The leaves of the world tree are forming space, but they form a space. To form a living world, it is necessary to wait for a while.

But the little mouse looked at the leaves and had already drained three and a half pounds of saliva. The drip answered and stained the sofa.

Ning Shu wants to kill the little mouse in minutes, let him roll, and find Li Wen.

Now I don't even find Li Wen, follow Li Wen to linger, what to do with her?

I want to eat white and drink here.

The leaves of the world tree turn green into transparent colors, the leaves are only veins, the green above them are withdrawn, and even the changes in the leaves can be seen.

Let's not say that these spaces can form a living world, but in such a space, nothing can be loaded into the inside.

Thinking that I actually carry such a space with me, my mood is quite beautiful.

Oh, whoever has my space, I will go out and look for my baby, and I will install more things than others.

Carrying the house like a snail, Ningshu is carrying countless leaves.

However, these leaves have not evolved, some have evolved, but some are still green, probably not enough energy or other reasons.

Even if the leaves on a tree will be different, there will be no two identical leaves.

When the autumn leaves fall, they are still in order.

As for other leaves that have not yet evolved, Ningshu is not in a hurry. When there is extra energy, let the absorption evolve.

Think about the world tree should also change, although the time to get the world tree is not very long, but the world tree has also absorbed a lot of things.

In the end, the whole world tree is a transparent leaf with green leaves.

The little mouse rushed toward the world tree, and Ning Shu directly collected the world tree and let the little mouse rush.

The little mouse rubbed his mouth and said to Ning Shu: "Give me a few leaves."

Ning Shudu is too lazy to be angry, very calmly said: "Are you not eating the world's source?"

"All said that it is half full, there is no food at all, give me some leaves, pick the leaves, the leaves will grow again." The little mouse licked Ning Shu's skirt, staggering and spoiling.

Ning Shu took back his skirt and "dreamed."

Even if I can grow back to the leaves, it also needs energy. Where does she go to find energy to supply the world tree?

The little mouse was very decadent. He climbed onto the sofa and became a piece of persimmon. "I am so hungry, so hungry, I have to starve to death, Li Wen, oh~~~"

Ning Shu ignored his crying. "Then go to Li Wen, I am busy, I have to do something."

The little mouse looked at Ning Shu with a grudge.

Ning Shu: ...

It seems that a lot of people have looked at her with such eyes recently?

What is she doing to hurt things?

Ning Shu also looked at the little mouse with a resentful look. "You said to find me a baby, but baby?"

The little mouse was stunned by Ning Shu’s eyes and turned his head.

Ning Shu turned his eyes, sample, and knew what to expect.

There is no white lunch in the world.

Ning Shu and Dan Qing said that they were going to do the task, and they exchanged things. As a result, the main system sent a message and told her to handle the star stone.

Well, the processing will be handled, and the bite fragments will be brought back.

The world is too expensive, can't afford it, or give the little bitter a bit of debris that doesn't need money. Just hang your life.

If the little mouse is really hungry, maybe you can find it in the void, and it is lazy to say it.


Ning Shu thought about it or stepped on the little mouse and two feet, and stepped on the little mouse to meet the star stone.

Ning Shu went to the place where the plane was damaged, and accidentally saw the pear fruit.

Ning Shu couldn't help but pick a brow and looked at the pear fruit. The pear fruit has already passed the estrus period, and unlike before, people seem to have a lot of style.

The most boring thing about Ning Shu is that the head of the pear fruit is so irony, and it was like that. It took only a long time to actually come to the organization.

Last time it was three energy bodies, and this time I didn’t know what to eat and how many energy bodies.

The pear fruit people allowed the pear fruit to run over?

Pear fruit did not happen to say hello to Ning Shu, called a little girl, eyes crossed the necklace on Ning Shu's neck, and then the place where the pendant fell, then moved away, looking at the uncle.

The uncle handled the star stone, licking his lips, and the thin lips became a slit and his expression was indifferent.

Although there is no expression, it still makes people feel that he is very unhappy and very upset.

Ning Shu walked over and greeted Pear Fruit and asked: "You are here, have you passed the estrus period?"

Pear fruit said directly: "No?"

"Not yet?" Ning Shu is different, the pear fruit does not look like the previous estrus, it is normal.

"I have eaten and suppressed it." Pear fruit explained it.

Ning Shu slammed the ground and screamed, "Would you come this time?"

Do you still have to do the unfinished life events?

Uncle throws the props to Ning Shu, "handle it."

Ning Shu took the props and said with a smile: "Okay."

"You go to work, I will handle the stars."

Pear fruit sighed and said to Ning Shu: "I came here not to borrow."

"There is something."

Pear fruit is very disappointing, Ning Shu is also a bit disappointed?

Pear said: "I actually came to you."

Ning Shu blurted out, "But I don't have the kind to lend you."

Pear fruit is actually coming to her, a little meaning.

Ning Shu took the pendant on his neck and said, "Sorry, I can't give you this thing."

"I don't want this thing, I want to exchange something with you?" said Pear.

Ning Shu is a bit strange, and there is something in his body that can be seen in pear fruit.

"I heard that you have a will to die." Pear said.

Ning Shu: ...

This time it was not the mark of Leifa, but it was the most precious thing in her body.

To be honest, Ning Shu is doing things now, and a lot of self-confidence comes from the will to die.

It just can't die!

Ning Shu: "Well, do you feel uncomfortable when you don't remember my things?"

Don't think that you call me a little girl, our relationship is really good.

Ning Shu glanced at the uncle, and did not allow the uncle to act in this role.

Pear fruit: "It's a bit uncomfortable. Who makes you a good thing? If you exchange with me, I can give you what you want."

"You give me anything, I won't change it." Ning Shu refused if he didn't think about it.

The Raychem imprint does not want to exchange with you. Now you still want to deprive me of the will to die. You are afraid to think more.

Still living in a dream?

Pear fruit also knows that it won't be successful. It just says: "You can do whatever you want."

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