This is the human being who is good at using tools.

Li Wen said: "You probably can't think of the race like this race?"

Ning Shu raised his eyebrows. "Is there anything special about this race?"

Li Wen smiled: "This race is human."


Ning Shu was a little surprised. In the void, he still lives human beings. The creatures born in the void are incomparably powerful. Generally speaking, human beings will not be born.

The birth of human beings is a plane or a living world.

"This race is living in the plane, relying on research and technology, breaking through the plane, and coming into the void."

"Maybe technology is bloating. They feel that they have powerful technology, and they can live very well even in other worlds."

"But when I got here, I discovered that human beings are really weak, and even a little hurricane can annihilate them into gray."

"Even if the body has undergone genetic modification, but still resists the danger of the void, artificially created such a black hole, built the city here."

Ning Shu:! ! !

It’s amazing, even a weak human has so much energy.

A person's life is just a rush for a hundred years. To build such a city, it takes a lot of people's efforts and the efforts of many generations.

Even if technology can transform a person's body and prolong the life of a person, but when can it be extended.

People like the little mice have the ability to split a powerful army by nature, but humans can't.

It relies on continuous research and constant creation.

The void makes these powerful and huge creatures, then human beings themselves complete themselves.

Just don't know what happened and let these people never come back.

Leaving such a city, the machinery of the city, there are countless people studying the technological crystallization left behind.

Ning Shu thought that this thing might be ruined in her own hands. She didn't want to study these things.

Maybe eternal life is lonely, boring to study again, but certainly not now.

These things are held by themselves, and Ning Shu feels that they still have to fall in the corner.

Give Li Wen, my heart is a little unwilling, and I am entangled in the dead.

But even if she wants to have no play, Li Wen is one, a little mouse.

The little mouse must protect Li Wen.

This is quite clear in my heart.

The little mouse followed her and said that it was for Li Wen. Now find Li Wen.

Forget it, you can get to an energy body, and the rest will be said.

I couldn't get anything.

These technological things still let Li Wen toss it.

She is still focused on herself.

Human beings with such advanced technology, but they are still weak, leaving so many things, but still killing the family.

It is better to raise these machines than to raise them. At least there are people who have emotions and strong feelings.

Ning Shu feels that the level of science and technology of the organization is not low, and it is better to make something like a doll, which is better than a cold machine.

Looking at Li Wen, who studied Bai Dawei, Ning Shu made all kinds of psychological hints in his heart, so that he was not so unwilling.

Ning Shu said to Li Wen: "Then you are busy, I have to go first."

It took so long to spend time here, she had to go back, the energy body could not be taken temporarily, let Li Wen study how to take out the energy body.

When the energy body is taken out, Li Wen will definitely give him the one that belongs to her.

Although Li Wen is deeply thoughtful, the basic integrity is still there.

Ning Shu looked at the little mouse and asked: "Are you staying here, or are you going with me?"

This question is also asked in white.

And things in the system space can not afford to toss the little mice.

The little mouse looked at Li Wen and looked at Ning Shu again, a little tangled.

Li Wen said: "You follow her, I am not empty, can't take care of you."

Ning Shu always felt that Li Wen didn't want to stay with the little mouse, so he threw the little mouse to her.

Although the little mouse is not happy, but still choose to follow Ning Shu.

Ning Shu: Rolling...

She also doesn't want to bring a small mouse, but she is also responsible for feeding and eating all the money.

Even if it is debris, it is money, 100,000 pieces is also a hundred thousand merits!

Especially the world's origin, that stuff is more expensive.

The little mouse is still working every day. It is boring to see it. It is boring.

Ning Shu is also very disgusted with the little mice, saying: "You are not easy to find Li Wen, or stay with Li Wen, I am gone."

I don't want to bring a little mouse.

I hope that I will take her to find the baby, not as good as I can find.

Feeding in is far more than getting it.

"Right..." Ning Shu Chao’s gift asked: "Are you in control of this world city?"

Li Wen shook his head. "No, this city has its own running system and can't control it."

Ning Shu frowned. "If you can't control it, then so many machines can't control it?"

Li Wen sighed, "So I have to study how to break this system now."

Ning Shu: ...

A technology idiot, now to learn from scratch, then Li Wen's task is really heavy.

If it is okay to learn God, if it is learning slag, it will collapse directly!

Ning Shu suddenly felt very sympathetic to Li Wen, and spent so much energy on it. Anyway, Ning Shu would not do it.

Because she has too many things to do, there is no way to focus on this matter.

"You are quite lonely here, let the little mouse accompany you." Ning Shu threw the little mouse here and sent it directly back to the system space.

Dan Qing said to Ning Shu: "The main system sent you a message, about meeting you in the city of water."

Ning Shu is a bit puzzled, what does the silver-haired man look for her?

"whats the matter?"

Dan Qing: "Nothing to say, I want to give you a surprise."

Ning Shu:? ? ? ! !

Just hearing the word of surprise, this is definitely not the tone of a silver-haired man.

It seems like this is the news that the heart uses the account of the silver-haired man.

What is the heart doing?

Going to see the heart, ready to grab the necklace back.

Ning Shu went to the restaurant of the Water City, and the heart was waiting for her.

The heart is carrying a food box, how long has it just been eaten, how to eat it again.

The heart looked at Ning Shu with a smile. "I got some food for you."

Ning Shu swept the necklace with the heart hanging around his neck and walked over to the heart. He sat down and said, "What have you prepared this time, give me a taste."

The heart is more vigilant. Before opening the food box, put the pendant of the necklace into the clothes to avoid being ignored.

Ning Shu: ...

I rubbed, how the current little mice have become fine.

The heart put the plate out and sat down and said to Ning Shu: "I am here to exchange tokens."

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