Although invisible, the machine was able to scan him, but they could not find their figure.

However, it is a minute to find them in the technology network arranged in this city.

How much time and energy and technology is needed to build such a city.

For the first time, Ning Shu saw that the creatures in the void had developed science and technology.

I also think that the creatures in the void are relying on their own powerful forces.

After all, your body is very strong, and there is no need to rely on foreign objects to improve yourself like human beings.

Humans are too weak, soft skin, and once they collide, they can cause serious damage to the internal organs of the body.

So I have to rely on tools and foreign objects.

What kind of race is this?

Can the development of science and technology until now, this race because of what is dying?

"Looking for intruders, looking for intruders." These mechanical mouths are as if they are viruses, and they are a little nervous.

These machines are very powerful. Even if Ning Shu and the little mouse are invisible, they can still find the figure of the two, and the dense machinery rushed over.

Ning Shu and the little mouse ran away, the whole city is such a machine, where to run.

The little mouse immediately said: "Drill down the waterway."

Ning Shu: " are really a rat."

The question is, is there a sewer in this city?

Sure enough, after running around, I didn't find such a sewer. I was chased by a group of machines.

Ning Shu doesn't want to fight these things at all, mainly because there are too many, and there is no doubt about it.

Ning Shu is now more concerned about what the city has.

Ning Shu rubbed the neck of the little mouse with his hand and ran fast. The little mouse was stunned and uncomfortable.

I found a relatively remote place, stopped to rest, how much machinery was placed in the city.

The little mouse said: "These are just ordinary machines. If the enemy is too strong, it will send more powerful machinery."

Ning Shu asked curiously: "Does this race have no bones?"

Where did the people of this city go, natural disasters and man-made disasters, what caused the demise of this race.

Although the city looks worn out, it seems to have been covered with a layer of ash, and the construction machinery ship has not suffered a devastating destruction.

The city is well preserved and the city's institutions are still there.

The little mouse was pinched by Ning Shu and was blinded. "How do I know that the ghost knows that this race is dead."

"Maybe like me, this race ran out and strolled, and it was killed."

Ning Shu's hand holding the little mouse is tight, why do she have hope for the IQ of the little mouse?

However, Ningshu should be able to determine that the genocide is not in the city, or the city will be affected.

If Li Wen is here, where will it be?

Ning Shu really is full of pity for the little mice, and loves the compassion of compassion.

Such a huge and shocking technology, as Li Wen of human beings, has no idea in his heart, it is really nonsense.

The dream of mankind is to fly in the sky. If you can't reach it, you can borrow tools. Even if Li Wen is now strong, facing such technology, you can't say it without holding it.

The secret of this city is definitely a lot, this should only be superficial.

Until now, the little mice have not realized that Li Wen may be in this city.

The brain capacity is probably only the size of the soybeans, poor.

Ning Shu is now a bit conspiracy theory, and feels that Li Wen wants to get rid of the little mice and enter the city.

The little mouse is still waiting for Li Wen.

Maybe Li Wen is now in control of the city?

Ning Shu’s brain is spinning fast, nearly 90% of the time is in this city, maybe he is watching them at the moment?

Soon the mechanical army chased it, and Ning Shu ran with a little mouse.

The whole city is like a Skynet. Some people on the ground chase, and the dense skyships in the sky are shuttled. There is no such thing as a grain, even if it is a dust.

The pressure in my heart is a bit big.

Ningshu releases his mentality, looking for the center of the city and running to the center.

As for what the little mouse said, Ning Shu did not see it, only saw the metal, and anyway into the eyes is a variety of metals.

Do you want her to go back with these machines?

And these metals Ningshu do not know those precious, those are not precious.

When the book is used, how much do you hate? !

Ning Shu feels that he should know more about the situation in the void.

Nothing is the situation in the void, that is, the situation in the organization is not well understood.

For example, the system exchanges the weapons in the mall, what materials are used, is it the metal that is born in the void?

Or something that is found in the world of the plane.

She doesn't seem to know much about such a huge organization.

Now it’s time to rush forward and need to know something.

At the heart of the city is a hugely processed sword-shaped building, particularly high.

Because it is a metal wall, it looks like a shining sword, and a huge sword is inserted on the ground.

Ning Shu dragged the little mouse to the giant sword, but the closer to the giant sword, the more machinery, and the larger the body, the more burly and more cool.

Electronic sounds sound from the body of the mechanical object, "invaders, killing innocent people."

"Intruders, killing innocent people."

These machines are more flexible and fierce than those of the previous ones. They are dense and open with metal wings from the body, which is very fast.

Ning Shu: ...

I am going to the sky, where do I go?

Ning Shu reached out, and the wooden rule of the tiger's mouth imprinted a lot of vines. These vines covered and rushed toward these machines.

Numerous vines have entangled these machines, making it impossible to move mechanically.

However, Ning Shu did not relax, too much machinery, although some machinery because there is no maintenance and repair, the action is somewhat slow, but the lethality can not be underestimated.

The machine entangled by the vines struggled, and Ning Shu wanted to use the vines to pierce the mechanical body and directly destroy the machinery from the inside.

But the metal is very hard, and there are very few joints, and there are places for the vines to get in, which is a little hurt.

The little mouse said, "If my people are still not so passive."

Even with so much machinery, there are many people in his family, and they have directly removed these things.

Ning Shu turned his eyes, this time to say what is the use of these, usually did not put their own people in the heart, now no, but remember their own people.

Low IQ is still ruthless.

The tribe is probably not as good as Li Wen’s position in the mind of the little mouse.

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