu thought about it, turned and wanted to go, and he heard the voice of Liren, "Ning Shu."

Her face has changed so much, and Liren still recognizes it.

Honestly, seeing his face grow on a man's face, Ning Shu wants to scratch his face and ruin him.

Ning Shu couldn’t walk away. He went over and asked, “What are you looking for?”

"You are his guarantor, he killed me in the mission world." Next to the man is a woman with a sharp eyebrow and a very strong momentum. At first glance, it is not a good talker.

Ning Shu spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. "Let me want to know the ins and outs of things."

Ning Shu glanced at the person, "Come here."

The woman stopped the person, "I will say it here."

Ning Shu said directly: "I am going to the side, if you kill him directly, don't come to me."

"You..." The woman was blocked by Ning Shu, and she looked impatient, but she did not stop Ning Shu and Li Ren.

Ning Shu is holding a person, "What happened, the task conflicted?"

Generally speaking, if a task is encountered in a task, even if the task is a little conflict, it will seek common ground while reserving differences and solve the problem together.

If the mission fails, it will be erased.

Lie staring at Ning Shu, straight hook, Ning Shu deep breathing, "I ask you words, talk, dumb."

Liren: "How did you change? There are no couples now, no good looks before."

Ning Shu no expression, "Sorry, I fine-tuned."

"What happened?" Ning Shu resisted the urge to scratch his face. "If you don't say it, I will leave."

Lishui said disdainfully: "Isn't it that I killed her little white face? She was banned. I was killed by me. I was in trouble with my task. I was bothered to kill him."

"She is angry but she is looking for you. It is estimated that she will not kill me. It is definitely good to find you now."

Ning Shuhe snorted, "→_→, are you really a small ghost?"

What's special, Liren is only an intermediate task, can you be wretched, can not be wretched.

I thought that she was quite wretched at the beginning, and she was a little strong enough to dare to wave loudly.

Sex. Feeling people, killing online.

Ning Shu married the woman on the other side, "How can she not kill you."

Liren said with conviction: "I said someone behind me."

"She thought that I was also a little white face that you raised, and wanted to negotiate with you. Now she is annoyed in her heart." Li said.

"She has raised a lot of little white faces. It is not a big concern to lose one estimate. It can be sent for something." Liren is not very concerned.

"Many a lot?" What is this operation? How does Ningshu feel that his life is very meager?

Liren: "Men like beautiful women, drunk and beautiful women's knees, women also like handsome and handsome men around themselves, enjoy everyone's attention, focus center."

"Men and women all have a harem dream. Although it is a soul body, but the heart is better, the spiritual satisfaction is more enjoyable than the meat."

"Of course this comes at a price. She has to provide them with some convenience and resources."

Ning Shu snorted, it is not like she is raising a donkey, but the nature is not the same, she wants to work for herself.

Ning Shu: "Why, why should I pay for it?"

"You save yourself, like a beast, you have no heart, no lungs, isn't it good, isn't it alive, you have to die?"

Li Ren made a round of apricot eyes, looked at Ning Shu, said with amazement: "I am not your little white face?"

Ning Shu: "... are you?"

Liren: "...I am not?"

Ning Shu: "No."

Liren: "I am."

"Moreover, if someone else is looking for me, I can't let people bully." Li said directly, "Do you want to see that I live the same as my grandson."

"When you have a grandson, you can be a grandfather." Ning Shu said, reaching out and sorting out his deep v collar for him. "Don't be so coquettish with my face, ok?"

The woman over there has been looking forward to this side, her face is very ugly, and she will continue to squat with Lie, completely drying her aside and walking towards the two.

"Do you discuss it well? It is best to give me a proper explanation. Otherwise, I will report it and let the judge handle it."

"The skeptics are killing each other in the mission world and believe that the judge can handle it fairly."

The woman is not good at staring at Ning Shu and Li Ren, eyes resentful, watching people who are particularly disgusted and killing her.

The man is the gentlest, the best for her, especially to please her, looks good.

It’s just that it’s a pity that I’m so dead.

"Oh, old woman, it is his trouble to find me, I will kill him, or he will kill me." Liren said confidently, he was akimbo.

"Moreover, he failed the mission, was wiped out, shut me down."

Being called an old woman, she was distorted with dismay. "What is your attitude? This is not going to be the case today. I want you to pay the price."

Ning Shu: ...

Sexy people, online death +2!

Isn't it alive?

The strength of this woman on the opposite side is definitely stronger than that of Liren.

Ning Shu felt that if she was the opposite woman, she decided to pinch this man.

"If you are looking for a judge, you will find a judge. In the end, whoever is not a judge will be able to make it clearer." Liren said hard.

The woman was made angry and her face was sullen, and she took a deep breath to see her ups and downs. She was too lazy to talk to Liren and said to Ningshu: "This is the result of your discussion."

Ning Shu also has nothing to say, anyway, Li Ren and that little white face, who is not a good thing, the two have started, the ghost knows what happened in the middle.

Ning Shu said directly: "You want something to say straight."

Ningshu’s attitude is almost the same as that of Liren. It’s so mad that women are going to blow up. “What is your attitude?”

Ning Shu: "What you want us to ask is to confess and compensate. Everyone says it is open, and we discuss it."

"As for apologizing, what happened in this, as far as I know, it seems that your first trouble, it is not blaming my people for killing."

Nothing to do to poke people, what do you do?

"My people are looking for trouble first." The woman pointed at her nose and looked at Ning Shu with some scornful thoughts. "The question of who is looking for someone in this matter is not that he has a mouthful to say."

"It is the treasure of his greed, but he is red and white." The woman is too angry, and even the tears are mad.

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