Chapter 3576 Rounding

In order to avoid being caught by the uncle as the last time, when Ning Shu arrived in the time city, he first observed it in the dark, and looked far away at the uncle.

As for the space that Ningshu gave to the 啃, it is still there.

It seems that there are no uncles around, it is probably busy, and I will not put extra attention on her.

Very good.

Ning Shu got in from the dog hole and then refilled it in another layer.

Once again, I feel that there is no feeling of water and no feeling of grievance at all. I want to go out when I want to go out. It is my willingness to stay here now.

Instead of being forced to stay here.

The mentality is different.

I want to go out and go out. I am here to give you face.

Well, my heart is very inflated.

Ning Shu then began to understand the law of space, and began to learn to compress space, and can easily lay a solid space to tie people.

Ning Shu now wants to squeeze a space, it is really cool.

Even if you can't pinch the blast, you might have absorbed this energy function.

Self-power should be improved, but with the help of weapons, the effect may be one plus one equals three.

She is human, human talent is the use of tools.

Quietly in the cell, there is no sound at all. Ning Shu feels that he just reconciled his feelings, no one bothered.

Oh, I have to thank the uncle for providing such a safe and clean place.

Ning Shu does not feel that he is thinking about it.

There is nothing to understand during the sentimental process, Ning Shu has recorded it, and I have time to ask about the old man.

Space law This kind of thing is really difficult to understand, it feels like a bottomless pit, it feels no place, and it is very useful.

The law of space is like this, then the law of time is the same as the law of the higher, so it must be very forked.

The fighting power of cheongsam men is certainly not low. At least in two wars, the cheongsam men have survived.

It is not easy to survive in the battlefield, and it is not easy to survive without losing the whole tail.

There have been many laws in both wars.

The cheongsam man is very low-key, and the specific combat power is not much.

It’s not that the enemy has never had a move, and he doesn’t even know the fighting power of the cheongsam man.

Space is a big killer, and time is a big killer.

Heroic beauty can't beat time.

It’s the law that the sea is no longer a time.

When I feel that the law of space is almost the same, Ning Shu feels that I can try to understand the law of time.

Ning Shu does not feel that time is hard to do.

The voice of the uncle sounded in the space, "Go out."

Ning Shu snorted, "Can you go out so fast?"

Such a short time, rounding off, is equivalent to not being in jail.

Since I can go out, Ningshu will not have to rely here.

The space disappeared, Ning Shu's toes fell on the floor, bought a little drink, and went to the consultation room while drinking.

How can she ask the silver-haired man why she should tell her about her fruit.

Although the pear fruit may not be organized now, Ning Shu is still upset.

Ning Shu went to the consultation room, sat in a chair, sipped a drink, and had a sweet drink, which made Ning Shu feel better.

Feel nothing to prepare more candy, nothing to put in a mouth, quite a cure

----- User Tips: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---


So hard and powerful, just to be comfortable, how to feel comfortable, do not care about other people's eyes.

Under the premise of not affecting others, how come you feel comfortable, how to be willful.

The silver-haired man picked up the curtain and came out from the back room. He sat down and asked faintly: "There is nothing to consult."

Ning Shu saw that the silver-haired man seemed to have something happening, and he was not guilty at all.

This psychological quality is very good.

Ning Shu put down the drink and looked at the silver hair man with his chin. "Why did you tell me about my situation?"

The silver-haired man frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Well, still loaded, Ning Shu said: "You have a few in your heart."

Silver-haired man: "Nothing, no impression."

Ning Shu: "..."

How does this make people say good?

Ning Shu: "You tell me that I have a will to die."

The silver-haired man said indifferently: "I am not so busy, let me say, she said who is who, there are other people in the organization know, you ask me, it is better to ask others."

"One is one, I am not that boring."

Silver-haired man: "Is there anything else?"

Oh, the silver-haired man is so arrogant and even careless, but also faintly with a feeling of disdain and fuss.

Ning Shu is speechless. "Who said that?"

The silver-haired man said directly; "I don't know, so many clerk, I still manage what they did, what did they do?"

The number of billions of quests is still more than the number of creatures in a plane.

Silver-haired man: "It is better to ask yourself if you ask me this kind of thing. You don't know what people are saying. Run over and ask me, I will know?"

The silver-haired man said that he has no enemy in his heart.

Originally, I came to question the silver-haired man, but now it has been run by a silver-haired man.

Inexplicably, it seems that the silver-haired man is not waiting to see himself. This is not expected.

Ask about such questions, plus the heart.

Ning Shu cold face did not speak, the task of so many, really, her heart is really not counted, but knowing the will to death is definitely a big man.

As for who revealed it, Ning Shu feels that it is not so important, rumors go out, maybe even let others be jealous, nothing to provoke me.

Since the silver-haired man is in a bad mood, Ning Shu will naturally not stay for the silver-haired man to run.

To say that the run is not talked about, there is a kind of impatience in it.

The silver-haired man said: "Fifty thousand merits."

Ning Shu:? ? ?

This will give money?

Silver-haired man: "If you come to consult, it is natural to give a consulting fee."

The silver-haired man's tone is cool, and it is still like the aristocrats of the middle world.

Ning Shu has drawn 500,000 merits, and other words are too lazy to say.

Summoning a silver-haired man is just like calling a dragon. To summon it is definitely a price.

Ning Shu went out of the consultation room, went to buy a bag of sugar of various flavors, threw one in his mouth, and went to the auction floor to buy the world source for the little mouse.

Since you have promised to give a world the source, you have to give it.

This time I got the energy body, and next time I have to take a little mouse to find other treasures.

To give the mouse a sense of enlightenment, it is that you can get good food.

If you want to eat delicious food, then work hard.

Compared to a world source, it is still energy worth.

(End of this chapter)

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