Now Ning Shu believes that the little mouse can say that he can split his own people.

In some cases, the little mouse is also an undead.

The little mouse carefully watched Li Wen and saw that Li Wen had no expression. He quickly denied it. "It is not. I am not such a soft and disgusting thing."

Ning Shu: ...

Depreciate yourself for the blind.

Ning Shu looked at the appearance of the little mouse, and he had a score in his heart. He asked Li Wen: "Imperial brother, do you think the body of the little mouse is disgusting?"

"What disgusting?" Li Wen was a bit strange. He had already accepted all kinds of strange things in the void, and all kinds of strange and eccentric world views.

He did not know that the body of the little mouse is like this, thinking that it is a small mouse, can become a person.

The little mouse licked his mouth with his claws, trying not to let himself laugh out, trying to hammer the floor.

Ning Shu turned a blind eye, as for?

It’s also fragile to think of Li Wen. If Li Wen is not good in mental quality and not strong enough, a mouse can become a person and can be punched.

Not to mention standing on the deck of the bow, looking at the various trivial people who did not have IQ, grew strange and strange tentacles, and evolved in strange directions.

Even if the little mouse now twists his body into a twist, Li Wen’s eyes won’t blink, and he accepts it very calmly.

After getting the things I wanted, Ning Shu’s mood was very good. He smiled at Li Wen: “Thank you, my brother.”

"But it doesn't matter if this shield?" So the energy raging, has no effect on the city?

"When the time center is back to normal." Li Wen wiped a sweat. "This thing doesn't feel in the protective cover. I didn't expect the energy to be so strong. I was miscalculated."

Ning Shu said: "Just be a good thing, and today, the little mice will make a difference."

Compared to such a large energy body, a world-class Ningshu is still willing to give a small mouse.

Li Wen just sighed.

The little mouse is still stupid, and is caught in the dizziness of happiness.

Ning Shu watched the time constantly, and said to Li Wen: "I am going to leave the emperor, I am jailbroken after all."

I don't know if Uncle discovered it, go back early and go to jail.

Li Wen took a look at his eyebrows and made the Jianmei a lot. "Are you locked up?"

Ning Shu waved his hand at random. "Being under the hands of others will be regulated."

Li Wen said: "If you eat this meal less, you can still live."

Ning Shu: " are right."

Ning Shu asked the little mouse: "Are you going back with me or here?"

The little mouse said with a sigh: "I will go back with you, you said you want to give..."

Concerned that Li Wen is here, the little mice try not to behave like starving ghosts.

"You can't control that energy body. I can't do it without you going back."

Ning Shu resisted not turning his eyes. "That line, you go back with me."

In the end, I didn’t disassemble the little mouse to show myself the best in front of Li Wen.

As soon as I return to the system space, the little mouse is eager to follow the world.

Ning Shu said: "Wait, wait until I am released from prison."

The little mouse stunned. "You have to go back, what is wrong."

Ning Shu licks his own hair. "Of course, I am doing this to behave in a way that does not allow people to hold my handle."

Little mouse:? ? ? ?

The little mouse is a little confused, I can't understand what Geng Shu said, but I only know one thing, that is, the world's origins can't be eaten for a while.

It’s better to stay with Li Wen. It reveals the body from Li Wen’s face, and he is afraid that Li Wen will disappoint.

Now I know that Li Wen is not too disgusted, open smoked!

Even if I can't eat the world's origins now, it doesn't affect the happy mood of the little mice. I am all in the pink bubble, and I feel so cold and cold.

The little mouse is afraid of thinking more, and even if Li Wen sees something more horrible, it will be calm.

Ning Shu is planning to put the whip in the meson space, but the surface of the meson space is covered with cracks and can be broken with a single push.

Ning Shu quickly took out the things inside. If the meson space is broken, then the things inside will not be seen, and I don’t know which corner of the space is flowing.

Ning Shu took out the things inside, and the meson space also exploded. The space debris that had been blown into the stars disappeared.

Once the energy body has been taken out, a vacuum zone is formed around it, and everything is flying around. Anyway, it is impossible to get close to the energy body.

The subsystem space becomes a mess.

Ning Shu: ...

Or the system space is too small.

Ning Shu wants to expand the system space, is it to expand itself or let the system expand?

Ning Shu wanted to put the whip and the energy body into the reincarnation world, but when I think about the power of the energy body, if I put it in the reincarnation world, it might affect the reincarnation world.

The energy body is something in the void, and the reincarnation of the world can't be tossed.

Ning Shu feels that it is safer to put things in the system space, and put them in the meson space. There is no way to bear the power of the energy body.

I don't know what kind of material used by the original inhabitants of the city to create a protective cover, which can resist the power of the energy body, and let the energy radiate out, so that the city's machinery can get energy.

It’s amazing.

We humans are magical species.

Unfortunately, the body is really too brittle.

If the body is as strong as the emptiness, and there is wisdom, probably this void is like the earth, and it is occupied by human beings.

Ningshu found a corner, put the energy body down, and then placed the whip on the side, but the repulsive force of the energy body directly shook the **** whip.

Anyway, there is nothing else around the energy body except the energy body.

The whiplash vibrates slightly, and it flies toward the energy body, and then tightly wraps around the energy body.

But after a while, it was repelled by the energy body. The whiplash flew again and stubbornly harassed the energy body.

In this way, Ning Shu looked at the whiplash and was able to wrap himself on the body of the energy body, revealing a happy smile.

Maybe this wits and wits can make the consciousness and wisdom of the whip fly grow fast.

Ning Shu looked at the difficult energy and the whip, and suddenly realized one thing.

Lying in the trough, I should go to jail.

Ning Shu let the little mice clean up the messy system space, don't pile things around the energy body.

But the little mice didn't seem to hear it, and they fell into the illusion of not knowing what to do.

People listen to spicy ears.

Ningshu is full of time city, I hope the space is still there.

As for the dog hole she made, wait for her to go in and fix it.

Wash your heart and re-do people.

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