Ning Shu felt that the little mouse was also a big heart. In such a place, she ran with her, did not make any preparations in advance, and did not tell her what it was.

Also pretending to be a mysterious surprise, is it really a mental retardation? !

It seems that I want to summon the cockroach, although I don't know if it is useful, but so many machines are really scary and scary.

This seems to be a mechanical kingdom, and it feels that the whole world has been controlled by machinery.

This is about what humans think, machinery replaces human life.

It seems to have been implemented here.

The little mouse smashed into a group and shrank on Ningshu's shoulder. At this time, the little mouse had no eggs at all.

Let it bite these machines.

The overwhelming vines stretched out and entangled the machinery, limiting their movements.

But there is no use other than that, because these machines are really too hard, even if the vines are entangled, the metal can be slightly deformed, let alone plunged in.

But this is like the horse cell, the whole city sounded a sharp whistling sound, sharp and rushed, and it made people feel bad.

More and more machinery is coming to this side, and the center of the sword-like building is filled with dense machinery.

The sky is a spaceship that covers the sky, there is no gap, and the passage to heaven is blocked.

It’s so spectacular, Ning Shu couldn’t help but sigh, this is how high-tech can make such a machine.

The metallic color of the face gives a sharp and cold feeling, which is really suppressed.

The little mouse has a small claw on the shoulder of Ning Shu and said: "We don't seem to have a place to escape?"

Ning Shu turned his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me that it was such a place before I came, so I could find some helpers."

There are countless machines all over the city. Even if you get a lot of money, you should find some foreign aid.

Ning Shu focused his attention on the sword-type building. Since it is the loyalty of the city, if you can get in, you may find a way to control these machines.

Ning Shu always has a feeling that in the building, someone is watching them.

It may be Li Wen, who is looking at them from a height, but they are not seen.

But maybe it may not be Li Wen, it is other living things.

The city has only cold metal, no life and no life.

Ning Shu asked the little mouse: "Do you think you have any special electrocardiogram with Li Wen?"

"What is ECG?" asked the little mouse.

Ning Shu: ...

"Is that you can sense Li Wen?" As Li Wen's crazy fan, the little mouse does not feel that Li Wen is here.

Or can sense the breath of Li Wen.

Really stupid? !

The little mouse is the legendary pig teammate, who is mad at anyone.

"Yes, of course." The little mouse straightened up and patted his chest. As soon as I got close to Li Wen, I could smell the smell on him.

The taste of Li Wen is the most special, it is best to smell.

Ning Shu couldn't stand the look of the little mouse, and smoked his nose. The whole city only had a strong metallic taste, and the other tastes were suppressed.

Probably obscured the taste of Li Wen, so that the little mouse can not smell the taste of Li Wen.

In the face of more and more machinery, Ningshu can only release vines to limit these machinery.

The flying ship on the head is ready for the attack and it is about to fire.

If it is really bombing, the little mouse estimates that there is no residue. She has no body and is most affected by energy, but the little mouse is not necessarily.

However, there has been no attack. It is probably a scruples of the city. If it attacks, the city will suffer.

This stalemate is not a good thing for Ning Shu.

She wants to enter the center building instead of being overwhelmed by the overwhelming machinery.

Ning Shu feels that the wooden rule of the tiger's mouth has begun to become hot and has reached the limit.

But the dense machinery came out of the center building.

Too weak.

Can not be so deadlocked, just need to break through a hole and move towards the center building.

However, there are many machines in the center building that Ning Shu does not know.

I always feel that it is a mechanical base camp, or a place where machinery is born.

It feels very difficult, it is impossible to rely on her with a small mouse.

Ningshu is still stretching the vines, but there is no way to cover all the machinery, and there are also flying ships on the head.

I thought that the vines could control a part of the vines, but the surface problems of these machines suddenly became taller, and the vines were directly burned to the black.

The vines become black under the action of high temperature, and they can break free with a little force.

The vines are cracked in inches, and Ning Shu is licking the tiger's mouth. The wooden law has been cracked, and if it is used, it will collapse.

And the energy is gone.

Ning Shu quickly took back the remaining vines, so that all the machinery was free.

The mechanical slamming sounds, as if they were deformed, each transformed a weapon, the weapon is not big, a bit like a gun, but the muzzle is very small.

Ning Shu thinks that it should not be a bullet, but a weapon such as a laser with a huge lethality, otherwise the muzzle will not be so small.

Being pointed at so many guns, countless, dense, people intensive phobia have been committed, especially disgusting.

There are also flying ships in the air ready to attack.

Ning Shu was originally the key to the reincarnation of the world, summoning the cockroaches, but now it seems that even all the cockroaches are useless.

This is obviously a weapon of great lethality. The body has become very hard under the blessing of merit, but under so many weapons attacks, it is estimated to become slag.

There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices.

The machine seems to be waiting for the command, no attack.

The scene is very quiet and very tight.

Ning Shu is waiting, but also guessing why these machines did not attack people, perhaps someone is manipulating these machines.

Or it is the center of the city.

Ning Shu looked at the center building, where Li Wen was inside, overlooking them in the tall building.

The little mouse was nervously licking Ning Shu's hair. "We are surrounded. It seems that we can't find the baby. Let's go."

Ning Shu breathed a sigh of relief. "You are talking about it, what is the treasure in this city?"

The little mouse didn't figure out the place, so I said that there are treasures here. As for what baby, I don't know what to ask.

Who gave the little mouse a forced face, and said that this place has a baby.

Pit than!

The little mouse: "There must be a baby, or what power is supporting these mechanical actions."

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