Exchange of tokens?

Don't want to!

Ning Shu only wants the heart to return the necklace to himself.

I always feel that the Raymond imprint is a little bit worse than myself.

In the end, it is not as good as other laws, it can be integrated into the soul, and it is not practical.

Can't hold the feeling.

"You eat first, I will give you a surprise." The heart gave Ning Shu a dish.

This time the food is not meat, but a fruit platter made up of various fruits. Some fruits look very weird, but the aroma is particularly rich.

Sweet and fragrant.

"These are the fruits I found, they all taste good, you have a taste."

Ning Shu: "... Are you looking for food all the time?"

Isn't meat or fruit, and the heart is busy every day, three meals a day?

A family who is alive and kicking?

Really have to learn with silver hair men?

Is it so tempting to do this [31 update fast] for the heart?

"Do you taste it?" The heart crossed the fork with a small fork and sent it to Ningshu's mouth.

Ning Shu reached out and took a fork, took a bite of fruit, sour and sweet, very delicious, the most important thing is that there is an inexplicable energy in the soul.

Like a big summer drink, I feel a refreshing and refreshing feeling.

Ning Shu eats while his eyes linger in the neck of the heart.

The heart caught his heart. "You don't want to watch, I can't stand you seeing my eyes."

Ning Shu: ...

Almost caught up.

The heart took out a small black box with a purple ribbon on it, which looked like a delicate gift.

The heart looked forward to Ning Shu, "Let's open it."

Ning Shu looked at the heart, and now the heart is like a dog who keeps licking his tongue.

Others are cute little milk dogs, the heart is a sticky old dog. Forced.

The heart doesn't know how long it has been. From a vein center, it is slowly becoming conscious. This is a very long time.

So the heart is absolutely old, and it is quite old, it is an old dish.

However, the ideological fantasies, judging by the age of human beings, he is at most puberty.

Inciting puberty.

Ning Shu put down the fork, took the box, and opened the ribbon of the box while looking at the heart.

Looking at the heart, I almost spit out my tongue.

Ning Shu opened the box, inside is a dove egg size... diamond?

It is said that it is a diamond, and it is also a glass.

So, give her a diamond of the size of a dove?

Ning Shu took the eggs of the pigeons and took photos of the light. The reflected light was quite glaring.

Ning Shu: exeme? ? ?

Ning Shu really looked at the heart in a confused way. This kind of thing for her, like a stone, is of no use and will not be worn.

Maybe it's the hardest thing in the ordinary plane, but it's a lot more than this hard thing.

There are many scams, for example, diamonds are long-lasting and one is forever.

The heart looked forward to Ning Shu: "Do you like it?"

Ning Shu put the diamond in the box, put the box up, and then re-made the purple ribbon into a bow, piled it in front of the heart. "I don't want it, you take it back."

The expression of the heart was somewhat disappointing and asked: "Do you not like it?"

Ning Shu said: "I don't really need this thing, give me my necklace, and when I am still smiling, I will accept it when I am ready."

The heart expression was pulled straight down, just like a large dog, the ear hangs down directly, and it is very sad.

"Why don't you want it, is this something not helpful to you?" asked the heart obsessively.

Probably the more people grab the more they feel that it is a good thing, Ning Shu has a fascination with Lei Fa.

Before the pears were robbed, now the heart is robbed, and more and more against the law.

The heart of the mouth is a drum, and it seems to be crying. "You haven't tried this thing, how do you know that this thing is not good?"

"This is half of my spiritual crystallization. If you can absorb it, your mental strength will become very powerful."

"I have been condensed for a long time."

Ning Shu: ...

I really didn't feel the mental power, I thought it was just an ordinary diamond.

Ning Shu still doesn't want to, let's not say that her spiritual power has taken shape, forming a large number of spiritual power carriers.

And the heart lacks these mental strengths, and may have an impact on his strength. After all, mental power is the source of strength for the heart.

Ning Shu: "You keep it for yourself, don't give it to me. This is not very useful for me."

"How come it is not big, Changbo bought this with me, I have not sold it, just to give it to you."

"There is no such thing as spiritual power. Maybe there is such a crystallization, and your mental strength will rise to the next level."

The expression of the heart is getting more and more wronged, and the grievances that have been disappointed have bright water and tears in the eyes.

It’s probably tears.

Ning Shu: ...

Elegant and dignified, not a panic.

The heart thinks that the best thing is given to her. If she does not accept it, she does not accept it, then it is her fault.

Can you not be touched by yourself, making her seem unappealing?

I am so good to you, you are still doing this to me.

Ning Shuke never asked the heart to do anything for himself.

The nestling complex is unacceptable.

The heart, on the contrary, let Ning Shu ironed his heart and said: "I don't want your crystallization, you keep it for yourself. As for the necklace, if you don't pass the permission, you take it away. This is stealing."

"Give it back to me." Ning Shu's expression is very serious and cold. "If you want to be a person, then you should know the person's ethics and humiliation, not asking for it, stealing."

Ning Shu extended his hand and looked at the heart.

The expression of the heart is indescribable, the grievances of grievances are mixed with resentment, and the look of Ning Shu is not close to human feelings, slowly taking off the necklace on the neck.

He held the necklace and refused to return it to Ning Shu.

Ning Shu moved his finger, "Give me."

"You woman is really ruthless." The heart shouted resentfully.

Ning Shu:! ! !

It seems that more than one person has said that she is ruthless.

Oh, as long as you don’t follow your wishes, it’s cold and ruthless.

I followed your wishes, who will follow me?

The kind of wholehearted self-sacrifice and dedication, the Madonna moved to touch others, to influence the world, you are playing bitter drama.

The heart looked at Ningshu's attitude firmly, and slowly put the necklace in the hands of Ningshu.

Ning Shu holds the necklace, which also has the heart temperature on the necklace.

Ning Shu hung the necklace around his neck and placed a restraint on the necklace so that the necklace could only be taken down by himself.

If the strength of the other party is higher than yourself, of course, it can be taken down, but there are not many people like the heart.

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