Finally, the Raymond imprint was back again.

The heart grinned and looked at Ningshu, then stood up violently, flipping the table with one foot, and the fruit plate on the table knocked over the ground, splashing everywhere on the ground.

The heart suddenly came so close, so many people in the restaurant looked at it.

Ning Shu's expression is very calm, just looking at the heart, greeting Xiao Er to pick up the mess of the land.

The heart hates, gnashing his teeth and said: "I really want to kill you, killing you as a dead woman."

Ning Shu wants to stretch out his neck, come, you come, you will take me to death.

But looking at the redness of the heart, the radiance of the eyes, let Ning Shu shut up, do not stimulate him.

The heart looks at Ningshu's indifferent appearance, the more gas is angry, the gas seems to explode, and he feels that if he stays there, he will not be able to control himself.

The heart is angry and resentful; "I am crazy, I will like you, a woman who has no heart."

Ning Shu almost turned his eyes, brother dei, are you sure you like me?

Don't take a little nestling plot as a favorite, at most it is a little attachment.

I don't dare to know other girls, and I will find her if I have a lot of concerns.

It’s just that she is not as good as the heart, and the heart is now thundering and angry.

The heart is very frustrated, how she always does not care about the high hangs.

The heart was as sullen as a deflated balloon, and asked weakly: "How do you like me, what do I do is not good?"

Ning Shu reached out and clicked on the chest of the heart. Inside was a heart that beat and beat. He asked, "You don't like me here, do you know?"

The heart held Ning Shu's finger, "It likes it."

Ning Shu took back his fingers. "I don't like it. You confuse your feelings. It's good to know other girls."

If the girl who brings the heart out of the void is another girl, then the heart is attached to another girl.

Not a specific person, but a specific event, it depends on who triggered the event.

Ning Shu knows very well that she does not want to delay the time of the heart, nor does she want the heart to delay her time.

To put it bluntly, I don't want my heart to bother myself. If it is a gathering of friends, it doesn't matter, but the heart is such a serious interference with her.

After all, Ning Shu is a person who tries to make himself comfortable and happy, but if someone disturbs her, then I am sorry, we will not come and go in the future.

The heart hated and looked at Ning Shu with a grudge. He turned and left the restaurant. When he looked back, the eyes were really complicated.

It’s about because of love and hate.

Ning Shu just sighed, so alienated, every time to bring her something, eating people's mouth soft, not eating and not close to human feelings, it is really difficult.

Ning Shushun took money from two restaurants, not much money, but the mosquito legs are small and meat.

It’s just fun to run a restaurant, and it’s not a loss.

It is absolutely a gift received from the opening of the restaurant.

Ning Shu is in a hurry to open a store, and then invites people to come to the opening ceremony, so she has a gift?

Of course, if someone invites her to participate in the event, they still have to return.

So far, no one has asked her to attend any activities.

The gift is still earned by myself.

Ning Shu returned to the system space and saw the little mouse licking his **** is reading.

It is rare to read a book instead of eating a book.

This is not the point. The point is not that she threw the little mouse to Li Wen, how the little mouse appeared.

"You are back." The little mouse sat on the book and greeted Ning Shu.

Ning Shu: "How come you come."

The little mouse screamed, "I made a smell mark here, I can find it."

Ning Shu: Nima...

Is there a small mouse urinary smell in the entire system space?

Ning Shu smoked his nose and felt that there was a strong smell of rat urine in the system space.

So stinky!

I didn’t feel it before, the little mouse said so, the smell came.

Ning Shu quickly ordered some agarwood, I don't know if it is an illusion, the smell of the smell is mixed together, the taste is more ecstasy, and it is suffocating.

The little mouse is really wise.

"Li Wen has found it, you don't yell at me with Li Wen, why are you running back?" The little mouse is really stinky and pee everywhere.

Ning Shu wanders around the system space to see if there are any mice.

I didn't think it before. Now Ning Shu feels that he is still in the same position as the mouse, and he can't tell the sense of rejection.

roll roll roll……

"Li Wen said that he is very busy, can't take care of me, has no time to find food for me, let me come back, wait for him to study thoroughly, come back to me, I will be back."

Ning Shu: ...

Although it is the emperor brother, Ning Shu still wants to come up with a quality three.

It’s really a sense of responsibility that your own people don’t raise themselves and throw them to others.

The little mouse is here, she has to feed the little mouse, it is really drunk.

Ning Shu suddenly had the feeling of who had surpassed the sky, and one day she had to raise the turtle son for others.

Ning Shu threatens the little mouse, "Do not pee in the system space, or the old lady cut you jj."

Delicious but dumplings, cute but I am.

The little mouse is very disdainful to Ningshu. "I didn't pee. I just left some pheromones, just a smell."

"Pheromone, the kind of pheromone of abo?" Hey, is this pheromone the kind of pheromone she wants?

The little mouse is very confused, I don't know what abo is what Ning Shu said.

Ning Shu looked at the little mouse with pity, so read more, even a book with color.

"Take you a pheromone, you have to make my system space stinky, you will go out and go with your Li Wen." Li Wenzhen is not responsible.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and the little mice are only squatting.

Ning Shu: "You want me to raise you, what is your use? It is useless to know that eating."

The little mouse looked at Ning Shu with a stunned look. "Where is this, I don't take you to find the baby. You turn your face so fast and don't recognize people."

Oh, woman!

Ning Shu spread his hand, "Baby, where is the baby?"

Little mouse: "Isn't Li Wen said it, and I will give it to you when I study it."

What Ning Shu still wants to say, the world tree suddenly popped up, green and green, as if it was able to drop oil.

Gradually, the color of the leaves gradually disappeared, turned white, and became transparent. Only the veins of the leaves were on top. Over time, the leaves seemed to be more and more solid.

It is clear that the leaves are small, but the feeling is that there is a big bang in the night, and something that is not gestating is being bred.

The little mouse saw the leaves of the world tree, and the saliva suddenly became a waterfall.

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