Ning Shu and the little mouse all the way carefully, went a long way, Ning Shu feels a little far from the organization, can not help but have a dim sum, no sense of security.

Ning Shu asked: "How long is it?"

Little mouse; "Quick, it's coming soon."

"I asked you a few times before you said so." Ning Shu could not help but vomit.

The little mouse: "'s coming soon, you have been asking, how far has it gone?"

Ning Shu’s expression clouded lightly and asked: “What kind of race is that?”

Can even the race in the void be destroyed?

It seems that nothing is really eternal, and a powerful creature like a void can still escape such a fate.

The little mouse said: "It is a rare race, but it has already perished."

"You will know when you get there. I don't describe it to you. In short, it is a very intelligent and wise race."

"This kind of race has come to an end, and it is still a bit stupid."

Ning Shu: ...

Don't look for reasons for your stupidity. There is really no direct relationship between demise and demise and wisdom.

Stupid maybe die earlier and die more ugly.

In this case, Ning Shu is full of expectations for this site, even if there is nothing to gain, it is also possible to open your eyes.

The race in the void is too mysterious and too powerful.

"Come on." The little mouse stopped and said to Ning Shu.

Ning Shu extended his hand and actually encountered an enchantment.

Arrived? !

Ning Shu’s heart was a little excited, and said to the little mouse faintly: "You can open this enchantment."

The little mouse sticks out the claws. "It's natural to be able to open. This is the enchantment I set."

The little mouse uses a paw to draw, and the enchantment in the imagination should be scratched, but...

The enchantment was not broken and the scene was a bit quiet.

The little mouse was a bit puzzled, and it was not even able to cut the enchantment several times in a row.

"No, how can this enchantment not be opened?" The little mouse is very surprised. "I am so powerful in retreating, my own enchantment, I can't open it myself?"

Little mouse:? ? ?

So confused?

With the IQ of a small mouse, if you can't understand it for a while, why can't you open it?

Ning Shu touched the enchantment and had an idea in his heart. He asked: "Who else knows this place, except Li Wen?"

The little mouse can't open this enchantment, maybe the enchantment may not be the enchantment of the little mouse.

The little mouse said a little confused: "I know with Li Wen, and my people."

It is not necessary for the tribes of the little mice to say that it is basically impossible to put the IQ in there and arrange the enchantment. Besides, the tribes of the little mice are all dead.

Ning Shu sighed and looked at the little mouse with pity.

This is how stupid it is. Since I know that there is such a place, I am coming here to find Li Wen, and the chances of waiting in the void are mostly.

Is IQ really hard? !

The little mouse is likely to meet Li Wen here.

And Li Wen re-arranged the enchantment here.

Maybe Li Wen is now in the ruins.

The little mouse has stayed with Li Wen for such a long time. Doesn't he know Li Wen at all?

In exchange for Ning Shu himself, there is no place in the void, and found that there is such a hidden place, and this site has a baby.

It is a perfect place to live.

Ning Shu has not said that the little mouse is stupid.

Ning Shu said: "If you can't open it, then open it violently."

The little mouse has not realized that the enchantment is wrong now, and may encounter Li Wen.

If I can hear Li Wen, it can still be so calm, and it has already broken the enchantment and rushed in.

The little mouse didn't realize that Ning Shu wouldn't tell the little mice, but the care would be chaotic. If the little mouse knew that Li Wen was inside, he would surely run like a flies without a head flies.

Ning Shu has not been to this place, I don't know if there is any danger. If I meet another teammate who is not calm, I may have to confess here.

Even if Ning Shu has a will to death, but breaks through the limits of power, it is also a minute of death.

Little mouse: "You come to fight, I can't open it, my strength is so abolished, it must be that I have not eaten energy, it must be too hungry."

Ning Shu did not say anything, took out the ruby ​​ring, the ruby ​​ring shot a light, projected on the enchantment, a small black spot soon appeared in the enchantment.

This is a time ray, and the time it takes to compress is terrifying.

The little black spots on the enchantment were getting bigger and bigger, and finally the enchantment of Peng was blown up.

When the enchantment is broken, the entrance to the enchanted protection is revealed. It is a slightly rotating black hole, as if it can absorb everything.

The entrance to the race is actually a black hole. The black hole can't just go in!

The rate of the small mouse was advanced, and Ning Shu followed. As soon as he approached the black hole, he was directly sucked in by the attraction of the black hole. He turned around for a while, and Peng fell to the ground.

Ning Shu fangs, touched the arm of the pain, and then looked around, was shocked.

This is a huge and vast place, with huge flying ships suspended in the air, dense and large flying ships.

Some of the flying ships stopped moving, and some of the flying ships flew aimlessly and flew back and forth within the range.

The feeling is that no one is manipulating, or the brain of a flying ship has failed.

The resulting spaceship looks particularly stupid.

A huge boundless science fiction city.

Filled with the indifference of metal and the sci-fi sensation, the metallic luster reflected by the metal house is sour.

Sen is cold and sharp.

Ning Shu feels that living in such a city, minutes of depression, no green, only a strong sci-fi and unreal.

There are countless mechanical servants on the ground that are patrolling the city. It may not be long before anyone has to maintain and repair these robots. The metallic luster on these robots is already dim.

Some of them are rusting, and the city is full of mechatronic sounds. "There are enemy invasions, attacks, and attacks."

Repeatedly and repeatedly are such statements, mechanical and no feelings, listening to more people make scalp numb.

This is a mechanical city, icy metal, the sky that never changes for a long time, as if it were a painting or a projection.

There is no one in the whole city, only the boundless silence and unattended.

The center of the city perceives that someone enters the city and can only open the attack mode directly.

The mechanical eyes that received the order came out with red light, and rushed toward Ningshu and the little mouse.

Ningshu directly used the water law to stealth, and brought a water enchantment to the little mouse, so that it was invisible.

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